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Serpent of Fire

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Serpent of Fire

  1. Serpent of Fire
    Upgraded to a brand new DSi today, which caused my friend codes to change. If you registered me then you'll have to re-register me. My codes are in the link on your left.
    I've also been Ebaying some of my old games I never play anymore, so Mario Kart DS is now my only WiFi game at this moment.
  2. Serpent of Fire
    Posted this a while ago in this thread:
    A little while later, I realized I had posted this a few weeks earlier in the exact same thread...
    Since that could be interpreted as spam I have a new BZP first: I decided to report myself so the proper authorities can make a decision on whether it counts as spam or not. Probably not a big deal, but I bet the mods (and now you guys) will get a laugh out of that. XD
  3. Serpent of Fire
    So today my dad came home and told me that R2 D2 was in the newest Star Trek movie at the part where the Enterprise first comes out of warp in the debris field. After a quick search on google, I came across the image below. Still not satisfied, I turned on the movie. Sure enough, at 1:19:08 R2 is floating in space.

    Oh, and the title is just a joke, I don't actually think one is better than the other, just wanted to get your attention.
  4. Serpent of Fire
    Hope everyone is enjoying labor day.
    I got Guitar Hero 5 (XBox 360) the other day, and have basically been playing it non stop. The party mode and ability to play as your avatar is awesome. Now we just have to see if a future Rock band game does the same thing
    Also, new moc up. This isn't the one I mentioned in an earlier entry, but one that I had built about a week later.
    Also, my premier membership is due to expire soon, (September 24th to be exact), so expect a short* interruption is service then.
    *By short I mean that I'm not too sure if I'll renew or not, so short in this case may or may not mean indefinite...
  5. Serpent of Fire
    When I was out doing some shopping today, I noticed that the Redbox kiosk in the store's entry had a new sticker on it. Apparently now you can rent video games for $2 a night. Since I play way more games than I watch movies, I figured I'd check it out. Wasn't much to choose from, since they can only fit so many disks in the kiosk, but I ended up renting Fable III. I think I'll be renting from them again.
  6. Serpent of Fire
    You know, the one I posted on April 1st?
    Thats wasn't a prank (Though nobody responded, so I doubt anyone thinks that is the case, but I figured I'd say it anyway).
    Anyway, I'll be leaving early tomorrow morning for a camping trip and will be away from my computer for a few days. So no internet.
  7. Serpent of Fire
    Until January, when Winter quarter starts. So I'll probably see more time at work, which is fine by me.
    I'm hoping to take advantage to get back to drawing some of my personal projects which have been neglected for a while. Hopefully I'll have something new to show you guys.
    A while back I posted the original version of Toa Attei. I recently started to make some minor modifications. I've altered the legs so that it no longer uses Nuparu Inika claws for armor. When I was working on it I realized that although I had already reinforced the torso after I posted the Moc, it is in need of a complete rebuild. I took off a single piece off the back of the torso and it lost it's stability. So I'll probably try to rebuild it, however I will need to decide if I should build a completely new torso, or make more modifications. At this point I'm leaning towards an entirely new torso.
  8. Serpent of Fire
    So with the teaser for the new Bionicle movie being on the front page, I thought I'd take a screenshot...

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « I gotta say, I really like the way the sets were made for this movie better than the others. This one stays true to the sets, unike the last three movies.
    Mata Nui Pic
  9. Serpent of Fire
    I picked up a Sega Game Gear in the local Goodwill last weekend, along with Sonic 2 and Pac Man at Value Village. Since I had a Gameboy that generation I have no idea what the good games are. Can anyone give me some recommendations?
  10. Serpent of Fire
    Is awesome. I am a Were-Argonian who, as of this post, has killed a total of seven dragons. So far I've kept a balance of dual wielding one handed weapons and using destruction spells. I've been going back and forth between the main quest, the Companions, and the College of Winterhold. I wish that the actual Mages guild was still there, but I guess it helps add to how much Tamriel has changed since Oblivion.
    In other news, I had a Hero Factory Recon set show up in the mail yesterday, which I'll try to post later. Plus I have a drive test scheduled next week so hopefully I can stop freezing to death at the bus stop. Also, at work, we are expecting a few hundred live trees to be delivered sometime tomorrow, which means I'd better eat my wheaties.
    Did I mention Skyrim is awesome?
  11. Serpent of Fire
    So my dad and I went to see the new Star Trek movie today.
    I can't really say much without ruining it but

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «The movie completely overwrites everything that has already been done in the franchise. Not only is it a prequel, but its also a reboot. When you see the movie, you will know how its different when it happens. 
    I've said too much...
    They should have brought JJ Abrams in to do Star Trek movies a long time ago. This movie is exactly what the franchise needed.
  12. Serpent of Fire
    An update to my last entry
    Got the battery pack and motors in the mail today, so I took care of step 2 of my 3 step plan. Now I just need that Remote and I/R sensor so I can finish it. No pictures this time, its getting too close to the finished version, and I want to post the completed moc in BBC, but now its definitely starting to look more like a tank, as opposed to a hot rod with treads like it was starting to. I was hoping to be able to include a rider with it, but I keep having to modify the main structure in order for the treads to be able to support the weight of the battery pack, plus the whole thing is a bit too compact to carry anything larger than a McToran. I was originally planning on using 4 small motors to run the thing, but it turns out I've underestimated the power those little things have, so I've cut it down to two motors. I could probably get away with just one, but I'd have to completely rebuild the chassis to accommodate a one motor design.
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