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Alsru Toa of Honor

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Blog Comments posted by Alsru Toa of Honor

  1. Come now, by the way you were making it sound, it has just got to be better than those first six episodes.


    The episodes do get better, mostly with the amimation as well as tying in with G1 Transformers with a number of cameos. With all shows, though, the clichés and gags will always remain, but every Maximal character goes through a maturing period. Also, if you make it through to the second season, a number of those annoying ones go away for good.


    After a while a mystical tone starts to take over the storyline, esspecially with a few characters.


    And just think, no soft, squishy, annoying humans running around to worry about getting crushed.


    Oh, great image just came into memory...Megatron using a repairation pool as his own jacuzzi with a rubber ducky.



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