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Serpent of Fire

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Serpent of Fire

  1. Serpent of Fire
    I picked up a Sega Game Gear in the local Goodwill last weekend, along with Sonic 2 and Pac Man at Value Village. Since I had a Gameboy that generation I have no idea what the good games are. Can anyone give me some recommendations?
  2. Serpent of Fire
    So my dad and I went to see the new Star Trek movie today.
    I can't really say much without ruining it but

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «The movie completely overwrites everything that has already been done in the franchise. Not only is it a prequel, but its also a reboot. When you see the movie, you will know how its different when it happens. 
    I've said too much...
    They should have brought JJ Abrams in to do Star Trek movies a long time ago. This movie is exactly what the franchise needed.
  3. Serpent of Fire
    And the Furno Bike. Got them at Toys R us, will update with more pictures as I build the sets.
    The sets
    Here is Meltdown, With Tahu Star for a size comparison. The barraki tentacle was a nice touch, makes it look like he's shooting acid everywhere. The head is not made for a Glatorian head, but it can attach to a Metru head Maxilos style, although it sticks out a bit. And yes, that is yellow, not Keetorange.
    Here's Xplode. Some good pieces. I can see Xplode parts being used in Skakdi MoCs. For clarification, that is Mata Red, not Metru red. Not to sure why they used throwbot arms, that plus the way the spines attach to the arms makes it a bit akward. The helmet is a glatorian helmet.
    Here is the Furno Bike A refreshing change from the Bionicle vehicles. Has a few recolors, such as the orange bitil wings and the orange borok Krana cover. The silver parts on the bike are a little darker than older versions, almost gunmetal. I'm not too sure if gunmetal got lighter or if metal got darker. The set does have several large gaps though.
  4. Serpent of Fire
    So I went to the Alderwood Lego store's grand opening. After being assigned to group 4 and waiting 45 minutes in line to get in, I found the 10231 Space Shuttle (Pictures coming when I get around to building it.) and headed to checkout. And there, at the register, I see LEGO coasters. Since I already had decided i needed some coasters I just couldn't resist picking them up.
  5. Serpent of Fire
    Got the game today. Lots of fun. People who plan on playing online might want to check the Wii Friend Code topic for information on how a finding other BZPers for a Wii game without friend codes will work.
  6. Serpent of Fire
    That laughing gas they give you is trippy. Now I'm going to try not to drool on my computer while I wait for half my face to stop being numb.
    And I think the experience has made my tongue suicidal. It keeps trying to slip between my teeth whenever I open my mouth.
  7. Serpent of Fire
    After hearing a guard in whiterun say "I used to be an adventurer like you, but I took an arrow to the knee" for the thousandth time, I FUS RO DAH'd him down three flights of stairs, then proceeded to shoot him in the knee with some steel arrows until he collapsed on one knee, surrendering. Moral of the story: Never complain around the Dovakiin.
  8. Serpent of Fire
    So I've finally gone and done something I've been thinking about for a while. I've changed my name from Attei to serpent of fire, to match my Xbox Live gamertag. I'm taking down my at-sign avatar/seal not that it doesn't make any sense anymore. (You see Attei starts with "at" which is what the @ means...)
  9. Serpent of Fire
    I got this at my local Lego store (The one in Bellevue) during the forum downtime, and am just now remembering to post pics.
    Just the space needle
    With the box
    It was a fairly quick and easy build, I had it mostly built, except for the three tube thingeys that were required to be cut about an inch shorter before they could be put into place. The set is about 9 inches tall (22 centimeters). My only complaint is that the set is grey while the actual space needle is white, but that can easily be overlooked.
  10. Serpent of Fire
    Hope everyone is enjoying labor day.
    I got Guitar Hero 5 (XBox 360) the other day, and have basically been playing it non stop. The party mode and ability to play as your avatar is awesome. Now we just have to see if a future Rock band game does the same thing
    Also, new moc up. This isn't the one I mentioned in an earlier entry, but one that I had built about a week later.
    Also, my premier membership is due to expire soon, (September 24th to be exact), so expect a short* interruption is service then.
    *By short I mean that I'm not too sure if I'll renew or not, so short in this case may or may not mean indefinite...
  11. Serpent of Fire
    Since last Friday it has been really cold around here. We've had temperatures in the mid-twenties. It warmed up to the thirties today and it has been snowing everywhere. At work on Saturday I had to help move carts into the store, which I also did when I showed up this morning, which it turns out is a little harder when there is snow on the ground.
    Now that I have a job and am not in school right now, I don't get any snow days. I haven't really been able to enjoy the snow like I used to. Those 8 hour shifts can really wear you out.
    And I wasn't hit by a car...
    I was outside in the snow a little while ago, and I put a hand print on the car in the driveway. That led to another hand print. Then... well... This happened. As it turns out, snow really is cold.
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