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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Toaraga

  1. Toaraga

    Life Update
    Meant to stop by earlier this month for quick drop-in. I can't believe it's been 20 years since I first found this site. I rarely visit anymore, but I'm still alive and kickin', though I'm more active on other social sites.
    The world has changed and so have I. Within the past decade, I got married and now have a kid.
    So anyway, see you around. I may not visit much, but I haven't forgotten this place.
    (C)1984-2023 Toaraga EAM 
  2. Toaraga
    I know I don't come here very often, but sometimes it's nice to visit and maybe leave an update. It's been a couple years since I made a blog post, but I'm sure there are still some people who remember me (if they don't already interact with me on Facebook, which is my main social hub online). I realized I missed visiting to celebrate my account becoming a teenager, but I've been somewhat busy with life anyway. This year has been an interesting one for me, to say the least.
    I'll give you a brief update of my life this year:
    I left a night job that I worked for nearly 6 YEARS! (My, how the time crawled.)
    I got a new car!
    Bigger than that, I got...
    That's right. Soon enough there will be a Mrs. Toaraga-- and after I wrote that, I realized how awkward that sounds. But seriously, I met a great girl, and we're getting married next year.
    So yeah, that's a brief rundown of my year. I'm still alive. I've got a new job and car. And I'm getting married!
    ©1984-2016 Toaraga EAM
  3. Toaraga
    I turned 30 this week.
    Am I still a fan of LEGO?
    This is my Charlie Brown tree (seriously, they sell/sold this product):

    This is what that space looked like before I made room to put a tree there:

    I may not do as much building these days, but I think those pictures should answer the question.
    ©1984-2014 Toaraga EAM
  4. Toaraga
    I'm still alive.
    Also, I've been part of this site for eleven years. Less so than I used to be, but I still visit from time to time.
    The site's changed. I've changed. Such is life.
    Even though I'm not as much a part of this site as I used to be, I think in some way being part of this site was beneficial. In fact, I still retain some of the friendships I made with people from this site. So even if LEGO were somehow to disappear and the site to shut down for whatever reasons, those friendships I made would've been worth the time I spent here. After all, at the end of the day, LEGO is still a toyline, and BZPower is still a web site, but people are people. Some will come and go, but some will stay with you for the rest of your life.
    ©1984-2014 Toaraga EAM
  5. Toaraga
    One thing I've wanted to do years ago was to visit LEGOLAND in California, though I never had the money or any other reason to visit the state before now, so I didn't really think much about it. But this week I am here in the city of Los Angeles, visiting some friends, and part of my plan is to go to LEGOLAND. I'm looking forward to it. It wasn't the reason I came out here, but I figured since I'm in California, I might as well make the trip to the theme park. I don't know if I'll get another chance later.
    ©1984-2013 Toaraga EAM
  6. Toaraga
    I heard about a LEGO convention that's happening in my neck of the woods (from somebody who doesn't live in my neck of the woods... see how on top of things I am).
    Brick Fiesta
    July 4-7, 2013
    Hampton Suites & Convention Center Mesquite
    1700 Rodeo Drive
    Mesquite, TX 75149
    I'm thinking about going, if anyone's interested. If I do go, it might just be during the public hours, since I haven't really done anything with LEGO in a while and am not really sure what I have going at that time. (I might have a chance to go with a cousin who's also grown up with LEGO and whom I don't see much). So if anyone else is interested, just let me know. I wouldn't mind meeting up.
  7. Toaraga
    They just weren't mine.
    So I never posted this on BZPower or anything (I'm not very active these days), but my brother did get married last September.
    ©1984-2013 Toaraga EAM
  8. Toaraga
    Well, it's nice to know I wasn't forgotten here on my birthday (I actually didn't even think to visit that day, but it was a very busy day, and I wasn't really on the Internet anyway). Thanks for the birthday wishes though.
    ©1984-2013 Toaraga EAM
  9. Toaraga
    I've recently been listening to different speeches by different US Presidents. Originally it was because I wanted to improve my speaking ability by listening to Ronald Reagan, who was nicknamed The Great Communicator, and I wanted to know what that was about. Then I started listening to parts of other speeches for a certain project I was working on.
    Some of them were at least somewhat interesting to listen to (enthusiastic, passionate), whether or not I agreed with their ideas, but Lyndon B Johnson was a really boring speaker, who, if he taught a class I attended, would likely have put me to sleep... his speech pattern makes the sterotype of slow Texans seem true. :|
    Also, he might've been Uncle Ben. Look up his 1968 speech to the National Association of Broadcasters... if you don't fall asleep or zone out while listening, you might just catch the reference. (Or you can read the transcript, which just might be faster anyway.)
  10. Toaraga
    Disappear from some place for a while, and you'll have no idea what's going on when you get back. I still like to visit every now and then, but my life keeps me tired/somewhat busy, and while I enjoyed BZPower, visiting after a long absence just isn't the same as when I was more fully active with the site. My life's just not the same as it was five years ago (or even two). I work overnight in a check processing center (have been there for over a year), and I'm starting a new position at the beginning of the year. Then trying to get other things done during the day can be challenging.
    But yeah, I haven't forgotten you people. As long as I still maintain a connection with some of the people who "reside" here, I think I'll still remember this place in some way, even if I don't really recognize it. Plus I did invest a good amount of time here..
    ©1984-2011 Toaraga EAM
  11. Toaraga
    is rockin' my socks. I have a decent car and job. Life is good.
    Another semester of school starts Tuesday.
    Hello, 2011. Time for a new color.
    ©1984-2011 Toaraga EAM
  12. Toaraga
    This photo was taken in the long ago month of July. I made that specially for BrickFair... and for any other event someone wants to take it to (spread the BZP love).
    Also, new spinny for me.

