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Blog Entries posted by Arch-Angel

  1. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    It was with this song I sung to myself while playing pool to get three balls in the pockets and win the game the first night at camp (more on that later) and with it, I beat all my old and new friends.
    Hey There Delilah by Plain White T's.
  2. Arch-Angel
    We went on the highway to get to work.
    Flashbacks of the seventh grade flew across my head.
    Fred was a freshman going into sophomore year. He was an immigrant, and went to my church. Friends with my sister, and always cared. I barely knew him. I just heard he was the one Christian Brazi that people loved because his smile never left his face. He always asked how your family was, whether he personally knew them or not.
    He would be 19 or 20 today.
    I believe it was May 29th, 2005... He was coming home from church in Boston inside his friend's Eclipse. His friend was tired, as it was 1 AM, and he needed someone to keep him company to talk to and keep him awake, otherwise he slept at the wheel. Fred, like the good friend he was, died a good friend keeping his friend company.
    The night before, rain poured down hard like it did today in Massachusetts. The Mass Pike was extremely wet, and the driver was young and didn't care if he was going 90 on a 75 mph zone.
    They hydroplaned into a light pole, which tipped over, killing Fred almost instantly.
    The next day, I cried for a death for the first time.
    Since then, I've tried to be Fred. I do what I can to put a smile on one's face and remain serious in the end. Some of my close friends think it'll be my downfall trying so hard, but Fred was able to do it, and he's my role model.
    The dark clouds and the cold drops of rain only suited me.
    In Memory of Fred
    1990 - 2005
  3. Arch-Angel
    Many people from our old churches think that my dad left my mom because she's fat.
    My dad left my mom because a woman came along almost 15 years younger than him and convinced him that he wasn't in love with my mom (Apparently he left mom now and not sooner because we were born and wanted to wait until we were mature enough to handle it, whatever that means).
    My sister and I were talking about mom and how she might become a train wreck someday soon. In less than five years, my sister plans to move out. In five years, I'm going to be 21, so there isn't a doubt in my mind I'm bouncing out of this place too.
    So, no husband, no kids...
    Just an apartment, alone. No one to come home to. We can get grandma to live with her, but she could pass soon. That would destroy mom even more.
    We want her to date, but she's been too heartbroken since dad to try. She says she can't find a man because she's overweight, which shouldn't matter. Aren't the best men the ones that don't care for appearance (much)?

    Like me? BZP chicas, PM me.
    My sister told me of one time she went to the salon to get her nails done. The one doing her nails knew my mom and sister well as they were frequent customers. Next to her was a mom of a childhood friend of mine. They said hi, yada yada yada, then she asks, "How your mom?"
    Sis answers, "She good. She's doing great."
    The nail salonist goes, "Her mom is very pretty now."
    "Oh, she lost weight?"
    My sister couldn't believe what she said.
    "No, she looks the same," Answered my sister.
    "Oh, guess she hasn't woken up yet, ya know?"

    After mom had me, the doctor prescribed her medicine (I dunno why, but she needed it) and said the meds will either make her lose a lot of weight, or gain a lot. Obviously she gained. Since then she's been trying to lose the weight, shich is seemingly impossible. Diets, exercises, full time commitments!
    The weight stuck.
    Now, people think its the reason my dad left her. My dad lived with her like this for almost 15 years; he got used to it, though there was a point leading up to the break up he said that she wasn't taking good care of her body (moron).
    Just please people, being overweight and obese should matter to the naked eye. Appearance is important, but not something someone should shoot down. I mean, if you want to lose weight, go ahead. If you want to look good while being fat, then look good, while fat. Hey, even Sir Mix-A-Lot said he liked big butts, and he said he was telling the truth.
    Personality and mind is good, appearance?
    I seen too many people obsess over it, and they are the most stuck up group of people you shall ever meet.
    Don't judge a book by its cover, a computer by its monitor, a person by their color, age, speech, or body weight.
  4. Arch-Angel
    Its been rough since the break-up, I'll admit. I mean, Wrack said it best that time heals all wounds. So don't worry about me.
    Because ever since, almost everyone close to me is trying to get me back in the dating game.

