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Status Updates posted by PianoOnWheels

  1. Hello there. (And thanks for always calling me "Captain.")

  2. I just think it's cool.

  3. Well, couldn't you say that it interests you to hate everything?

  4. Did I surprise you, Icey?

  5. Record yourself saying night. You will hear "stand."

  6. BRINGLEDAWG!11!!!#@ONE!

    I can tell you want me to vote Coke.

  7. Mr. Blade, you can not revive a topic in the stories forum. It is just for you to post. :)

  8. Note to self: never buy noob feed again.

  9. 3,420 words per chapter.

  10. Um, what is your REAL birthday?

  11. No, it comes out February 18th in the states.

  12. Here is a good tip,

    Read over your haiku first

    Before you post it.

  13. Thank you, that's rather reassuring.

  14. Really? That sounds...fun...

  15. But in turn I should buy Eki food...

  16. I have stopped the grey text. I now use purple.


  17. Yeah. But the way they jump, it's hilarious!

  18. Ha, ha, ha! Someone I'm older than! =P

  19. All I can say about your banner is this:



  21. Huh. I was wondering because I've seen that picture before.

  22. Toa Rahaga: Count Bleck is from Super Paper Mario, look him up.

    Haru: "Um...no?"

    CoA chuckled.

  23. "Good. Arr..." chuckled CoA, "By the way I was thinking of changing my name to 'Count Bleck'"

  24. We're gonna psych you out in the end!

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