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Serpent of Fire

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Serpent of Fire

  1. Serpent of Fire
    Another update to that WIP I mentioned a while back.
    Well, Lego finally took the IR reciever off backorder, sot now it, and a remote are on the way, bringing me another step closer to finishing that tank. Since the last post, I've had to make a few modifications after adding the battery pack and motors. Because of the placement of the gears, I had to reconfigure them a bit because the treads were moving in opposite directions.
  2. Serpent of Fire
    Ok, I'll admit I was a bit worried when the series changed hands, but 343 made a game worthy of the name Halo. Already finished the campaign (Heroic), and it will be interesting to see where they take the series from there.
  3. Serpent of Fire
    Yesterday I got home from class to find that someone had left a brown box sitting on my chair. Inside was the new netbook I had ordered the day before from a verizon cyber monday deal for about $30, plus $40 a month for 2 years for access to the verizon 3G network, so I can access the internet with this thing from anywhere there is cell phone coverage.
  4. Serpent of Fire
    Upgraded to a brand new DSi today, which caused my friend codes to change. If you registered me then you'll have to re-register me. My codes are in the link on your left.
    I've also been Ebaying some of my old games I never play anymore, so Mario Kart DS is now my only WiFi game at this moment.
  5. Serpent of Fire
    An update to my last entry
    Got the battery pack and motors in the mail today, so I took care of step 2 of my 3 step plan. Now I just need that Remote and I/R sensor so I can finish it. No pictures this time, its getting too close to the finished version, and I want to post the completed moc in BBC, but now its definitely starting to look more like a tank, as opposed to a hot rod with treads like it was starting to. I was hoping to be able to include a rider with it, but I keep having to modify the main structure in order for the treads to be able to support the weight of the battery pack, plus the whole thing is a bit too compact to carry anything larger than a McToran. I was originally planning on using 4 small motors to run the thing, but it turns out I've underestimated the power those little things have, so I've cut it down to two motors. I could probably get away with just one, but I'd have to completely rebuild the chassis to accommodate a one motor design.
  6. Serpent of Fire
    BZPower has now been around for 7 years, And I have been a member for just over five of them. In this blog entry I'll be reflecting on my early days here, talk about now.
    When I joined: When I first joined BZPower, I was rather new to the whole internet thing, and the only website I was a member of was the Lego Club (Man, has that sure changed). I had been a guest for a few months, spending time reading the news posts every day. Once I finally discovered the forums (23-December 03) , I joined the website, blissfully unaware that rules were rules on the internet. Yes I had been a part of the Lego Club for a while, but I only joined for the games ). So naturally, once I finally figured out how to reply to a topic, (Which was posted by someone who had sent in for a replacement orange Vahi, to discover that he recieved the last such kanohi in stock.) I posted a spammy response... Twice. That was when I discovered the proto-meter. I spent many years missing one proto point until recently, but more on that later.
    A month later, Hapori Dume took over BZPower for a day. Not realizing that it was April Fools day, I actually thought that the site had changed, then logged off for a while, simply because I wasn't as active as I am now.
    I was never a very active member until after I discovered Rayg's Halo kit. I spent a lot of time messing around with spritesheets learning how to use them. I even went as far as to make a very bad flash animation using them. Once Rayg stopped making sprites, I joined Voho in the Innerrayg Halo Kit Continuation Project. I spent a considerable time recoloring spritesheets for people to use.
    When the project finally died out, I tried my hand at a few BBC contests, losing all of them in the first round. I always seemed to be put up against some of the best MoCist in BZPower every time.
    I eventually started to move out of CoT and started making the bulk of my posts in General Discussion, which I still do.
    I posted an epic about my Bionicle alter ego: Toa Attei, which I have built two MoCs of.
    The Present: Well, I now have my proto meter back where it was when I first joined, thanks to an offer from Toys R Us and Black Six. I'm not involved with any big projects, and am just your average member of BZPower.
    I'll end this entry with a sample of my artistic talents that aren't seen enough here on BZPower, something that may or may not change.