    Taki, Ryuu (those of you that know her), my sister, my sister's friends, my dad, my friend's dad, have been stressing how I should get back in the game.
    Said game would be simpler to get back into if I didn't live in the biggest town in the United States (<-Which is fact) when I used to live in the smallest town in the state.
    I got my old job back for the summer. Working with dad as a maintenance man, and the occasional fellow employee. Got $320 for the past two weeks, and I finally feel like middle class to upper middle class. Plus, I can buy a Diet Pepsi at every opportunity.
    Shut up and get used to the dash lines. I'm losing my blogging groove.
    I have a prayer request.
    My childhood friend, Fernanda.
    Used to go to Sunday School with her. We used to live in the same 'hood. Her, her sister Jessica, and I used to bike around.
    Love her like family.
    She's 16 and pregnant, and is getting married to her 23-year-old boyfriend.
  5. Arch-Angel
    First off, like Wall-E, you're all going to say it was the greatest movie ever.
    It probably won't be.
    The only reason your head contemplated this was because of the amazing amount of good advertising. And the death of Heath Ledger? His last performance must be amazing (as if he knew it would be the last time).
    So, please refrain from giving it a 10 out of 10 stars on IMDb like they did on Wall-E. I have seen Wall-E, it was good, but not number 22 on best movie in history.
    I'll see The Dark Knight soon enough. But I know movies. For it to be number 3 on the IMDb list is quite annoying ON OPENING WEEKEND.
  6. Arch-Angel
    Why hasn't anyone made a song?
    That can fit my heart
    Give hope
    For a brand new start
    That can make me whole...
    I had my love
    break me for
    Sweet as an angel
    From the heavens above
    She broke me
    So I could
    Over the mountains
    Through the seas
    I know that she
    can see me
    crying on my knees
    because she has
    set me
    Never shall I forget that day
    When we broke up, in a loving way
    My heart smashed
    My drink turned ash
    And I laid... shattered...
    Over the mountains
    Through the seas
    I know that she
    can see me
    crying on my knees
    because she has
    set me
    The sun shined
    weeks on end
    But the rain pouring
    on my head
    Single and
    Hating it
    Every single moment
    I live.
    Over the mountains
    Through the seas
    I know that she
    can see me
    crying on my knees
    because she has
    set me
    I'm still young
    I've got time
    love is there
    for me to find
    but search is hard
    a painful task
    who can see me
    under the mask?
    Not those girls
    They see lies
    A dove outside
    a crow inside
    Lying through my heart
    am I
    Over the mountains
    Through the seas
    I know that she
    can see me
    crying on my knees
    because she has
    set me
    Over the mountains
    Through the seas
    I know that she
    can see me
    crying on my knees
    because she has
    set me
  7. Arch-Angel
    The following took place last night (July 3rd). Its been edited by staff member Kohaku, and double-checked by Makaru to make sure it stayed well within the rules.
    I forgot to press F2 for the time of each IM, but keep in mind, the further it went, the longer it took for each IM.
    bionigirl: I know...I'm late. I'm very sorry.
    Jon Batista 91: its alright =)

    bionigirl: Carnival tomorrow. This one guy I met that lives down the road keeps asking me.
    bionigirl: I hear that there was something between you and some other girl?

    bionigirl: Care to tell me about that?
    Jon Batista 91: yeah...
    Jon Batista 91: I had this small crush on this girl way back in my old town. Before you and I we're in a relationship, I had a thought in asking her out. I just recently talked to her on AIM and I found out I still have a small crush on her. Half of my conscience wanted to ask her out, the other half slapped me in the face and reminded me of who I really loved.
    bionigirl: Hundreds of miles away.
    Jon Batista 91: since then (last night) I've been thinking about it.

    Jon Batista 91: I felt like I almost took the same steps as my dad
    bionigirl: Jon, can I ask you something serious?
    Jon Batista 91: yeah

    bionigirl: Have you ever thought about breaking up with me?
    Jon Batista 91: never!

    Jon Batista 91: My only fear is you breaking up with me

    Jon Batista 91: and me cheating on you. ><

    bionigirl: Haha.
    Jon Batista 91: I was watching the news the other day
    Jon Batista 91: and they had a segment on the warm weather and show a clip of the beach
    Jon Batista 91: during a sunset
    Jon Batista 91: every sunset I see, whether in real life or TV, I always think of you there at my side as we watch it
    bionigirl: Is that healthy for you, Jon? I read your blog, I talk to Phil. You love me, and you know I love you. But...you love me so much...well, I love you...It's just hard to understand where you're basing your love.
    Jon Batista 91: I don't know...
    Jon Batista 91: When we were talking back in November, I found you as the perfect girl
    Jon Batista 91: funny, smart, wise, and beautiful
    bionigirl: You make me sound like a mother.
    Jon Batista 91: XD

    Jon Batista 91: well, I always imagine us together
    Jon Batista 91: and I just want to show you that I love you
    Jon Batista 91: so everything in that blog

    Jon Batista 91: is just me venting how I long for that day we see each other in person
    bionigirl: Tell me about the girl.

