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Blog Entries posted by JRRT

  1. JRRT
    WttV - Entry 1.1:

    A flash, and stars flickered across his vision, but not just the stars of shock or pain.
    Real stars.
    An unfathomable darkness opened beneath him, a gaping absence. The endless depth of the Void yawned, tearing at his being as he hurtled onward. Onward through the emptiness, through the black, reeling darkness...
    A thud, and the heavy weight of gravity seized his limbs as he collapsed to solid earth.
    It was over.
    Takanuva lay still, his lungs heaving, perspiration and fear clouding his vision like a fog. His jaw was clenched tight, muscles seizing as he began to shudder. The feeling of abject terror that enveloped him was like nothing he had ever encountered, and it was slow to abate.
    But it did abate, gradually releasing its hold upon him. He exhaled, letting his body go limp, exhausted from the journey. His mind was still dazed, and his eyes roved around him, trying to focus on his surroundings. Where was he? . . . Read on


  2. JRRT

    The voice echoed in the dry air of the chamber. Helryx’s voice was terse, thick with urgency. She stepped forward and pressed something into his hand. It was the gnomon—a piece of the ancient sundial he had unlocked. What did it mean? He could not say.
    Takanuva glanced to his left. The Silent Toa still stood motionless, his eyes grim. Krakua was a strange Toa, Takanuva thought; but, of the three beings which surrounded him in this dim chamber, he trusted him the most.
    Krakua nodded, his voice echoing in Takanuva’s mind: “Go.”
    The other being was there too: Brutaka, the traitor, the one whom they said had despaired, once.
    “Once condemned, but now redeemed,” Helryx had said. The scarred mask upon Brutaka’s face flickered with a dangerous light. The Olmak was perilous. A thing that could open doors…gateways.
    Windows through the Void.
    There was nothing for it now. No other task, no other cause.
    No other duty.

    Takanuva faced forward now, steeling his nerves, eyes wide against the terrible light of what loomed before him.
    The portal gaped.
    He stepped forward.


    Windows Through the Void


    - A serial -


    Main Topic : Review Topic

    Okay, after a brief delay caused by the awesomeness of LEGO LotR, here is an official blog entry for this epic. This story is meant to mirror the Bioniclestory.com serials of the past, taking especial inspiration from "Takanuva's Blog," in which the various travels of Takanuva on his way to Karda Nui were described.
    Each entry will be posted in the main topic, but I will also add a corresponding update to this blog, featuring a portion of the entry (not the whole thing, of course) and a link to the new post. Why is this? Visibility, mainly. And also so that a record of the serial is preserved as a category in this blog. At the time of writing this, I have enough material for every-other-week updates for the next couple of months, meaning that this'll last a while.
    As always, your comments and criticism are very welcome, but, above all, your readership is most appreciated. Stay tuned.
  3. JRRT
    WttV Entry 1.4

    “Remember, creature.”
    “Perhaps then you will learn to listen...”
    The Hau faded into the starlight as Takanuva moved away, its eyes glittering with a knowing look as it flickered and vanished.
    The wind began to moan again as Takanuva jogged off down the ruined track of the road. His focus was now turned to a new duty—a new goal. He was running out of time. He felt the urgency of his plight keenly now. He would have to finish this task quickly if he was to continue.
    Before him, along the horizon, the silver light rose up into the towers and spires of a vast city. A City of Silver. The stars paled in comparison as he ran briskly down the winding track. Here and there to the side of the road a stone pillar loomed among the trees, and sometimes he glimpsed the remains of ruins deeper in the forest, broken and buried beneath ancient dust and the winding of dead roots.
    The forest ended abruptly before the walls of the Silver City. Straight from the earth it rose, smooth and glass-like. Takanuva approached and ran a hand along the surface. It was almost frictionless. Impossible to climb, for sure. The metal or crystal of which the wall was made glowed with an inner light, filling the sky above him with its silver radiance.
    He turned back to the road. Now he saw that it wound its way parallel to the wall, vanishing in the dusk to his right. He followed it, moving more slowly now, staff in hand, ready for anything he might meet.
    After a while, he found that the roadway was paved. Closely-fitted stones made the path straight and even. The stones were well-carved, bathed in the same silver light as the city. No Po-Matoran could do better...
    For a moment, faced with memories rising in his mind, Takanuva felt the strangeness of his situation. Lost in a dead forest in some Mata Nui-forsaken land, searching along a glowing road beside a glowing city. He certainly never expected to be doing this.
    A sound broke his reverie—the noise of shouts. He realized that he had slowed to a walk, but now he quickened his pace. There was a commotion ahead. Some kind of uproar. He squinted through the dimness, around the curve of the wall. This must be the danger the Hau had spoken of.
    He would find out soon enough. . . .Read on.


