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Blog Entries posted by Arch-Angel

  1. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    Come on people, I know you know that you have songs for this blog. Necro has been a real big help in this.

    Sunshine of your Love by Cream

  2. Arch-Angel
    I got emotional last night. After my last entry, I soon started crying. I couldn't stop thinking about hm.
    Still can't.
    The morning, lunch, after school, he's still in my heart for some reason.
    Something about Beliwa that just...cracked me open again.
    I've decided to leave something in memory of him. But not just him. Everyone that I knew that has passed away. I never knew Beliwa, but I was connected with him in some way. I mourned his passing, as I did others. I never want to forget them.
    I made this.
    Each dove in my content block represents everyone I knew that has passed. I never want to forget them, and with these, I never will.




    Maybe you'll use them too.

  3. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    I was going through the Book of many Faces and I saw someone comment on a pic of them at a beach and how they can't wait for the summer.
    Beautiful, bright, sunny, (romantic?), summer.
    Warmth, sun, fun, friends...
    Guess I should start looking forward to 2009...
    ...Romance... hmm...
    Is that what'll make me happy?
    Broken Man by Boys Like Girls
  4. Arch-Angel
    He's a lucky man,
    More than you know,
    Promised to be true,
    Never to let go,
    Seems so simple to comprehend,
    But why is this message so hard to send?
    I barely know you,
    Can't pronounce your last name,
    But dang it girl believe me,
    The feeling has remained.
    They say the eyes are a portal to the soul,
    You look into mine,
    I carry a gaping hole,
    But looking into yours,
    I start feeling whole.
    Blue as the Lord could possibly make,
    Your eyes are perfect, not one mistake,
    And at the sight of you, my heart quakes.
    How could you possess such a man?
    A simple glance from you,
    I turn to sand.
    I won't call it love, that's just insane,
    Tomorrow morning, I hope the feeling's not the same,
    But I know it will, that is true,
    And I'll ask myself again why I carry,
    such attraction to you.
  5. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    Almost forgot this...
    This song is the best to the end of a movie after a great and life-changing experience. It ran through my mind most of today, and I figured out, 'Hey, I have a blog to update!'
    To reminiscing and remembering, and to honoring the heroes of our time...
    Leave The Memories Alone by Fuel
  6. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    This song plays in my head whenever insomnia has it's way with me. It's the hardest thing to kill, insomnia...
    I'll shank it eventually...
    I know I've been using this band in my SotDs a lot, but trust me, you've got a few coming up from different bands.
    Sleep by My Chemical Romance.
  7. Arch-Angel
    It seems unavoidable. And I see it coming.
    Once its close to fall, everyone is falling in love.
    Maybe its called "Fall" not for the leaves afterall.
    Anyways, I might as well tell you about the girl.
    This girl is new this year, and she's cute. Everyone keep telling me how hot she is and all, but don't like her for that. Heck, I don't think I like like her at all for that matter.
    I'll tell you how it started first off.
    First day of school, everyone is talking about this new brazilian girl and how she's hot and all.
    I'm thinking,"Okay, I bet I can spot her right off the bat."
    I can. And I do. You should know (read first blog entry).
    She can understand very little English, and that goes for her speech too. When she sat behind me in History, and tried to tell the teacher about her Language difficulty, I turn around, and in a cool way, asked in Portuguese,"Brazilian huh?"
    She sighed in relief,"Finally!"
    From what I learned then on was great. She's 17, lived in America for two months, formerly lived in a city south of my Brazilian State Sao Paulo, and she likes Big Macs! Not a fan of the latter, but there is more to her.
    Thing is, I haven't known her long enough. I maybe street bred, but I'm different from the other guys. I like(d) Bionicle, I like to read, I like to get to know a girl first.
    Maybe BZP only know the true me.
    But to tell you all the truth, I haven't felt feelings for a girl since the beginning of July. I've felt empty.
    I feel... Fearless.
    Maybe thats why I welcome danger with a open hand.
    If I die like this, then I go with little regret.

  8. Arch-Angel
    I know some people think negatively, but I really do myself.
    I think about getting jumped. For some reason, I'm constantly ready to fight. I have no enemies. I have nothing to worry about.
    Then why do I not let my guard down?
    I observe people. I look at them and think about what I can do if I were attacked by them.
    I grew up a fighter. Anger came about when I was little. Heck, I used to hit other babies on the head when they stole my Thomas the Train Engine toy from my hands. One shot, they cry, and the Rugrat that I was no more than a few months to two years old.
    I watched Power Rangers like any kid back in the 90s. Grew up thinking I knew Karate.
    I remember my first fight. I was 5-years-old, and I was up against a thrid grader.
    He said,"Gimme your best shot."
    So I went up and punched him repeatedly in the gut and he went down.
    It was weird. I did nothing but fight.
    I'm not a skinny guy. I'm not a fat guy. I'm a descently strong guy that practiced fighting for 15 years on the street. I'm Street Breed.
    But, I don't want to fight.
    Its impossible to stop now. I'm challenged constantly, I win constantly, and I never turn down a challenge.
    What can I do?
    Because fighting is the only thing I'm probably good at. And I am seriously considering the WWE as a career.