    ©1984-2010 Toaraga EAM
  13. Toaraga
    So that data entry job I had was temporary (if they need me again, they'll call me). But fear not, for I have procured another profession, this one of a full time nature.
    I'm going to be working in a bank at night (it's kind of complicated to explain what exactly I'll be doing). This coincides well with my schedule, and since I don't start for about 2-3 weeks, it allows me to deal with a fast-paced online class before then. Woot! Life's been a bit crazy lately, but things are looking up right now.
    ©1984-2010 Toaraga EAM
  14. Toaraga
    So I got back from Hungary this past Sunday (I wanna go back), and I basically hit the ground running almost non-stop. One task after another. Haha.
    I went to lunch with a friend of mine yesterday to talk about some stuff, and he ended up getting me a job doing data entry for another company that shares office space with his. Now that's the kind of friend everyone should have. It's not a lasting job at the moment, due to being based on a current project, but things could pick up. I wasn't even meeting him to look for a job initially (though I did need something new).
    Also, I switched my major and should be graduating with something this coming May, if everything works out. I've been doing this meandering thing for too long now, so it's time to buckle down and get serious... well, more serious than I already had been getting.
    ©1984-2010 Toaraga EAM
  15. Toaraga
    I'm crossing state lines this week that I've never crossed before.
    States I've been in at some point in my life:
    Alabama Arkansas Florida Louisiana Mississippi Oklahoma Tennessee Texas ©1984-2010 Toaraga EAM
  16. Toaraga
    Saturday was officially my last day as a Toys 'R Us employee (unless I go back later): December 11, 2008 - July 10, 2010.
    Now you may ask why I quit my job (or maybe you don't care), but rest assured, I had good reasons. No, I was not malcontent or hateful of my job (though I had off-days, same as anyone else), but I had reasons for leaving my job of nearly 19 months.
    The main reason was so that I would be able to travel. I've already mentioned the missions trip to Hungary... which is still floating around the exterior of my blog. Besides that, I'm also going on another trip that only a few people who don't know me in person know about; in fact, I'm heading out this week (Tuesday morning) on that top secret, hush-hush trip that perhaps I'll talk about upon my return. It's not really a top secret trip, but part of it I'm going to leave as unknown for now, so it sounds mysterious and stuff. Let's just say, someone else will be very happy... well, at least mildly ecstatic.
    ©1984-2010 Toaraga EAM
  17. Toaraga
    Looks amazing. I haven't had an opportunity to preview the launch stuff or really get to see from the many videos what all the suite is supposed to do. All I know is that what Photoshop is supposed to be able to do is remarkable... that would take my photo editing abilities to a whole new level if I could afford the price tag for either one.
    Anyone care to give me about a grand, so I can buy it?
    ©1984-2010 Toaraga EAM
  18. Toaraga
    I saw it last night. It was kind of a letdown. Too much exposition, not enough action; I'm not sure who the movie was directed toward.I felt like falling asleep because of all the talking Emotions were lacking. Transitions were choppy to cram in all the places and story elements. Ten-hour story crammed into less than two hours, never good since so much has to be cut (standard). I think it also lacked the comedic element that made the show light-hearted; it just seemed so serious (even Soaka-- er, Sokka). Pronunciation = For all the exposition and dialogue, people seemed to know certain stuff without explanation. :/ Needs more Appa and Momo ©1984-2010 Toaraga EAM
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