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Serpent of Fire

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Serpent of Fire

  1. Serpent of Fire
    So this year, I got:
    Two piece skillet set
    Fahita Maker (Has a place to cook filling and a spot to heat up the tortillas)
    Lego Pirate Fountain of Youth
    Lego set of the scene from the second Pirate movie where the tribe wanted to eat Jack Sparrow
    Modern Warfare 3
    Kinect Sports 2 (The football in that game is awesome)
    no-tear toilette paper
    toy lightsaber
    Lego Volkswagon Camper Van. Havent built it yet because the Imperial Flagship set taught me that sets with that high a part count take a good chunk of time to build.
  2. Serpent of Fire
    So I got my tax return in today, so I put the money to something I've been drooling over since my brother let me try his back at thanksgiving. I am posting this blog entry from my new 64 iPad. So far I'm really enjoying it. When it comes to gaming, every issue I had on my ipod touch has been resolved by the bigger screen. The touchscreen keyboard is better for typing than I thought it was, which is part of the reason that this first post post is also part review. The size of the iPads screen makes it great for watching movies, or for streaming videos, either from video sites or from Netflix. Web browsing is pretty good too.
    Well, now I'll be off, Angry Birds isn't going to play itself...
  3. Serpent of Fire
    Wow, I just saw an ad for a local initiative up on the coming elections. I've seen ads that say the name of my hometown pop up from time to time, but never anything that specific.
  4. Serpent of Fire
    Haven't got around to posting about this here, but seeing as 70% of my things are now packed in cardboard boxes, I think its time. Come Monday, I'll be moving out of my parents house for the first time ever into an apartment in the next town over. Needless to say, aside from my phone, I won't have much access to the internet for an unknown amount of time. So consider this one of my last few blog posts.
    In other news, some Canadian Teens launched a Lego Minifig into space with their cell phone recording the entire thing. The footage is pretty awesome.
    I'm also starting to notice some of the new Hero Factory sets start to pop up in non-Toys R Us stores so keep an eye out.
    I'm trying to think of what else to type...
    Lets see...
    Ice Cubes! I got a [url=]http://shop.lego.com/en-US/Minifigure-Ice-Cube-Tray-852771[/url] using my Lego VIP money I had. The Iced Minifigs are the size of their plastic counterparts, so they melt faster than standard ice cubes. Still fun though.
    Not much left to say here, so I'm going adventuring in Skyrim while trying to keep any pointy arrow shaped objects well away from my knee.
  5. Serpent of Fire
    So I've finally gone and done something I've been thinking about for a while. I've changed my name from Attei to serpent of fire, to match my Xbox Live gamertag. I'm taking down my at-sign avatar/seal not that it doesn't make any sense anymore. (You see Attei starts with "at" which is what the @ means...)
  6. Serpent of Fire
    Since last Friday it has been really cold around here. We've had temperatures in the mid-twenties. It warmed up to the thirties today and it has been snowing everywhere. At work on Saturday I had to help move carts into the store, which I also did when I showed up this morning, which it turns out is a little harder when there is snow on the ground.
    Now that I have a job and am not in school right now, I don't get any snow days. I haven't really been able to enjoy the snow like I used to. Those 8 hour shifts can really wear you out.
    And I wasn't hit by a car...
    I was outside in the snow a little while ago, and I put a hand print on the car in the driveway. That led to another hand print. Then... well... This happened. As it turns out, snow really is cold.
  7. Serpent of Fire
    Ok, so I'm about a week late with this one. Between work and settling in to the new plave, things have been a bit busy.
    I now leave you with this picture of a cat i found on google*:

    *When I say google I mean Bing
  8. Serpent of Fire
    When I was out doing some shopping today, I noticed that the Redbox kiosk in the store's entry had a new sticker on it. Apparently now you can rent video games for $2 a night. Since I play way more games than I watch movies, I figured I'd check it out. Wasn't much to choose from, since they can only fit so many disks in the kiosk, but I ended up renting Fable III. I think I'll be renting from them again.
  9. Serpent of Fire
    I was clearing out my emails inbox when I stumbled across something I had forgotten about. Archived PMs.
    I don't know how many people know about this, or even use it, but with the loss of server information, I think this merits a blog entry.
    This handy little feature archives your Personal Messages and sends them to you in an email.
    To create an archive of your Personal Messages:
    1: Open up your control panel.
    2: In the Messenger block at the top left you see all of your options concerning your PMs. Click on "Archive Messages", its the one that is second from the bottom.
    3: You are then given options for what and how to archive your messages. The options are:
    Archive from which folder? This one allows you to choose if you want to back up your inbox, outbox, or both folders.
    Archive messages received in the last This allows you to choose what to back up to the point in time you specify.
    Number of messages to archive Pretty self-explanatory. You can choose to back up anywhere from 5 to 50 messages at a time.
    Delete messages after archiving? Selecting yes deletes the messages you are archiving. No leaves them in your inbox/outbox.
    Compile datafile as You have two choices for how you want to receive the archived messages: An importable MS Excel data file, or an HTML page. I recommend saving as an HTML page.
    You should then receive an Email to the address you have tied to you BZP account. Open it up, and save the attached file to your computer, or just keep it in your email until you need it.
  10. Serpent of Fire
    So today my dad came home and told me that R2 D2 was in the newest Star Trek movie at the part where the Enterprise first comes out of warp in the debris field. After a quick search on google, I came across the image below. Still not satisfied, I turned on the movie. Sure enough, at 1:19:08 R2 is floating in space.

    Oh, and the title is just a joke, I don't actually think one is better than the other, just wanted to get your attention.
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