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Serpent of Fire

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Serpent of Fire

  1. Serpent of Fire
    Oh, come on! I told you not to click! You've just sent a tremor through the space-time continuum, unraveling time and destroying the universe.
    Of course thats just a worse-case scenario. Best case, the destruction is limited to our own galaxy.
  2. Serpent of Fire
    Is awesome. I am a Were-Argonian who, as of this post, has killed a total of seven dragons. So far I've kept a balance of dual wielding one handed weapons and using destruction spells. I've been going back and forth between the main quest, the Companions, and the College of Winterhold. I wish that the actual Mages guild was still there, but I guess it helps add to how much Tamriel has changed since Oblivion.
    In other news, I had a Hero Factory Recon set show up in the mail yesterday, which I'll try to post later. Plus I have a drive test scheduled next week so hopefully I can stop freezing to death at the bus stop. Also, at work, we are expecting a few hundred live trees to be delivered sometime tomorrow, which means I'd better eat my wheaties.
    Did I mention Skyrim is awesome?
  3. Serpent of Fire
    This blog entry marks the return of an old feature in this blog, only things are going to be a bit different this time. Since it will be more of a "whenever i feel like it" feature than a weekly one, Internet Junk of the Week will now be known as:
    FOR the LAWLS (Internet Edition)
    So now, here is the pic, which makes less sense than this one*:

    *On second thought, I don't think its possible to make less sense than that...**
    **On third thought, they both are pretty nuts.
  4. Serpent of Fire
    This is my sort of annual visit to BZP to see how things are. This site was one of my main stomping grounds when I was in my teens. Man the time has flown by. I'm freaking 30 years old now! It's pretty cool to see that this place is still going.
    Well, until next time! 
  5. Serpent of Fire
    So I got a PS3 a couple weeks ago, and am wondering if anyone has any recommendations.
    I'm mainly interested in exclusives, as most of the good multiplatform games I already have on my 360 or PC. Currently I own Fallout: New Vegas, MAG, Ruse, and Sports Champions.
  6. Serpent of Fire
    After hearing a guard in whiterun say "I used to be an adventurer like you, but I took an arrow to the knee" for the thousandth time, I FUS RO DAH'd him down three flights of stairs, then proceeded to shoot him in the knee with some steel arrows until he collapsed on one knee, surrendering. Moral of the story: Never complain around the Dovakiin.
  7. Serpent of Fire
    Posted this a while ago in this thread:
    A little while later, I realized I had posted this a few weeks earlier in the exact same thread...
    Since that could be interpreted as spam I have a new BZP first: I decided to report myself so the proper authorities can make a decision on whether it counts as spam or not. Probably not a big deal, but I bet the mods (and now you guys) will get a laugh out of that. XD
  8. Serpent of Fire
    Got it used at gamestop. Between some gift cards and selling my DSi on ebay, I ended up only paying half what it cost used. So far I just have Mario Kart 7 and am really enjoying it. Next payday I'm going to have to check out the virtual console to see if anything is worth getting.
  9. Serpent of Fire
    BZPower has now been around for 7 years, And I have been a member for just over five of them. In this blog entry I'll be reflecting on my early days here, talk about now.
    When I joined: When I first joined BZPower, I was rather new to the whole internet thing, and the only website I was a member of was the Lego Club (Man, has that sure changed). I had been a guest for a few months, spending time reading the news posts every day. Once I finally discovered the forums (23-December 03) , I joined the website, blissfully unaware that rules were rules on the internet. Yes I had been a part of the Lego Club for a while, but I only joined for the games ). So naturally, once I finally figured out how to reply to a topic, (Which was posted by someone who had sent in for a replacement orange Vahi, to discover that he recieved the last such kanohi in stock.) I posted a spammy response... Twice. That was when I discovered the proto-meter. I spent many years missing one proto point until recently, but more on that later.
    A month later, Hapori Dume took over BZPower for a day. Not realizing that it was April Fools day, I actually thought that the site had changed, then logged off for a while, simply because I wasn't as active as I am now.
    I was never a very active member until after I discovered Rayg's Halo kit. I spent a lot of time messing around with spritesheets learning how to use them. I even went as far as to make a very bad flash animation using them. Once Rayg stopped making sprites, I joined Voho in the Innerrayg Halo Kit Continuation Project. I spent a considerable time recoloring spritesheets for people to use.
    When the project finally died out, I tried my hand at a few BBC contests, losing all of them in the first round. I always seemed to be put up against some of the best MoCist in BZPower every time.
    I eventually started to move out of CoT and started making the bulk of my posts in General Discussion, which I still do.
    I posted an epic about my Bionicle alter ego: Toa Attei, which I have built two MoCs of.
    The Present: Well, I now have my proto meter back where it was when I first joined, thanks to an offer from Toys R Us and Black Six. I'm not involved with any big projects, and am just your average member of BZPower.
    I'll end this entry with a sample of my artistic talents that aren't seen enough here on BZPower, something that may or may not change.

    Blue Phoenix
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