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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by T-Hybrid

  1. T-Hybrid
    Since I'm only in my second week at work, I'm not about to start spending all kinds of money. But just to test the waters, how many other people here are going to be picking up Pokemon Battle Revolution in the next few weeks? If a lot of my fellow BZPers get it around launch, I may go ahead and snag a copy (or at least try to) so I can get into PvP battling again after a very long hiatus.
    Hopefully Omi's still trying to hold the BZPFL together. I've been training up a team that I think could make things interesting for everybody involved. Don't know if I'll be able to fulfill my initial commitment to serve as a Leader in the League, but I'd still love to start going head-to-head with some other Trainers around the forum.
  2. T-Hybrid
    American League Divison Series Game 2:
    Oakland A's 5 @ Minnesota Twins 2
    For a moment, it seemed as though they were going to do it. Cuddyer and Morneau go back to back...and the Dome explodes. And then the bullpen stumbles, Hunter makes a bad judgement call, and the game is back out of reach.
    I've got my fingers crossed that I get a chance to go back there Sunday, but right now I just hope that Radke can go out there and repeat the excellence that Santana and Bonser put out in the last few days. Friday may very well be the last game of his career...
  3. T-Hybrid
    So after not having had motivation to put pencil to paper for almost two full years...something has inspired me to start drawing again. I have no idea why, nor do I have any idea what exactly it is I'm going to be doing with them. So bear with me as I start dumping my artings.
    Here's the first: a guitarist. He kinda looks like me, but he's really not supposed to be me. I cheated on the face and draw sunglasses (I'm still learning eyes). I like how the feet turned out (I've never really gotten how to do shoes). The guitar didn't turn out too bad, but in retrospect the pose isn't quite what it should be. A more natural position would have been to have the elbow down, holding the guitar so it's actually resting on his shoulder and pointing up. As it is, it ended up looking like Cloud Strife's art from FFVII. And I dunno if one would charge into battle with only an acoustic guitar.
    Depending on feedback, and how badly these sketches throw off the page formating, I might continue dumping. If image size gets to be a problem let me know, and I'll start posting links instead.
  4. T-Hybrid
    Some of you who know me better may be familiar with my weekness for combiners (it was what drew me to Bionicle in the first place).
    Well, one major sacrifice I've had to also make in order to pick up a set of Inika (at least when it comes to buying fun stuff) is the quest for the ultimate Mecha.
    Anybody here follow Sentai? Because if you do, I'm sure you're familiar with Boukenger's plethora of mecha this season. On the left is DaiBouken, the team's core Mech. DaiTanken (a Mech made up of auxilary vehicles) is on the right.
    In the middle is Ultimate DaiBouken. Made up of DaiBouken and DaiTanken, UDB represents the first ever ten-mech combination in the history of Sentai. It doesn't need to be said that I'm drooling at the thought.
    PR fans know that Bandai of America has shown a confusing pattern of what it does and does not release here in the states from year to year. It is certain that DaiBouken will be released at the beginning of the season. DaiTaken, however, may never see American shores...and could leave me without the opportunity to score what would truly represent an amazing step in Gestalt action figures.
    To complicate matters, pics of the 6th Ranger's mecha have surfaced in the last few weeks. Along with these pics are rumors of an even larger combination (which would bring the total to 13 Mecha). Again, my Gestalt Fan-genes are kicking into double-overtime at the thought.
    And just when I thought that wouldn't be enough, rumors surface regarding a "carrier" mech of sorts. Promising yet another combination involving heaven only knows how many of the already existing Mechs. With it's rumored size (we're talking about the size of an XBox, if not bigger), I once again wouldn't be surprised to see it not make the trip along with Boukenger when PR starts up it's new season in the fall.
    So right now, I need a number of things to come together:
    1. I need to find a steady, well-paying job in Mankato. So I can get going with the apartment and actually come out of each month somewhat in the black.
    2. I need to hold back the urge to pick up the Mecha. Knowing full well it'd set me back literally a month's rent.
    3. I need BoA to reward my dedication to the line the last 5 years and release all the Boukenger mecha (something they have a bad habit of not doing...except for Dekaranger/SPD).
    Pray with me, fellow Gestalt fans.