    Jon Batista 91: back in Maynard, we talked to each other through friends, and I always found her fun and cute
    Jon Batista 91: she grew up, and became a lot of things I'm not
    Jon Batista 91: so I stayed away from her a bit, but I talked to her
    Jon Batista 91: she's got a good personality, yeah
    Jon Batista 91: and she's attractive
    Jon Batista 91: so basically my conscience stopped the hormones from kicking in and doing the wrong thing
    bionigirl: But, why were you tempted to ask her out the other day?
    bionigirl: I know it's probably embarrassing, but could you explain that a little more?
    Jon Batista 91: I wanted to go out with her, and get lucky
    Bionigirl: Jon...I want you to be happy.
    Jon Batista 91: I am happy
    Jon Batista 91: its just being a boy at 16 that stinks ><
    Bionigirl: Jon, I want you to be in a normal relationship. With dates and kissing and fights and expressible love...
    Bionigirl: Yes, that's a word.
    Jon Batista 91: but Karley...
    Jon Batista 91: I'd rather wait to have those with you
    Bionigirl: But how do you know?
    Bionigirl: How do you know you'd rather wait? What if...what if there's someone out there actually better than me?
    Bionigirl: Because trust me, I'm a pretty messed up gal.
    Jon Batista 91: lol
    Jon Batista 91: I like a girl with faults
    Bionigirl: When it comes down to it, no matter how much I love you...I can't stand to think about how much I'm keeping you from.
    Bionigirl: You obviously know where I'm going with this...
    Jon Batista 91: yes...

    Bionigirl: You know I love you. But...we're kids. And life isn't easy. I can't stay in any actual relationships because of my moving around constantly, besides you. And I know you'd want me to pray about this before I made any decisions.
    Bionigirl: So every night I prayed. And every night it became more clear to me that I'm hurting you, even if you don't realize it, by loving you and keeping you to myself. Because while I want to be loved, I care about you so much that I don't want you to have to be "alone" without me forever.
    Jon Batista 91: so you want to break up?
    Bionigirl: So if that comparison you made was correct, I feel like in the way that I will sacrifice the love of my life, the most amazing, selfless, wonderful, talented, loving, cute, adorable, and strong man that I think about all day, because even though I know this hurts (trust me, I know), I want you to live and go through trials and experiences. And if after that you honestly say you haven't been happy without dating me, then we'll consider where we're going.
    Bionigirl: But yes, Jon. I do. But I'm not a total heartbreaker. I'll let you say every negative though, the worst things you're thinking. I want you to not restrain yourself.
    Jon Batista 91: why do you have to be so smart?
    Bionigirl: So I don't get shot when I'm not looking.
    Jon Batista 91: every love song... It was you. Every moment I spent talking with another girl, you were there controlling me... and I never felt alone in a room when there was you, staring back on my Zune background
    Bionigirl: By the way, my hair is red, now. If I can sneak you a picture, I'm sure you'd enjoy how funky it looks. Cassey messed it up. It was the last time I saw her.
    Jon Batista 91: I'd like that...
    Bionigirl: I want you to have the...honor, if thats what you can call this, of doing the deed, Jonathan.
    Jon Batista 91: the deed?
    Bionigirl: The breaking up...
    Jon Batista 91: thought so
    Bionigirl: Wait...
    Bionigirl: before you do...
    Bionigirl: *kisses Jon with her heart*
    Bionigirl: Okay...you can do it now.
    Jon Batista 91: Karley
    Jon Batista 91: many nightmares were there about what would happen on this day
    Jon Batista 91: unfortunately, they were more visions
    Jon Batista 91: I don't know if the dreams of us together in the future were visions as well

    Jon Batista 91: but I pray so
    Jon Batista 91: but today
    Jon Batista 91: we're only friendss'
    Jon Batista 91: find another boy
    Jon Batista 91: someone you can stay with
    Jon Batista 91: be happy

    Jon Batista 91: if you happened to get married, I'm not sure I'll be there

    Jon Batista 91: but I will live my life knowing that you're happy
    Jon Batista 91: so today, you are not my girlfriend
    Jon Batista 91: nor am I your boyfriend
    Bionigirl: I'll always love you, Jon. Don't ever doubt that. But I want you to have a life...try to love without me.
    Jon Batista 91: thats as easy as trying to live without a beating heart
    Bionigirl: I feel bad, Jonny. You know I do.
    Jon Batista 91: I know...
    Jon Batista 91: you know
    Jon Batista 91: I don't think there's a song for this one...
    Bionigirl: Phil'd know.
    Bionigirl: I'll be online during the summer. We are gonna stay friends, be sure of that. Because it's the only way to get through the pain. Night, Jonny. Talk to you soon.
    Jon Batista 91: night Karley...
    " we're only friendss' " part was probably the hardest and longest time I took for three words to get out.
    I was drinking a Diet Pepsi at the time. It tasted like what it exactly is; chemicals. I emptied the can and threw it on the ground.
    I've shed my tears.
    Twenty-four hours later, I put on a fake smile and spend time with my mom. We watched Wall-E. It was good. Took my mind off things.
    I usually recover from initial shock of trauma within the first hour.
    Still recovering.
    My hands always feel heavy thinking about it. Pepsi is no longer sweet to my mouth. Makes it dry for some reason.
    I wonder if she went out with that guy down the street yet. I want her to keep her mind off me. She's beautiful, she'll find a guy in a second.
    Looks like I'm back in the singles game...
    But I forgot how to play.
    I'm just gonna end this entry now...
  8. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    In recent events, this is the only song that can describe best of what I'm feeling.
    We broke up.
    Ghost of You by My Chemical Romance.
  9. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.