  9. Arch-Angel
    I don't know what to celebrate anymore. I mean, I'm more than happy that I celebrate a holiday for its true meaning about the Son of God coming to Earth to save us and not a jolly old fat man that should be charged for breaking and entering every year on the 25th of December. You'd think that if we know where he's going to be, we'd catch him by now.
    The point is, as a kid, Christmas would be a great time of year. Warm cozy home, comfortable, family love...
    Now cold apartment, uncomfortable, chores, family torn apart by sorrow...
    The background music of a day at the beach playing on my new, bought used, Kingdom Hearts game I got myself yesterday at Gamestop...
    Makes me want to go throw rocks at Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen.
    How do you freakin' get off this island?! (Kingdom Hearts)
    Well, Merry Christmas everyone. Cause mine won't be.
    Where's Karley?

  10. Arch-Angel
    My first practice for wrestling and the sweatiest I've been since Summer, and I think I might of surpassed that.
    I am sore. I am tired.
    And I'm going to hit the gym soon.
    For some reason, amateur wrestling is starting to come naturally. Got a point from my partner everytime he reached in for an atack. Guess its because I love lifting people up using the Fireman's Carry and you get a point just lifting their leg up. Can't let them get your leg up or have your head touch the mat. I'm hard enough to get off my feet.
    Though through the practice, there is this manvuer where you bring you waist and thighs down really quick with your legs up, and lets just say one landing of mine wasn't too well. ><
    The coach said this is the hardest sport in the school, that we're going to get sore, that we're going to get hurt, sometimes bleed, and that the only way you'll last is through Hard Work.
    Thats what got me. Hard Work. Anything physical that will prove to be a acheivable challenge, I'll take.
    There is an old saying in wrestling that my coach told us.
    "Boys play with balls, and men wrestle."
    I like it. Its cocky. Its irrogant. Its tick others off.
    But I alway feel better about myself only that.
    Your Future WWE Champion of the World...!

  11. Arch-Angel
    No really. They burn. ><
    Haven't had as much sleep as I should've. Yesterday I got 3-4 hours of sleep, and last night probably 5-6 hours. In total, I got a regular day's worth of sleep from two days.
    Of course a New Years Resolution of mine is to pay attention and pass Biology.
    Lemme look at the schedule...
    Ahaha! Right after that is Gym! This ought to be a fun day!
    Ah, English... Should be interesting since my teacher broke his ribs in a car crash. Hope he's back and doin' well. We got some Book Project/Oral Report thing going. Apparently I'm voted 'Best Presentation So Far' by everyone in the class (who was there).
    Dang, Geometry... Funny class, but must do work. If I can't even open my eyes for it right now, it'll be entertaining to see me in there jumping in and out of sleep.
    Actually, sleeping in the class will probably make everyone laugh... been a while since I pulled a funny in class since this place has no heart for dry humor....
    In other News...
    Okay, actual news!

    Eight weeks of no show, and David Letterman comes out with an old dead racoon wrapped around his jaw.
    Thats all I got (for now). If anything worth telling happens, you'll know before my mother!
  12. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    Today's (or tonight's) song is one that brings me to imagining a happy life with Bionigirl. Must admit I first heard it walking into Hollister, but still... its a great song to play when in love.
    On Top Of The World by Boys Like Girls
  13. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    Song suggested by Necro. Necro, where the necks go.
    This is such a great song to have stuck in your head. So much so when listening to it, I got a headache from the head bashing during the guitar solo. The lyrics tell a story of a poor boy who killed a man and must now face the death sentence, yet the band was able to make it such a fun song. Its infamous across the web, with parodies and some acid.
    Ladies and jets...
    Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen.
  14. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    Today's been okay. Life's becoming more peaceful, and I've got more room to relax. I wish I had this song in my collection to listen to during moments of still water, but ah well. At least I have it now.
    Soak Up The Sun by Sheryl Crow.
  15. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.
    The following song was suggested by my friend, Necro.