    Blue Phoenix
  7. Serpent of Fire
    By know I'm guessing you've heard. The Stars are the last Bionicle sets in the "foreseeable future" (The story, however, will continue).
    I've gotta say, its sad to see the sets go. I've always figured that the story would go before the sets, especially considering that Scholastic has stopped publishing the books.
    -Begins Reminiscing-
    I can remember when I first learned about Bionicle when the very first comic came with my lego magazine back in 2001. I was instantly hooked. I bought Pohatu Mata as soon as I could, then eventually got every last Toa Mata released. I even managed to get the Nui Jaga, Nui Rama, and Muaka and Kane Ra sets as gifts. The only sets from that year I still have intact are Tahu, Pohatu, Onepu, Huki, and Kongu. Plus the Nui Rama, minus their rubber bands which disintegrated due to old age and over use. 2001 will always be my favorite year of Bionicle. That was when I knew absolutely nothing about the storyline, which at that point, for me, had the most mystery during its run.
    -Ends Reminiscing-
    So what now? Well, I've got a Classified Bionicle Classified that I've been working on since classified. I'll have to start classified about the classified when classified is classified. I may even classified the classified.
    About that new Non-Ben 10 line

    I'm suddenly curious about what makes it more flexible. Does it have more pieces? Are the pieces all made of rubber? Will it have a flexible storyline, or a rubber one? I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to what comes next.
    Ok so I think that this is my longest post yet, and if you made it this far, then you have way more time on your hands than I do. Wait, why is my time on your hands?
    Oh, and I think I should mention this: Yes, I'm aware that there was no Internet Junk of the week last week because I forgot about it. By the time I remembered (Sunday), Maj had disabled the ability to upload photos. Since I am too lazy to sign up for another image hosting site, Internet Junk of the week will be delayed until the first friday after I figure out its been turned back on. And don't worry, I'm still collecting junk to post, so when it goes back online, expect a jumbo junk post.
  8. Serpent of Fire
    So I was in WalMart today, and happened to find Axalara marked down to $32. Since I hadn't bought the set yet because of the price, I could not let the opportunity pass me by. So I bought ti.
    I have not spent that much time building a set since I got Muaka and Kane Ra back in 2001. I spent about 2 hours building it. It was a great set to build. While the functions aren't as great as the ones in the early years, they are still a neat little feature that makes the build a whole lot more fun.
  9. Serpent of Fire
    Not much to report this week. Lots of cleaning at work to prepare the store for a visit from the company VP, so things are getting a bit chaotic. School this week was kinda slow. For english I had to watch Remember the Titans, talk about it throughout the week, then write a paper on it. Finally a good movie to watch for a school project. One of my art classes was cancelled this week because the instructor wasn't there. Hope everythings alright. In my other art class we're making shadow puppets. The assignment comes in three parts. The puppet itself, a performance, and then they go to the school art gallery. I've been having some fun with it.
    I went bowling last night with my dad, brother, and some people they work with. I'd tell you how I did, but that would be way too embarrasing...
    I've been doing some work on the Blog. I'd like to be able to add to the Links of Interest content block, so if there's anything you'd like to see there (Links to specific topics in the Reference Desk, your favorite official topic, your lates MoC or art topics), just PM me and I'll be happy to add it in.
  10. Serpent of Fire
    Does anyone know of any sets currently out that have wheels about half the size of the Hero Factory Motorcycle that came out a few years ago? I'm redesigning the Remote Control Tank I built last year. I would prefer one that have tires, as I already have some all plastic wheels that I'm having issues with.
  11. Serpent of Fire
    Glad to see BZP back up and running. I was starting to get worried that it wouldn't come back. So lets see, whats some stuff that happend over the summer I never got a chance to blog about...
    -Got some Hero Factory recon sets that I would have showed you guys, but scrapped for parts.
    -Built some Hero Factory MoCs that I would have showed you guys but I ended up taking them apart.
    -Got an 8.5 inch Wacom Bamboo tablet that I've been playing with.
    -Got a new 27 inch Imac. (Counter Strike is amazing on this thing!)
    -Steve Jobs passed away, that was sad.
    -SKYRIM! I know I've blogged about it already but come on, its Skyrim!
    -Got an Iphone
    -Found two month old Iphone in the washer. Vulgar language spewed everywhere
    -Got an Xperia Play with old number and plan
    -Last week I plugged in dead Iphone, charged the battery and it started working again.
    EDIT: Oh, by the way Geckonator Sora the Explorer, Happy Belated Birthday. I knew I'd beat you to it this time...
    I now leave you with this:
    I call it Virus.
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