    Song of the Day 52, people.

    Don't Fear The Reaper by Blue Oyster Cult
  10. Arch-Angel
    Tonight was fun, really.
    And at the end, educational.
    This year was filled with click flicks. Sex and the City, What Happens In Vegas, etc.
    Though once every year, Hollywood makes one movie that justifies everything for the male side of the race.
    Last year's was 300.
    This year's...
    Full review on it, later...
    The end of the night, after my dad and I eat at UNO (Rattlesnake Pasta, no jalapenos por favor) plus grab some things from CVS (I pronounce it completely. Cv's.) he talked to me some in the car before I step into the lobby of the apartment. He asks a few things just about everything I've done or am going to do, and we part ways.
    I told him about my new routine, which is going to the park near downtown and play baseball with the guys I've known my entire life. I tell him I first got into it because of Saulo. Saulo, I've known for as long as I remember. He's like another dad (and a freakin' good one too) to me. Love the guy. He's fun, he's nice, I've worked with him too before working for my dad last year when I was around 12 or 13. He was great. I truly love the guy like family, never done me wrong.
    So when I tell my dad that Saulo invited a couple weeks back to play ball, he starts going on...
    He say's that after the whole thing, Saulo started to treat him much differently.
    When he was driving around, he saw Saulo pass him by going around the corner. They obviously saw each other. My dad waved and said, "Hey, Saulo!" and Saulo gave him the cold shoulder. A complete ignore. Turns away, and keeps driving.
    Another time, they were in the same aisle at Home Depot, and my dad greeted him like before, and the cold shoulder. Saulo's aware of everything around him. He doesn't wander off in thought, he pays attention to many things.
    Dad goes on to say that Saulo shouldn't judge him for leaving my mom. He says that he should mind his business, because someday he's going to need him and he will give the cold shoulder to that. He used a Brazilian expression, "You can't plant beans and expect rice. You can't plant apples and expect to get oranges."
    After some trailing off that topic and me FINALLY leaving his SUV, I told my mom this, and she said the following:
    "Saulo use to look up to dad when he was a pastor, like dad was a great guy. After the thing, he was broken."
    It seems that my father broke more hearts than I thought.
    Sometimes I wonder...
    Sometimes I worry...
    I'm afraid, really.
    I have bad daydreams where I consider the concept of what if I done what my dad did to my future wife and kids?
    I even talked to Omi about this, a little. I told him I'm afraid to be a dad. If I have a daughter, I don't want her to be the high school my mom. If I have a son, I don't want him to be an alcoholic, pot smoking, druggie or drug seller. I don't want him cutting his wrists when he's super stressed. I don't want him to a fool. Nor my daughter. Those are the two biggest fears in my future life.
    I sometime think that I should spare my wife and kids the trouble. Never get married, never have kids, nothing. Live my life, and move on to the next (<-too Christian for ya?). But Omi said I should take the risk. There's a chance I won't do what my dad did, and there's a chance I won't have that happen.
    His words are encouraging, but the fear still lingers.
    Especially with how good of a friend I apparently am with everyone. I believe when someone asks for something, give them twice of whats expected. Hendrick, friend of mine back in Maynard (mentioned him once before), talked about how good of a friend I was because I bought him lunch at MickyD's just so we could stay the place and talk. Friend of mine, Kory, says I'm amazing sometimes. Lluvio said the same.
    Now what would happen if I pulled a Dad and break all their hearts?
    I feel my betrayal of you all coming. I know it.
    I feel like one day, at the peak of life, when everything is going great... I got wife that loves me, I got the kids that want to be me, and I got the friends who never want to leave my side, that I'll commit one single action that'll break whatever foundation they had with me, and it all goes to heck.
    My dad did that.
    Eventually, I'm pretty sure I will too...
  11. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.