    I've listened to it, and its a good song to listen to to put yourself in a fine mood. Peaceful, relaxing, soothing...
    Here Comes The Sun by The Beatles
  16. Arch-Angel
    Recently, Mae and I have hit one of the biggest rough patches we've ever faced together, but for reasons of her own privacy and potentially maybe graphically and possibly legal reasons, I can't disclose that information. She and I are still strong and we still love each other, so to be honest, I'm just happy I can still hold her in my arms. If any of you have been praying for me recently, I owe you more thanks than you realize. Thank you.
    On to other things about life, I'm not sure if any of you realized this, but "The Day After Tomorrow" was playing outside my window outside, and must I say, it was boring. Like, I didn't get any wolves chasing me, New York is not flooded or a frozen tundra, I didn't get the chance to take refuge in a library, I didn't run away from ice, and I still make fun of Al Gore just because I make fun of everyone equally out of general principle.

    Diversity doesn't mean we shouldn't mock each other.
    So yes, I have won the 6-Day weekend as much of New England has, and get more time to study for Midterms. Or to spend it just like "Snow Day" like the younger version of Josh Peck did (anyone remember that Nick movie? No? Dang it, I'm getting old.)
    So, I'm continuing my work with the GSA, and we're off to starting the Ceiling Tile Project mentioned in the last entry and I've decided that won't be the only thing I'll be doing. I want to support many a charity and humanitarian effort in the world, including Save Darfur and American Eagle's Help Haiti Heal T-Shirts. I want to see if I can go to the Dominican Republic or Haiti this summer or, what I want to do even more, go to Africa (preferably help in the refugee camps in Chad from those who escaped genocide in Darfur).
    Oh, in case you all didn't know, THERE IS A GENOCIDE HAPPENING RIGHT NOW.

    Seriously, it ain't "Hakuna Matata" there right now. Or a Disney version of Hamlet either.
    Update yourselves.
    Aside of knowing what I want to do for the rest of my life, I'm also going to be applying for a community college to get core classes out of the way. It'll reduce the cost of college if I attend for two years, potentially get a job if I get an Associate's degree, and getting job and acting at the same time is possible. And if I make money from acting, then guess who's donating even more money to relief efforts?
    You don't have to be rich or famous or important to help people.
  17. Arch-Angel
    Why hasn't anyone made a song?
    That can fit my heart
    Give hope
    For a brand new start
    That can make me whole...
    I had my love
    break me for
    Sweet as an angel
    From the heavens above
    She broke me
    So I could
    Over the mountains
    Through the seas
    I know that she
    can see me
    crying on my knees
    because she has
    set me
    Never shall I forget that day
    When we broke up, in a loving way
    My heart smashed
    My drink turned ash
    And I laid... shattered...
    Over the mountains
    Through the seas
    I know that she
    can see me
    crying on my knees
    because she has
    set me
    The sun shined
    weeks on end
    But the rain pouring
    on my head
    Single and
    Hating it
    Every single moment
    I live.
    Over the mountains
    Through the seas
    I know that she
    can see me
    crying on my knees
    because she has
    set me
    I'm still young
    I've got time
    love is there
    for me to find
    but search is hard
    a painful task
    who can see me
    under the mask?
    Not those girls
    They see lies
    A dove outside
    a crow inside
    Lying through my heart
    am I
    Over the mountains
    Through the seas
    I know that she
    can see me
    crying on my knees
    because she has
    set me
    Over the mountains
    Through the seas
    I know that she
    can see me
    crying on my knees
    because she has
    set me
  18. Arch-Angel
    Just looking back at it, I remember perfectly saying to myself," I hope this week doesn't go bad."
    Well, should've knocked on wood, 'cause it did.
    Monday was normal. Rountine, but peaceful. Hung out with my friends Sarah ad Hendrick, two Haitians who I've known since the 7th Grade (Hendrick in the 6th), and when the two are together, I can't help but laugh my butt off and have a good time.
    Tuesday was very busy day. Weirdly enough, fun also (and stranger, on 9/11). It was down pouring and our Gym class (last period) got out early so Sarah, Hendrick, our Keyan friend Bradley(We call him JJ, dunno why), and the new girl from the town I'm moving back to ironically, were hanging out under the incline laughing and all. Mom picked me up, brought me to my friend's house three towns away within an hour so I could go to American Eagle with a coupon thing. By 8 PM, I buy the pants, Kanye West's Brand New CD "Graduation", and out the mall doors.
    Wednesday was the big day. Brazil vs. Mexico at the Gillette Stadium!
    Mind you, we have few Mexicans in MA, and near half the population is Brazilian. The Stadium was full! I remember the number... 64,585 people in that Stadium... The largest amount of people ever to come to a Soccer Game in the Stadium's history.
    Brazil lost to Mexico twice in the past and the rivalry was growing. I'll give a percentage point from the people in the Stadium.
    Brazilians: 80%
    Mexicans: 15%
    Others: 5%
    Well, by the time Brazil got its second goal, the Mexican in front of us took off his Mexican Soccer Jeresy ad under with a Wife Beater and started cheering with us," Brazil! Brazil!"
    Brazil won 1-3, even with a dirty ref. One of the Mexican players jumped and grabbed the ball, ticking off the Brazilian team, the Brazilian crowd, the anyone watching it on TV around the freakin' world! Thats an instant kick-out from the game! One of Soccer's bggest no-no's! The cursed red card from the offical!
    And even as it was plainly in his sight, he claims he didn't see it.
    Now by this time, a lot of Potuguese swears came about the ref.
    All in all, we still won and left happy.
    Thursday is where I had the fall of the happy week. Fun because I came back from hanging out with Tom(The popular kid I talked about before) going into a trail in the woods. Now, he isn't too bright, so he wasn't paying attention too well when I told him what Hendrick said about him as a joke. He got the joke word-for-word, but not the end part where I told him "Don't tell him I said that".
    By Friday, he told him. Now Hendrick likes to think things a bit too over-the-top than they should be. Now he is convinced that I talk trash behind his back, but he has a reason not to trust me. He won't even come near someone else if I'm with them, nor does he care if I get arrested for something I didn't do.
    I tried saying sorry, and he's taken it like I offered him a hot bag of dog poop.
    The thing is, this is 8th grade drama. Nothing like his happened since the 8th grade (with half the drama was started by him in the first place). It happened before, and its over. Its quite sad he's doing it again.
    Anyway, what makes it even worse, I can't go near Sarah or JJ anymore without a glare wishing I'd get tossed into the Pits of Hates (Which is a bit more terrible than my current life).
    And yes, I did use every ounce of self-control not spill my water bottle in his face when it started.
    And my life is a mess yet again...

