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Serpent of Fire

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Serpent of Fire

  1. Serpent of Fire
    Wow, I just saw an ad for a local initiative up on the coming elections. I've seen ads that say the name of my hometown pop up from time to time, but never anything that specific.
  2. Serpent of Fire
    Does anyone know of any sets currently out that have wheels about half the size of the Hero Factory Motorcycle that came out a few years ago? I'm redesigning the Remote Control Tank I built last year. I would prefer one that have tires, as I already have some all plastic wheels that I'm having issues with.
  3. Serpent of Fire
    Glad to see BZP back up and running. I was starting to get worried that it wouldn't come back. So lets see, whats some stuff that happend over the summer I never got a chance to blog about...
    -Got some Hero Factory recon sets that I would have showed you guys, but scrapped for parts.
    -Built some Hero Factory MoCs that I would have showed you guys but I ended up taking them apart.
    -Got an 8.5 inch Wacom Bamboo tablet that I've been playing with.
    -Got a new 27 inch Imac. (Counter Strike is amazing on this thing!)
    -Steve Jobs passed away, that was sad.
    -SKYRIM! I know I've blogged about it already but come on, its Skyrim!
    -Got an Iphone
    -Found two month old Iphone in the washer. Vulgar language spewed everywhere
    -Got an Xperia Play with old number and plan
    -Last week I plugged in dead Iphone, charged the battery and it started working again.
    EDIT: Oh, by the way Geckonator Sora the Explorer, Happy Belated Birthday. I knew I'd beat you to it this time...
    I now leave you with this:
    I call it Virus.
  4. Serpent of Fire
    So I got my tax return in today, so I put the money to something I've been drooling over since my brother let me try his back at thanksgiving. I am posting this blog entry from my new 64 iPad. So far I'm really enjoying it. When it comes to gaming, every issue I had on my ipod touch has been resolved by the bigger screen. The touchscreen keyboard is better for typing than I thought it was, which is part of the reason that this first post post is also part review. The size of the iPads screen makes it great for watching movies, or for streaming videos, either from video sites or from Netflix. Web browsing is pretty good too.
    Well, now I'll be off, Angry Birds isn't going to play itself...
  5. Serpent of Fire
    Lost Tali's loyalty just before the suicide mission when I let Legion transmit data on the Migrant fleet, meaning that she was the only one who died on the mission. I also let Cerberus have the Collector station, so we'll have to wait and see what the repercussions are in Mass effect 3.
  6. Serpent of Fire
    To the first blog entry of 2011.
    If it is still 2010 where you live, then consider this the last blog entry of 2010.
    No I must go to sleep, because I've been up since 5:30 AM and its now 12:30...
  7. Serpent of Fire
    When I was out doing some shopping today, I noticed that the Redbox kiosk in the store's entry had a new sticker on it. Apparently now you can rent video games for $2 a night. Since I play way more games than I watch movies, I figured I'd check it out. Wasn't much to choose from, since they can only fit so many disks in the kiosk, but I ended up renting Fable III. I think I'll be renting from them again.
  8. Serpent of Fire
    So I got a PS3 a couple weeks ago, and am wondering if anyone has any recommendations.
    I'm mainly interested in exclusives, as most of the good multiplatform games I already have on my 360 or PC. Currently I own Fallout: New Vegas, MAG, Ruse, and Sports Champions.
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