  5. T-Hybrid
    Updates to Rebirth are going to be quite sporadic possibly for a few months. This is because of a few things. One, I managed to land a new job. It's an internship with a software consulting firm that promises me 20 hours a week and counts towards graduation (at least I think it does). The other (and far larger) problem is my Systems Analysis and Design course.
    We've got a semester-long group project that's sucking up a significant portion of my computer time (ER diagrams, Use Cases, programming...all that fun stuff). I'm about a semester out from graduation, so at this point it's basically me putting my head down and charging into the fray.
    Thankfully the fic is at a point where it can take a break and not leave too much hanging. The Inuva are close, but thankfully they won't appear and then sit around for a month while I finish up my course work. So stick with it, and keep an eye on the Haven and my Library thread for updates.
  6. T-Hybrid
    So only a week after going to my first ever WWE house show (which I will get pics up from eventually), I found out at work that I have won two more tickets the Raw show next Saturday. It's at the Xcel Center, in the company suite. This should be a LOT of fun. Bigger venue, slightly bigger stars...hopefully a bit of Y2J (who is awesome).
    Hopefully I'll have a better camera than my cell phone next time.
  7. T-Hybrid
    For the first time in quite a while, I came away from Black Fridy without having bought anything for myself. However, due to poor research...I currently have three copies of Breaking Dawn sitting on the shelf. This is mostly because stores don't allow returns on Black Friday, and I found progressively less expensive copies of it as I went along. And no, this isn't for me. It's for somebody else.
    I've never really had bad experiences on Black Friday. Best Buy and Target always do a great job of managing the crowds...and even getting in there around 8 in the morning I still got some great stuff. Was surprised some of it was still available, especially when you're talking $10 or so for a normally $50 DVD set. Wal-Mart was terrible though. Their ads claimed to have all kinds of games at deep discounts, but when I arrived it didn't look like anything of the sort had ever existed. No bins, no slots, no nothing. Horribly marked shelves lead to lots of disappointed (and at times aggravated shoppers).
    Favorite line overheard at the checkout: "We don't actually need the TV stand, but with a price like that how could we pass up?"
  8. T-Hybrid
    I'm not going to be around this weekend, so I thought I'd make up for it with a bonus Fantasy Brawl Draft update.

    King Dedede
    Franchise: Kirby
    First Appearance: Kirby's Dreamland (GB)
    Why?: Metaknight may be the mysterious brooding villian, but King Dedede was the original baddie of the Dreamland universe. Well, until the very next game when he gave way to Nightmare, and later Dark Matter. But that hasn't stopped King Dedede from making guest appearances in nearly ever Kirby game since his debut. He's just as important to Kirby, if not more, than Metaknight. And because of that deserves a spot in Brawl's roster.
    Appearance: Though his appearance has gotten a bit "nicer' since his debut, Dedede has never been seen without his trademark mallet. And aside from his "toned down" evilness, Dedede hasn't changed his look since day 1. Why mess with a classic.
    Moveset: Dedede's known for his hammer, his ability to float (like Kirby) and his head-....Hold on a second.
    Not now VGM. I'm busy.
    Okay fine. What is it?
    They what? When?
    Seriously? Okay, wait here.
    Well, I got beat to the punch. Apparently Nintendo's decided that I'm too big a threat and have decided they need to start one-upping my little ol' Haven. Well, I guess that pretty much renders today's update pretty pointless. Boy, I had this whole draft planned out since I posted K. Rool, and now it's all outta whack. Do I count this guy in my draft? I had wanted to put him last week, but because they didn't announce anything big I'd thought I'd spring a surprise of my own. That pushed Dedede back until sometime in November, and caused this. If anything, I get at least half-credit on the call.
    Oh well, I've got an ace up my sleeve for the next one. Nintendo won't be stealing my thunder again!
  9. T-Hybrid
    I wasn't a big fan of the new fighting system introduced in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance. Though I've been a fan of the fighting genre, it's usually been as a button masher. That is with the exception of Bloody Roar, where my skills with Xion are significantly honed (especially in the 4th installment, where Career Mode can be abused to make him significantly broken).