  19. Arch-Angel
    In my old school, I was a bit of a flirt. Not majorly, but enough to show I'm a flirt. Why? Because I've had few girlfriends in my life to commit to. The only true commitment I've had was with my last ex and my current girlfriend, Bionigirl. My relationship with my last ex didn't last long because she was going too fast and I couldn't keep up with it, and I wasn't even sure I loved her. I kept her in mind, but not at heart. After our break-up, I began to think on how girls thought. Yes, I've made huge discoveries, and I'll tell you, the difference between a boy and a girl in attraction... is slim. Looks, key.
    Buddy, when was the last time you seriously considered dating a girl that was less attractive then that beauty in your English class?
    You can tell by the statement above which group of girls I aimed for.
    Time goes on, I change my look. Not just clothes, but physical appearance too. When I hear a girl that carried some extra baggage lost some pounds, I immediately look for that girl and I see the difference. Even if it wasn't that much, I look at her differently. Like she still made an effort to look better, and thats attractive.
    So I do the same. The girls in my target range liked preppy clothes. Mostly Hollister and American Eagle (Hollister gets too expensive by the time I look at the sweat-shirts, so I stuck with shirts) and I got jeans, sweat-shirts, and sweaters from American Eagle. Heck, I have a watch from there. First one without a digital read too.
    I gel my hair everyday, watch my own appearance everyday, and especially watched what I said. Make sure that joke is actually funny to everyone else, or you look like a fool.
    Time goes on, and I am known in everyone's mind as at least a friend throughout the grade and soe in the upper and a lot in the lower classmen (especially the freshmen because I'm still famous for jumping off the dock and into the sea in the 8th grade field trip)
    Soon enough, I am forced to move.
    Surely, I don't go without litterally leaving my mark.
    But thats another story, in a past entry, look for it.
    Too many smileys... Anyways, I move into this 'new' town and I start from square one. Its bigger, more students, very diverse, and half of the students don't know the kids in the of their grade. But of course, I still make friends... with girls.
    Then an old friend of mine comes along. A girl that thinks deeply and has a lot of expericence in the toils of life. A girl that I can truly love, and love back.
    Fast forward to this month. She's on vacation. So I continue my daily routine, wake up, sometimes miss the bus, get to school, sleep, get out of school, take the bus home, play Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 an continue to count down the day.
    ... But I've beat Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 already.
    So what do I do?
    Start making friends! The ones I should avoid!
    The pretty ones, the pretty and artistic ones, the pretty and very literate ones, and the very pretty ones...
    I hold myself. I stop my auto-control from getting into flirting. Today especially. Plenty of times to do it, but never flirted. Because I wait patiently for her return.
    And what do you now?
    She's right here.