    AKA, bad Ema!
    *Sigh* I can't believe I agreed to this... This song is to me and Bubbly is to Bunda.
    Love Song by Sara Bareilles.
  12. Arch-Angel
    Because so many of you have absolutely no idea who Bionigirl is... I did this for Dok via PM, but I guess it all of you need to know.
    Back in 2003, I was playing in the first Code: Lyoko RPG in the Completely Off Topic section. During that time, I grew up as a writer and as an role player, and thank it for it's creation, for more than a few reasons. The best?
    I met her.
    BZP member Taki had a friend who liked Code: Lyoko as well, and had her come on BZPower to play in the RPG. We talked very few times as the years went on, but in all the conversations, they lasted for quite a while.
    Last year, I felt horrible. Life was going now the drain, I was becoming an introvert yet again, and I was moving back into a town I've got some bad blood with. Taki, now my best friend and brother in Christ, knew someone else with difficulties in their own life. He gave me the AIM screen name, Bionigirl, and I put it on my buddy list. She IMed me first, so obviously Taki suggested me to her as well.
    We talked, we laughed, we shared moments with each other, and we both realized one thing: We felt love.
    It was strange, I'll admit. I've had many crushes (and I mean crushes </3) on many girls in the past. A few relationships, but I broke them because there was no spark. It wasn't true love, those past relationships.
    Now, I'm talking to a girl in Illinois who was as sweet as an angel, and felt like a gift from God Himself. Within two days... long-distance relationship.
    I talked to her regularly, and with a few bumps on the road taken away, we finally hit a mountain.
    You see, Bionigirl is in foster care. When she was younger (about 13), her parents abandoned her and her sister thinking that they were doing drugs thanks to her brother trying to save his own hide. Many other problems occurred, and they put her and her little sister in foster care. They were adopted, for a time, and around December, she was taken from her parents and put into foster care yet again, thanks to her original parents wanting her back (they lost the case, but were able to get her out of the foster parents' home). Ever since, she's been going to different orphanages and foster homes across the states (not Alaska or Hawaii).
    So here we are. Once in a great while, she'll be able to get her laptop back from lockup and find some miracle to connect to the internet, and talk to me.
    Like today, right now. =)
  13. Arch-Angel
    I know this girl that claims to have visions in her sleep.
    Yeah, I know.
    (I guess that fits any initial reaction)
    She says that she has random visions of events that are going to happen. She said she had a vision where I would walk in while she was taking her History exam so I could finish my exam. Sure enough, it happens.
    She had a vision of me giving her my AIM screen name (though didn't see what it was) and I did.
    After those events, and when we talked some more, she told me about this.
    Truly, I didn't believe a word of it. But more thing stuck on me like a grenade with superglue.
    She said the night before I told her about Bionigirl, she already knew who she was.
    Which was months ago.
    I started asking questions, chasing for answers like a dog running after a treat tied to a string. What was I wearing? Where was the location? What did I look like?
    I was wearing a royal blue shirt, location unknown, and I didn't look any older or much older at all than I do right now.
    'I wanna say this year," she said.
    So, after discussion after discussion later, she invites me to hang out with her and her friends (all guys. She's a tomboy) today at the Natick Collection. Longest I've ever spent in the place with this much enjoyment. Made new friends. Paul, The Chill. Ryan, The Con-Artist. Raf, her boyfriend (and fellow Brazi). Jesse, The Hippie. And this kind-of stalker guy I had to stalk for a minute to get him off our backs. Apparently a friend. I think it's Joe...? Hmm...
    I grabbed my Historian amigo Josh along for the party. Mall's the last place he'd be, but he seemed comfortable enough.
    Well, we had plenty of fun in the mall. F.Y.E., Spencer's, food court, Irish store, JCPenny's (we hung out at the recliners for like a freakin' hour in total. We came back after the food court again), Food Court (the return of the recliners!), CVS, caught Stalker Joe, and the food court again.
    It was five hours of having a good time. Strange right?
    Not a hitch.
    The entire time, in my ROYAL BLUE American Eagle shirt, in a very public place, I'm looking around, I'm glancing at every girl's face, looking for any similarities that might occur. The only chance of this is on what was believed to be A VISION. Half of me is saying, "It's crud. Don't worry about it. Have a good time, stop looking for her because she isn't there."
    The other part of me is saying, "That her? No. Darn... ... ... H-Nope... Ugh... Where could she be?"
    After my 5 hour search plus fun, Kory leaves, shrugging off that Bionigirl hasn't appeared (sigh) and I wait for my ride with Historian Josh, Paul The Chill, and Stalker Joe (who for some reason is still here).
    I decide, considering its been a long while, and I'm depressed beyond belief, and considering my ride's with the Historian, to leave my things with him and take the money I have left and buy a De-Caff Diet Pepsi at the D'angelo's in the food court.
    As I walked there, I saw this girl...
    Dark hair, white, punk-ish, and looks like her, got in line for MickyD's.
    The entire time I'm in line and D'angelo's, I am staring at her.
    "Is it her?"
    My heart was racing. I got my Diet Pepsi, and made a slow walk towards her. As I walked by, I called her name loud enough for her to hear, being only four feet away.
    No response.
    I turn back to my direction, keeping one foot in front of the other.
    I sat back down, without a word to the guys and waited for Josh's dad (my ride too) to get here.
