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Serpent of Fire

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Serpent of Fire

  1. Serpent of Fire
    Today, a cardboard box arrived on my doorstep. Since the only package I was expecting was for a certain WIP I've been working on for six months (Its true! check the link!). The Lego Power Functions Remote and IR Reciever had finally arrived, meaning the project could finally move to Phase III. Expect to see a topic (With a video if I can manage it) in BBC sometime soon...
  2. Serpent of Fire
    Lost Tali's loyalty just before the suicide mission when I let Legion transmit data on the Migrant fleet, meaning that she was the only one who died on the mission. I also let Cerberus have the Collector station, so we'll have to wait and see what the repercussions are in Mass effect 3.
  3. Serpent of Fire
    I got this at my local Lego store (The one in Bellevue) during the forum downtime, and am just now remembering to post pics.
    Just the space needle
    With the box
    It was a fairly quick and easy build, I had it mostly built, except for the three tube thingeys that were required to be cut about an inch shorter before they could be put into place. The set is about 9 inches tall (22 centimeters). My only complaint is that the set is grey while the actual space needle is white, but that can easily be overlooked.
  4. Serpent of Fire
    Got the game earlier today. It is made of epic winsauce.
    There definitely is a reason this one is rated "M" Kids may want to skip the airport level if their parents are watching. Gunning down unarmed civilians will not sit well with some people.
  5. Serpent of Fire
    Got the game today. Lots of fun. People who plan on playing online might want to check the Wii Friend Code topic for information on how a finding other BZPers for a Wii game without friend codes will work.
  6. Serpent of Fire
    The last few traces of my old screen name (Attei) have gone away. The At-Sign HQ is now shut down.
    This is the Serpent's Den. Welcome to my lair...
    I've also moved my content blocks to the left side of the screen, and reduced their width to 200 pixels (Formerly 250 pixels). Since I don't really get that many comments, I've set the comments so that they no longer need to be approved by me to be posted. I'll probably change that back at some point in time.
    Thats it for now, unless you want to be stay for dinner.
  7. Serpent of Fire
    So I went to the Alderwood Lego store's grand opening. After being assigned to group 4 and waiting 45 minutes in line to get in, I found the 10231 Space Shuttle (Pictures coming when I get around to building it.) and headed to checkout. And there, at the register, I see LEGO coasters. Since I already had decided i needed some coasters I just couldn't resist picking them up.
  8. Serpent of Fire
    So I got a PS3 a couple weeks ago, and am wondering if anyone has any recommendations.
    I'm mainly interested in exclusives, as most of the good multiplatform games I already have on my 360 or PC. Currently I own Fallout: New Vegas, MAG, Ruse, and Sports Champions.
  9. Serpent of Fire
    Between a trip to the thrift store, and my local game crazy closing down, I've been able to get some games pretty very ridiculously cheap.
    Got a few Wii games I'd been holding off on getting till I could get them cheap. All are First Person Shooters. I've gotta say, I really hated the using the wiimote/Nunchuck for FPS games, but they are starting to grow on me. After playing a bit of Call of Duty 4, Medal of Honor Heroes 2, and 007: Quantum of Solace, its starting to grow on me.
    Heres a little rundown of the games I got, and what I think of them:
    Wii Games:
    Call of Duty 4: Was really into the Xbox version. Not a huge fan of how much they massacred the graphics, but since they were able to port the entire game and not leave any of the more fun aspects out (World at War's Nazi Zombies), Its worth it. Because of the uniqueness of the Wii, it is probably not the best idea to compare a Wii version of a game to the version on the more conventional systems, but rather the Wii games that went before it. Modern Warfate: Reflex is probably one of the best Wii FPS games out there right now. Treyarc should consider making an original Wii FPS, and not a port of another console's game.
    Medal of Honor Heroes 2: Haven't really played this one much, but its controls are solid and has 32 player online.What more do I need to say?
    Quantum of Solace: No complaints on the controls, but the framerate laggs on occasion. It plays kind of like Call of Duty with a Gears of War style cover system. Online Multiplayer is limited to 4 players, which is a letdown considering that games like Call of duty and the Conduit let you play with double that number.
    Xbox 360:
    Deadrising: Very glad I waited this long to get this game. about an hour into the game I quit playing. Character dialogue was just way to cheezy for my taste. *Girl hands guy a gun* "You know how to use that?" "I've covered Wars you know." Thats great, but does he know how to use a gun? I can guarantee that the game will be on Ebay by the end of the month.
    Ghostbusters. Fun game, but I'm not sure how much I'll play it once I beat it.
    Far Cry 2: Haven't played it much, but it seems interesting. I'll have to get back to it when I get bored of the other games.
  10. Serpent of Fire
    Yesterday I got home from class to find that someone had left a brown box sitting on my chair. Inside was the new netbook I had ordered the day before from a verizon cyber monday deal for about $30, plus $40 a month for 2 years for access to the verizon 3G network, so I can access the internet with this thing from anywhere there is cell phone coverage.
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