  20. Arch-Angel
    Mom got mad. Very mad. I thought I got it from Dad's side of the family, but apparently my mother takes the cake.
    She wanted to spend "Quality Time" with her "Family".
    If you know my opinon on this being a family, then it would be easier for you to follow.
    My sister and I both disgreed with my mom to go to beach in Rhode Island an hour and a half away. Its too long, and it isn't worth the trip. Its a record high day, the beach WILL be crowded, and three hours of it will be spent go there and back.
    And she gets mad.
    We end up going to have breakfast at a restaurant, Bickford's(at 1 PM) and lunch at a Friendly's which took a near hour to get our food. And while I was eating, a dsable woman was staring at my plate the entire time, a foot away(glass window thingy sparated us from the table as is Friendly's style)
    It was a completely loss. Before Friendly's, we went shopping at TJ Maxx to pass the time and digest a crummy breakfast. And after Lunch/Dinner, got me some new sneakers.

    Something like those.
    Spent the whole day waiting to watch Summer Slam on Pay-Per-View at my friend's house.
    It was worth the 40 bucks (I didn't spend) to watch!
    The matches were great, and only left one and a half disappointments. Umaga didn't lose his Intercontinetal title, which wouldn't bother me. But Batista won the match via disqualifition! The titles can't switch hands unless its by pin fall or submission. The Great Kahli knew this, and in fear of losing the title, hit Batista with a chair to the back to lose, yet retain.
    But best of all, John Cena made me five bucks richer when he beat Randy Orton!

    Yep... it was a great moment...
    I woke up at 12 PM, which isn't my choice in time with school starting tomorrow, and I've coming back at around 11 from Monday Night Raw isn't going to help. I'm going to get ready to leave to buy a poster, and get some exercise also.
    I hope lost noticeable weight this summer...
    Well, bye y'all!

  21. Arch-Angel
    'Pool Boy' is a great novel for Pre-Teens and Teens alike. I'm sure even an adult would like this book.
    The story is about a 15-year-old spoiled (very) rich brat named Brett Gerson, whoms life comes crashing down because his stock-broker dad is in jail for insider trading. He loses everything he owns, from the pool, the $5000 stereo, his 42" Plasma Screen, to the very house he lived in. Now on the wrong side of the Tracks, in his Crazy Great Aunt's home, he has to come into realization that the world isn't for him to own anymore. After quitting his job because of what was his fault, he joins an old friend. Alfie, an old kind man that runs a Pool Cleaning Business, had offered him a job as an assistant. Without thinking, he accepts. What the old man teaches him has brought him into becoming a man. Still a little stuck up, but a man none the less.
    When Life goes from getting whatever you want, to having to earn it, you have to learn quick.

  22. Arch-Angel
    NOTE: Suggestions of 'Song of the Day' are much obliged, so if you have a song thats clean or mostly clean of swears and/or profanity (rap/Hip-Hop/R&B allowed of course), than PM it, and it might become 'Song of the Day'. INCLUDE WHY YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE SotD.

    The past two days haven't exactly been peaceful. I got a virus on my computer which went ahead an downloaded more. Still now, I am still taking care of current viruses. Though I'm feeling better now that most of the stressful ones were taken care of. As the virus search continues, I don't worry 'bout a thing. 'Cause every little thing is gonna be all right.
    Today's song is the song my mother sung when she needed to cool down during the Divorce Age. I found the song, and proudly hum it or sing the lyrics quiety as I go.
    Three Little Birds by Bob Marley.

  23. Arch-Angel
    Tomorrow (and of course, the day before my b-day), my sister's boyfriend leaves to go back to Brazil. They've been together for a year and a half.
    How do you think my sister's taking it?
    She went too sleep last night at 4 AM, because she was too busy crying in complete sorrow. Heck, I went to sleep at 2:30 to finish my book for school.
    I'm in her Community College right now. She's taking a test in Economics. No time limit. I'm in the Computer Lab typing this up right now with my Should've-been-Birthday-or-Christmas-gift beanie hat from quiksilver that has a one ear headset, which I find pretty cool. Heck, I'm listening to 'Shawty is a Ten' and soon 'Because of You' right now.
    Being an immigrant is hard, and you have to lose a lot to have a new life. Start over with, without, or few family members, in a different country where things are run differently, different culture, and different language.
    He couldn't handle the pressure, so he's decided during the summer to move back to the family, leaving his girlfriend.
    Well, I just ask you all pray for my sister. The 'Love of her Life' is going back to Brazil and doesn't know if he'll come back.
    Over and out...
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