    I turned and saw the girl again.
    She wasn't the girl of my dreams. She was my false illusion.
    It was Satan playing tricks on me. I heart is crushed, my mind's tired from the excitement of the entire day, and I wished the Diet Pepsi had something in it to KO me, if not lethal poison.
    I've been off the rest of the day. My report card comes, I'm smacked in the face by summer school and three F's, I lose concentrated thought on problems I should help with (sorry Tee) and I've been increasingly swearing.
    Lord knows the times when I'm not swearing. When I'm engulfed with His presence, or talking to her.
    I've unfortunately haven't been to church...
    And it's been months since I've directly talked to her...
    And I won't give in.
    Not today.
    Not tomorrow.
    Not at the end of the world.
  14. Arch-Angel
    What I always notice in emotional times is that you gain much experience from it and the solutions to solve them that will help you answer others when they ask for help.
    I just got asked too many questions and I felt a lot of stress. I didn't want to admit it, but I was stressing out from all the questions asked and it was driving me towards...
    When, blowing up like a firecracker.
    When I'm stressed, I become nostalgic (its a first time I used that word). I just think of times of the past but in the future.
    Like this:
    Small urban town, a couple of motorcycles, three of my guy friends, Bionigirl, a home, three meals a day, we rely on an alternative fuel so the economy is up, a 20 oz. Diet Pepsi only costs a dollar twenty-five, and every weekend, my friends and I go to the movies, and church on Sundays.
    That's what I call paradise.
    It gets me mad when I believe I'll never get that, and soon all I want to do is nothing but watch the TV (then I'm angry at commercials for taking so long) and be on my computer. But always, always, there is a demand for me to do something, like chores my sister is too lazy to do.
    I soon become a perfectionist. Yesterday, I spent all evening and most of the night looking for a Vista Theme for my Windows XP. When I downloaded the program, I never knew where to go from there. There wasn't any directions, but all the comments below from the people that downloaded it were saying "I love it!" a tiny complaint, but the good out-weighted the bad. That brought more frustration.
    A good night's sleep helped the storming mind I had calm down. I'm good now, but I'd rather not do that again. <<
    I finished cleaning my room so my mom could stop bothering me about it, and it sets a good aura. The sun's out, I'm not being bothered currently, and I'm listening to some hardcore.
    The song suggestions helped. Thanks guys.
  15. Arch-Angel
    Right now, there is some kind of stress in my life I never before faced (never being in this position) and I have a lot of worry over a few friends of mine. Right now, I'd like it to be between me, Taki, Tee, and Bionigirl. A lot of it has to do with the very fiber of my being, and a lot of mental thought must be placed for this. All I ask for is some prayer and maybe a few song suggestion to help ease the pain.
    Thanks guys.
  16. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    Karley, please.
    Stay strong.
    I love you.
    Move Along by All-American Rejects
  17. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    Yeah, its Father's Day.
    That's why I chose this song.
    Dear Mama by 2Pac
  18. Arch-Angel
    Songs I listen to on the treadmill:
    Far Away by Nickelback
    Thunder by Boys Like Girls
    On Top of the World by Boy Like Girls
    Ocean Avenue by Yellow Card
    The Rock Show by Blink 182
    All. Love. Songs. Suggestions greatly appreciated.
    I think I've found a drive to my Summer Marathon, you know, something to keep me going.
    I imagine myself in one of the most popular marathons among athletes, The Boston Marathon. When I was a tot, my parents brought me to the marathon as it crossed through our town, and when we lived in the ghetto, it was only a block away. The runners run 26 miles in the cold, sometimes raining, sometimes against mixed showers, in the cold to prove only one thing: that they could do it.
    I've never, ever thought I'd consider running the marathon.
    For the past three runs on the treadmill, I've imagined a prize at the end of the 26 miles.
    I don't care about no cash prize or finally being the dude to beat Robert K. Cheruiyot (winner of the last Boston Marathon, and I believe all the other ones. You know him as the Kenyan with the funny shoes), or proving to myself that I can do it.
    All I do is imagine myself running down the final stretch, sprinting, only running because I know she's there, and Robert K. Cheruiyot and I are neck and neck. The people are cheering, my Zune is blaring, Robert is making these loud puffing sounds that are annoying and he arms are moving so fast his sweat is hitting me which is completely disgusting, I got a cramp in my rib, my knees are killing me because the Mueller Knee Braces have met their days back at Heartbreak Hill, and my throat is cold from the frigid air. I'm sweating buckets and my body is constantly screaming swear words at me with each beat of sweat.
    As me and multi-time marathon winner close in on the finish line, kicking it up a notch with a sprint, I see one face running out of the crowd.
    My body forgets about the pain, that, or my brain put those nerves on hold. I pass my competitor, about to think home the victory. I was going to make history. My name would be in the papers, the TV, across the nation (even for a short 15 minute segment), and all over the state.
    She goes under the tape for the winner to cross, and runs towards me.
    I slow down, and pick her up in a swooping hug, feet away from the finish line, and we kiss for the first time.
    Robert passes the finish line, taking the wreath woven from olive branches and the money, and wins yet another Boston Marathon.
    I got the girl.
    We cross the finish line, hand and hand, and after a shower, I take her out to lunch.
