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Serpent of Fire

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Serpent of Fire

  1. Serpent of Fire
    Glad to see BZP back up and running. I was starting to get worried that it wouldn't come back. So lets see, whats some stuff that happend over the summer I never got a chance to blog about...
    -Got some Hero Factory recon sets that I would have showed you guys, but scrapped for parts.
    -Built some Hero Factory MoCs that I would have showed you guys but I ended up taking them apart.
    -Got an 8.5 inch Wacom Bamboo tablet that I've been playing with.
    -Got a new 27 inch Imac. (Counter Strike is amazing on this thing!)
    -Steve Jobs passed away, that was sad.
    -SKYRIM! I know I've blogged about it already but come on, its Skyrim!
    -Got an Iphone
    -Found two month old Iphone in the washer. Vulgar language spewed everywhere
    -Got an Xperia Play with old number and plan
    -Last week I plugged in dead Iphone, charged the battery and it started working again.
    EDIT: Oh, by the way Geckonator Sora the Explorer, Happy Belated Birthday. I knew I'd beat you to it this time...
    I now leave you with this:
    I call it Virus.
  2. Serpent of Fire
    So the forums are back online. I'd like to give a big thanks to the staff for their hard work.
    Some topics couldn't be restored though, but at least nobody lost their accounts. Luckily the Wii Friend Code Topic, however, if you posted your codes after August 2008, you will need to repost them because they did not survive the downtime.
  3. Serpent of Fire
    ... From my new Imac. I'm really glad I got this thing. I can finally play games that were made recently, and not 5 years ago like my last one.
    I'm still looking for some good games. So far all i have is spore.* If anyone knows of any good fps, rts, or rpgs for the mac, or anything else thats good, please let e know.
    *Kind of. It's actually my sister's game, so I can't create my own account or use the online features. I'll have to consider one day getting my own disk. After I get Microsoft Office. And some Adobe programs. And.....
  4. Serpent of Fire
    Last week I bought the Conduit for the Wii. Looks like we finally have a developer thats taking the Wii seriously.
    Anyway, I'd like to know if anyone here plays it online. I've already posted my codes in the Wii friend code topic, but nobody else there has posted codes for the Conduit. If you play the Conduit over Nintendo WFC, please add me (And PM me if you do!)
    Game: The Conduit
    Code: 2665-0145-6718
    Name: Serpent
    Edit: I think that I should probably add that I do not have a Wii Speak...
  5. Serpent of Fire
    To the first blog entry of 2011.
    If it is still 2010 where you live, then consider this the last blog entry of 2010.
    No I must go to sleep, because I've been up since 5:30 AM and its now 12:30...
  6. Serpent of Fire
    The last few traces of my old screen name (Attei) have gone away. The At-Sign HQ is now shut down.
    This is the Serpent's Den. Welcome to my lair...
    I've also moved my content blocks to the left side of the screen, and reduced their width to 200 pixels (Formerly 250 pixels). Since I don't really get that many comments, I've set the comments so that they no longer need to be approved by me to be posted. I'll probably change that back at some point in time.
    Thats it for now, unless you want to be stay for dinner.
  7. Serpent of Fire
    (Well, actually I have two bosses at the store I work at, they just use me on different days, buy anyway)
    I was at work a while ago, and I was having a conversation with one of my bosses about the midnight launch of Halo Reach, and he was asking me if I would be there. I told him that even though the bus doesn't run that late (I have no driver's license), that I would go if I could find a ride, and if i had tomorrow off.
    The next thing I know, he takes his phone out, calls my other boss and talks him into giving me the day off. Awesome!
  8. Serpent of Fire
    Welcome to the At-Sign Report. I am going to be posting blog updates on either a weekly basis, or whenever I can remember to post an entry.
    This week, I posted in the What PM Title Do You Want? topic:

    I actually got this PM earlier today. I just bought the Universe... with 55555's money.
    On monday I started college. I'm taking a Graphic Design class, learning how to use Adobe Indesign. I'm in an art class, where we're talking about lines. Fun Stuff. My last class that I'm enrolled in is an online English class. So far its a bit more interesting than a standard class, although there is a bit more work involved.
    On top of school, I also have work. I've spent a lot of time cleaning up the entrances of the store, picking up trash, moving carts from the parking lot into the store, cleaning fitting rooms, yadda, yadda, yadda.
  9. Serpent of Fire
    So I was in WalMart today, and happened to find Axalara marked down to $32. Since I hadn't bought the set yet because of the price, I could not let the opportunity pass me by. So I bought ti.
    I have not spent that much time building a set since I got Muaka and Kane Ra back in 2001. I spent about 2 hours building it. It was a great set to build. While the functions aren't as great as the ones in the early years, they are still a neat little feature that makes the build a whole lot more fun.
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