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Alsru Toa of Honor

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Posts posted by Alsru Toa of Honor

  1. Going to need to save up to get out to Denmark next year.


    As for the names, I feel that they really should be based more on the LEGO brand and its creations instead of seemingly random call-backs to various themes.


    For example, I think "Stud-and-Tube Cafe" would be a good idea for the cafe.


    For the restaurant, something akin to "Ole Kirk's Corner" would fit for me.  Play homage to the founder while not being completely formal.


    "Minifig Lounge" would probably suit the Mezzanine best, being a gathering place for citizens of a LEGO house.


    This sounds fun.

    • Upvote 1
  2. I completely agree with this and can give a prime example with myself.


    Late October, during my most recent underway, I brought a number of Mixels in my baggage and kept them in my rack.  Several times during my off-watch time, when there was no other training going on, I would take one of the sets to Crew's Mess and sit down for a little while as I went about and built the set.  I did recieve a number of weird looks at times, mostly at the thought that I brought a toy on board; but it did not take long for a number of the senior crew members to come around and remark about how they like to build with LEGO sets and what I was doing was a novel idea.


    My reason was that it was just good for me to reset my mind before going to my next watch.  I am certain that animation studios could benefit greatly from sitting around and playing with a toy with near limitless capabilities as they work.

    • Upvote 4
  3. Alright, Heir, I have recently purchased a Cendox V1 and the other five Vahki to work on making them custom and more a model. The sets should be in my possession by the start of next week. So, all I need is an address to send them to and I will send them to you as soon as possible.We can also discuss costs to you and payment options for me; as I have no doubt that material costs are big and 20 hours are worth quite a bit as well.We are doing this, Heir. We are making this happen.~Alsru~

  4. Well, alright then; just keep me posted on the progress of the base. I would like to see how it has been coming along.Good, seeing as I have the time, patience, and have few qualms about how much it will cost me, we could likely work something out concerning the other five Vahki.Which is where the fun is with the vehicles, I figure. Not only would it give you the vehicle to damage and make it look used and under constant state of repair, but the driver as well could have wear from the rigors of the desert; think scratches and discoloration of the armor, maybe even showing off colors of former owners.Plenty for us to discuss.~Alsru~

  5. You know, after looking at the base again, it seems a tad tall and might take away from the focus being the Bordakh. Would it be possible to shorten it about two inches or so? Something else that came up to mind is that with how well you have done with the Bordakh, would you be up to the challenge of the other five Vahki? Also, just curious, something to think over; how would you think about taking a complete vehicle set, say Cendox V1 of Kaxium V3, and giving them the proper sand wear, pitting corrosion, dirt, battle damage that they should have? Scratches, dents, layers of dirt on the exhausts; things like that. ~Alsru~

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