    Sure, my body's exhausted and I'll want to sleep forever, but I am NOT going to miss my first date with her!
  19. Arch-Angel
    The past six days have been...
    I basically did what is what seems to be a peaceful routine. Go to school, talk to friends, have conversations going through multiple topics, and a skill to be able separate the wise from the false prophets.
    The wise will know what to say and with meaning.
    The false prophets are those filled with knowledge. The only catch being they have an opinion or observation on it.
    Like Mr. McNeill.
    Speaking of the man, let me show you my conclusion as to being taught by him for well over one hundred days.
    React on emotion.
    Well someone ticks off Mr. MacbethMcNeill, he will make them either submit under their own will when they don't know enough English or when they do, leave the class.
    Thats not bad, thats just regular teacher justice. If I had it my way, I'd give the ol' fashion Latina mama butt-whoopin', and I know what those felt like. Those told you "Yo no carro again!"
    Instead, he turns to the class and says "Congratulations, _________ has just bought you all an essay. I want an essay in MLA format, rough draft, final draft typed and double spaced, due this _______."
    I chuckle in disbelief.
    You shouldn't do that to your class. I don't care if you have the right or power, you piece of ####, you're reacting upon emotion. Thats stupidity. You aren't doing your job, you just want the rest of us to suffer from one person's disagreement with you.
    Another thing.
    Two weeks ago, he gave us a grammar packet. Each night, the homework would be to do whatever he assigned us to do. I didn't do it, of course, not in retaliation but I've bombed English 10 like Hiroshima. I could have done all my homework for this term, aced the final perfectly... and he would still have trouble deciding whether or not he'd recommend me for summer school. The F's of the past mark you like scars, people, don't forget that in High School all you middle school graduates.
    What he did, because he felt so right doing so, was have the class take a quiz...
    He had us seated at our desks (he lets me sit on the comfy chairs he has because he still thinks I have a pilonidal cyst described here. Thats right, I'm not embarrassed by it anymore) and goes randomly from student to student asking them to define terms that would seem so simple if he didn't want the answer to be 100 per-freakin'-cent correct.
    "What is an adverb Catarina?"
    "An adverb... um..."
    "No um's, minus one."
    "Go on! Answer the question!"
    "An adverb is-"
    "Minus ten points."
    "You were suppose to say 'An adverb modifies an adjective, a verb, or another adverb. Pat! Come on, moron! (<-calls Pat that regularly. Pat doesn't mine I believe) For half-credit, what is an adverb?"
    So on and so forth.
    But the biggest catch to this?
    He took it off the percentage of our last grade. Say someone go a one hundred on their last grade and that was the only thing keeping them passing for the year. We went down 70 percent.
    So that assignment was at a 30. Which is an F.
    With what he was doing, I was building up a storm inside, ready to let out an argument enough to shut him down like a five-star restaurant with rats. What did I care? I'm failing this class worse than anyone else, so why not?
    I refrained to do so because he would've taken points off for the rest of the class, who have worked hard for their grade. Two people were already failing at this point.
    Otherwise, Mr. McNeill is just another guy with a lot of knowledge and an opinion on it. Plus, he can keep up a good conversation.
  20. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    Bionigirl, this one is for you.
    Thunder by Boys Like Girls.
  21. Arch-Angel
    And I was just getting used to the ponies. ;;
    What was that? Like, 4 days?
    Makaru = Shredder
    Smeagol4 = Krang
    Omicron = Splinter
    Nikira = Donatello
    Tufi = April O'Neil (with mad driving skillz says Shredder)
    Kex = Seymour Gutz (more fit for Omi)
    Foot Soldier = bzpmakaru: No one important
    Electric Turahk = Casey Jones
    Dr. Bionicle = Rat King
    More to be listed.
  22. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    Song suggested by Necro. Necro, where the necks go.
    This is such a great song to have stuck in your head. So much so when listening to it, I got a headache from the head bashing during the guitar solo. The lyrics tell a story of a poor boy who killed a man and must now face the death sentence, yet the band was able to make it such a fun song. Its infamous across the web, with parodies and some acid.
    Ladies and jets...
    Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen.
  23. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    I got a bunch of song suggestions, so I might as well start giving rid of them.
    This song happens to be popular in the blog-o-sphere as many entries mention it. It became a favorite quick, though I myself don't love it for some reason (dunno why), I got to say what the people say.
    Its good.
    The song title might become my new catchphrase:
    Viva La Vida by Coldplay.
  24. Arch-Angel
    The Summer Marathon is going along well. Two nights ago I had to run two miles instead of one because I missed Monday (sister and mom took it upon themselves to stay out all day <<) and I'm back to a regular basis in the SM.
    I just desected a frog. Apparently I'm the only one with the willpower to continue. Everyone else was shanking the frog but me (how ironic) and as soon as we opened up the stomach, I was basically by myself for the rest of it. Meh... Ah well.
    My hands smell though... stupid gloves... Gonna wash them at the end of this entry.
    A lot of my girl friends (not girlfriends) asked about Bionigirl. I've explained it so many times I can repeat it in my sleep, but she stays in my heart...
    I'll wait for you.
    Why must public school education become harder before the summer? Seriously.
    Oh yeah, Finals.