  4. JRRT
    WttV Entry 1.2:

    An hour went by. The gravel of the forest floor crunched under his armored feet. The stars shone down, unblinking.
    Takanuva was beginning to feel restless. Striding on through the endless darkness, there was no destination, no real direction. He had no goal, other than getting out of the forest, and now he felt as if he were going in circles.
    The trees seemed to gather more thickly around him as he went on, the branches lowering like twisted arms. It was an unsettling place, this forest. No sound disturbed the silence, other than the crunch of gravel and the mourning of the wind. There were no rahi here. Nothing at all.
    It was a place that felt...left behind. Abandoned. Empty. A house with no inhabitants...
    He shivered. Would the night never end? Perhaps here night was eternal.
    ”Ironic,” he thought. "They said I was supposed to drive out the night, bring a ‘new day’. Now I can’t even manage a flicker...”
    He squinted, putting a hand out in front of him to push away the low-hanging twigs.
    “A Toa of Light in need of a lightstone...” . . . Read on
  5. JRRT
    [update 9/17/10: Toa Inika]

    I realized that I never actually posted this here...

    This is the Simplicity Kit. A kit which you will probably need glasses to see (and, if you don't have glasses yet, you just wait). The goal of this was basically to amuse myself spriting something tiny, easy, simple. That sort of thing. It may not be useful to anyone, but it was very fun. So fun, in fact, that I may just have to find time to update it in future.

    Until then, enjoy:

  6. JRRT
    ...from something bigger.

    “You have seen him? He is the Makuta. He will destroy us if I do not go.”
    Mata Nui turned away. “Goodbye, brave Glatorian. You have shown yourselves worthy of redemption. Remember these things and survive. For my destiny and the destiny of my people lies elsewhere in the universe. I will strive to repair your world, and perhaps then the Great Beings shall return…”
    “Goodbye, Great Spirit. We will not forget.”
    There was a moment of silence as Mata Nui turned from the Glatorian and faced the empty, cavernous space. The silence of the moment seemed a shock compared to the chaos raging outside the chamber.
    Mata Nui raised his hands to his mask, gripped the golden edges of it, and pulled it free.
    Instantly the cavern was lit with a blinding light and the Glatorian fell back toward the entrance. Only Ackar remained, watching silently as the golden-armored form of Mata Nui dissolved before his eyes, scattering into clouds of sand that swirled and billowed in the blazing air.
    “—a thing that only clothed itself in the dust of our world.”
    Far above him, in the ceiling of the great chamber, lights flashed to life like a million sparkling stars—clearer than any stars that he had seen—beautiful in their dizzying intricacy yet terrifying in their size and radiance.
    He was small in the presence of such great things: only a dark speck against the light of distant beings...
    And then even Ackar fled.

  7. JRRT
    I know I'm late on the draw, but I just wanted to post an entry expressing my thanks to BZP Reporter Senjo for the complimentary news article on Despair, as well as to the people who consequently went to read the story and gave their thoughtful responses. It's all been very encouraging.
  8. JRRT
    Taking a look at one of the names for the Matoran Language that I've come up with:
    Matoranoro, cmpnd. the Words of Those Who Speak [Derived from the two elements matoran, literally "Word-Master Beings, Speakers", and oro "word(s)"]
    Matoran, n. lit. word-master being(s), generalized as "speakers", “those who speak” [From older matoroan; formed from the older compound mator(o) “word master” and the suffix -an “being, individual”]
    mator(o), cmpnd. word-master, a master of words [From the two elements ma(t) "master (of)" and oro "word(s)"]
    ma(t), n. user of, master of [Complete etymology uncertain; it is believed that mat first originated as *maa but this is not definitively attested; also appears as man]
    oro, n. word(s) [Complete etymology uncertain; possibly descended from a stem *hro]
    And in other news, I'm thinking of putting up a "sponsored kits" content block to help encourage some better spriting in AII...it's really gone drastically downhill for too long now.
  9. JRRT
    A side project. The sprite on the right is the old one (I hope you could kind of tell ) and the left one is a revamp. I'm glad to know that I've improved a little from the olden days. Oh, and hue-shifting is very fun.

    On another note, last college final was Wednesday! It was linguistics, so it wasn't all that hyper-stressful. And now I'm free to do what I will for the three+ weeks of Christmas break. We're planning to take a trip up to the Grand Canyon with some relatives around New Years. There will be snow (you know--that white stuff that falls out of the sky? It's like so weird!). I've been to the Grand Canyon once before when I was around seven years old. My only memory is a long rusty railing and a concrete observation point. I'm told this is because I was restricted from *cough* "exploring" after trying to climb over said railing and giving my parents gray hair.

    Ah, memories.

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