    However, when my roommate brought home MK: Armaggedon, the idea of a custom character feature was highly intriquing. The downside of this though was that most of the fun stuff (the more unique clothing and moves) were all "locked" and could only be made available by spending Koins earned in the main game. Desperate to actually dig deep into this system, I started the Konquest mode. It's been a few days now, and I'm hooked. Though I don't quite get the Kombat system (aerial fighting...) being able to custom build my own fighter and moveset helps to get a feel for how it works.. And I'm finding this has helped me get accustomed to playing as the "real" characters.
    Though I've refined his look to the point that I like, I've still got to pin down the types of moves I want to use. There's a certain style I'm going for, and it's been tough to build around that while still making the moves look believable. Also, I've got to come up with a more clever Bio than the one I've written (yes, you get to write your character's bio too). I can't decide if I want to take it seriously, or just have fun and write a joke entry.
    I'm on the fence between:
    "Hybrid arrived at the tournament having heard promises of punch and pie. Upon hearing that this had been a lie, he set out to put an end to those who had decieved him. But by the time he had defeated the last of the 62 kombatants, Hybrid had forgotten what it was he had been fighting for. Armed now with the powers of a god, Hybrid relaxed in his chambers and conjured his own punch and pie treat. It was the finest meal he had ever eaten."
    "For Hybrid, the Mortal Kombat tournament had been a means of testing the limits of his power. But as he fought his way through the army of kombatants, he came to realize that these would not be the right group to do so. Now, with Blaze defeated and Hybrid empowered with the strength of a god, Hybrid was faced with only one solution. Using the full extent of his new power, Hybrid turned back time to when he arrived at the scene of the battle. He would once again challenge the finest warriors in all the realms, but this time he would do while using only one hand..."
    The first one would remain as is if I went with it, while the second most likely would be written a bit here or there. I like the idea of just fighting for the sake of fighting, but I might change things so that instead of turning back time he challenges the Elder Gods who have watched over the Tournament. I dunno, it's something I'm probably putting too much thought into.
    But in summation, MK:A = Fun.
  10. T-Hybrid
    If you saw KIE's most recent entry, you already know that the MLB All-Star Vote is upon us once again. This is the time of the year when MLB fans around the world (voting is open in Japan as well) gather round their computers and major league parks and vote for the 9 (or in this case 8) players they want to see in the opening lineup of the Mid-Summer Classic.
    KIE and I have already exchanged votes, him voting for Joe Mauer and Nick Punto of the Twins and me voting for Craig Biggio of the Houston Astros.
    When I first started getting into baseball, I would simply vote for my entire team. More recently I have decided that isn't exactly the best way to do things (if only everybody felt the same way). So this year, instead of listing the entire Twins roster, I'm going to only ask for a bit of help. Joe Mauer and Justin Morneau.
    Last season, Mauer became the first catcher in American League history to lead the Majors in batting average (.347). He just missed making the 2006 All-Star Game as the starting catching, rallying late in the vote to edge out Jason Varitek.
    And as much as this is going to sound like a home-fan tooting his team's horn, Morneau is the reigning AL MVP and arguably the best first basemen in the American League. His biggest competition this year comes from David Ortiz, the Designated Hitter of the Boston Red Sox. Since the All-Star Game this year is in a National League park, the teams will not have a DH (the pitcher will have to hit instead). This puts Ortiz on the ballot as a first baseman, a posistion he only plays 7-8 games a year. I'm not going to try and argue against the potency of his numbers, but if yo uwant a true first baseman, Morneau is the best choice this year.
    There are other players who deserve spots on the All Star Roster this year (OFs Torii Hunter and Michael Cuddyer), but the outfield talent in the American League is deep (Ichiro Suzuki, Vladimir Gurrero, and Manny Rameriez to name a few), and I don't know if there's an argument that could be made for any specific three this year. But when it comes to catcher and 1B, the AL would be hard pressed to find a better pair than Mauer and Morneau.
    Of course, that's just my opinion. The actual vote is all up to you.
  11. T-Hybrid
    I'm writing this entry now, because my Tuesday is going to be hectic, and if you notice the time...I'm guessing my Monday is going to rank up there as well. Moving day is tomorrow, with about three weeks until classes start. That leaves me less than a month to hunt down something that produces income before I get wrapped up in classes during the week.
