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Goldy Grins

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Posts posted by Goldy Grins

  1. This is just my opinion, but I think it was the Toa Mata's place in the story.


    In the beginning years, the series was pretty light on story. Yes, we had the comics, the promotional materials, and the MNOLG to show us the Toa's struggle against the evil Makuta. But, that was it.
    We had a huge sandbox in the island of Mata Nui, and the things that weren't explained yet. What was the rest of the world like? Where did the Toa come from? Just who was the evil Makuta? These mysteries allowed for endless imagination and speculation; I saw great stories written by fans, interesting theories made about other locations on what we now know as Aqua Magna, and numerous, fantastic MoCs. There was plenty of wiggle-room in the main story for our own fan-stories to be quasi-canon.


    When the saga continued, the story kind of got more bolted down; there was still plenty of room for fan-created stories, but the mysterious and mystical things started getting explained away. The Great Spirit Mata Nui became a robot, the mythical Great Beings became mundane super scientists, et cetera, et cetera. But at the beginning, there was a lot of freedom to work with, no explanation was set in stone. Endless possibilities. And I think that's a big draw for a building toy like Bionicle.

  2. Aw man, are they finally reviving the Slizers line? Sweet.

    I don't think I'm opposed to a reboot of Bionicle; I found the story towards the end was getting a bit convoluted.
    But whatever happens, I hope they bring back collectables, especially masks. I loved collecting those masks...

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