    Anyways, not much to note other than MCAS.
    Yes, had MCAS again.
    It was annoying. How so?
    Two reasons.
    1. Biology. Bombed the test like the class. I'll be taking it again next year, I know it.
    2. Kory.
    Kory is a good friend of mine. She's a Japanese loving white girl who's actions are that of a cat.
    More like a kitty.
    After I finishedbombed the test, she came up the my desk (located at the front of the class so there's room) to quietly annoy me but in a good way. We wrote notes on my notebook to each other, mostly me yelling at her for tying my shoes together, tying my shoes to my desk, and tying my shoes to together AND the desk. Needless to say people were looking to us for entertainment as I'm mentally tortured by her.
    And she kinda ruined my first doodle in a long time. Was making it for Bionigirl, hoping she'd see it on this blog, but there will be other times. Just to know she can read this makes me happy. Wish I could read hers but hey, at least I got this deal.
    Guy in my class just now opened an air compressor a bit and I got up cautiously, heart beating and my body was still choosing which to use: The Fight or Flight fuction.
    That scared the crud outta me...
    Well, bell's gonna ring, bye y'all.
  25. Arch-Angel
    Got to say, My Chemical Romance rules my playlist on my mp3 right now. Most songs from one band, topping Breaking Benjamin, Simple Plan, 2Pac, Boys Like Girls, and LostProphets.
    Total of six songs...
    I might as well buy one of the albums...
    Back to the actual entry.
    Woke up at 7 AM this morning to attend my new church. Trying to get the whole groove of it because it's much different than the small church I had back in my old town. In my old town, we went to multiple passages in the Bible to understand the sermon. In my new church, not so much. Maybe five verses, an example in real life and the point is made. Though today I tried meeting the youth group today, though I actually ended up in I believe she said the smallest class, and the youth co-pastor(I'm guessing) wasn't doing too good. A for effort, F for everything else.
    Especially when she said something that completely contradicted what was said in the Bible. ><
    Whoa boy...
    After church, we (I go to the church with my friend Thiago and his family instead of mine) go to his brother Diego's apartment complex for a cookout and pool. My apartment building had construction on our pool, so I dunno if it's open now or what...
    So, like an genius I am, I eat sausages, beef and some pork with rice, plus seconds. And home-made ice cream.
    Though before then, I had some of their rice cakes... Not bad... healthy... something to munch on... Be gone in two days, but still... Gotta get my hand on those things.
    I go to the pool after an hour and a half after eating (Exploding cops in GTA IV is worth the wait) and do three backflips/Sentons/Swantons, race Thiago a bit (he sucks XD) and call it a day.
    Long story short, go home, get ready, go to the gym to begin the first day of my Summer Marathon.
    My gosh, I was sweating buckets.
    Never have I ran a mile on a treadmill and had sweat going down my forehead! I'm in worse shape than I thought!
    Well, thats gonna change, now isn't it?
    I'm going to continue my diet and exercise, at least try and remember what kind of commitment I'm trying to set here. I guess I'll take this as the one sweets day ~BD~ talked about.
    Oh, and one last thing:
    *shank* is my thing! No one *shanks* but me!
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