    Today is going to be spent packing, saying my good-byes, and making sure I don't have any loose ends back at home. Loose ends that include the Haven, BZP, and the upcoming (and recently previewed) Inuva fic. I'm not sure what we're going to be doing for Internet, so for the next week or so I may very well not be around. It's probably for the best, the Internet can often draw me in for much longer periods of time than I expected. This is especially true once I get going on some mini-project (the Haven's makeover is such a project).
    Speaking of the makeover, I've added a few new blocks. The first is the official Bouncer and un-official mascot here at the Haven: HybridGreymon (aka: RizeGreymon after a day in Photoshop). I don't know if the pic is final or not, as I may add a few touches here and there if I think something needs changing.
    The other section is a small memorial/dedication to The Alliance. Included is a link to the Profile of each member. For those that are wondering, I went with Torhu and LtJ as those were the names we had when it formed. They're also the names we know each other as, and technically I'm Torhu Hybrid...so it's all good.
    If you're wondering why I broke the Digimon theme for The Alliance section, it's because when The Alliance was formed, Matoro made the astute observation that each of us actually represented one of the original Toa. The custom avatar I had been using at the time was of the Golden Hau. Matoro used the Akaku and also took his name from a Ko-Koroan. Melvin had the Onua avatar, and LtJ of course was Lewa. I don't remember if Rahi Master ever used a Kakama in his avatars, but I doubt he'd have wanted to be Gali.
    So there's a little more of the story behind The Alliance. A nice bonus for anyone who stop in for today's entry. Though, I suppose I could give you an even bigger bonus. In Matoro's signature is a banner, clicking on that banner takes you to a thread. In that thread is this post which explains the history of The Alliance.

    *poors 40 Pixie Stix on the ground*
  12. T-Hybrid
    Fairly small this year, mostly because my family pitched in for my new PC and desk a month ago...so it was an early gift. Otherwise:
    Britney Spears' "Circus" (I don't care, it's dang catchy)
    Wedding Crashes DVD (hilarious movie)
    I also bought myself Persona 4 for the PS2 and the Foo Fighters DLC pack for Rock Band (not The Colour and the Shape, but the 3-song pack). So this weekend before I go back to work will be a rockin' laugh riot.
    Merry Christmas all!
  13. T-Hybrid
    Big news for anybody who enjoys mowing through Chinese samurai or Japanese feudal warlords, as Koei has officially confirmed that Musou Orochi is coming stateside as Orochi Warriors! I've been a fan of the Warriors series since I played Dynasty Warriors 3 on my friends PS2. There's actually a Gundam Musou game on the PS3 which is supposedly the best iteration of the franchise to date. But since my getting a PS3 isn't in the cards for a while, I'm going to be enjoying the heck outta this new game.
    As the title of the blog suggests, every character from the two series will be back in this one (unfortunately excluding Nu Wa and my personal favorite Fu Xi). Also, Orochi himself along with Daji (who I guess is a Fox Goddess with ties to Nu Wa) will be joining the rosters, bring the total count to a whopping 79 characters. Take that Mortal Kombat: Armaggeddon!
    From reviews I've read, there are some notable omissions, namely any kind of CAW or the above mentioned godly duo. But since each character plays their own unique way, I'm willing to look the other way on this one. That is, until the likely expansion game (Xtreme Legends or Empires) is released.
    What's the story of this game? Honestly, I couldn't tell you. It has something to do with Orochi messing with the timeline, and the two sets of warriors meet, take sides, and begin to fight with/against each other. The coolest part is that you'll be able to enter battle with teams of three. That is, you'll control one character while two more wait in "reserve" and can be hotswapped in or out even in mid-combo.
    This means pirates and ninjas will at last work side by side. Though I couldn't figure out who the third member of that party would be.
  14. T-Hybrid
    Much like KIE, I'm carefully following the events of the last three days of the MLB Regular season. Our teams in a similar posistion. Both are trying all they can to win their respective divisions. I don't know if Houston has the cushion of the Wild Card, but I'm cheering for them just the same. The Twins in the meanwhile...

    For the Twins, it's sweep or play the Yankees in the first round. And even then, they have to hope the Kansas City can win at least one game. So, fellow Twins fans, cross your fingers. And throw in some support for the Astros. Because Santana vs. Clemmens in the World Series would be the coolest thing ever.
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