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Serpent of Fire

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Serpent of Fire

  1. Serpent of Fire
    I've renewed my Premier Membership for another year. Pretty fast too. I filled out the form this morning.
    Yeah... I can't think of anything else to write here...
    Why do I have a blog again?

    *First person to correctly name the movie the blog entrie's reference gets a picture of a cookie.
  2. Serpent of Fire
    Hope everyone is enjoying labor day.
    I got Guitar Hero 5 (XBox 360) the other day, and have basically been playing it non stop. The party mode and ability to play as your avatar is awesome. Now we just have to see if a future Rock band game does the same thing
    Also, new moc up. This isn't the one I mentioned in an earlier entry, but one that I had built about a week later.
    Also, my premier membership is due to expire soon, (September 24th to be exact), so expect a short* interruption is service then.
    *By short I mean that I'm not too sure if I'll renew or not, so short in this case may or may not mean indefinite...
  3. Serpent of Fire
    I got this at my local Lego store (The one in Bellevue) during the forum downtime, and am just now remembering to post pics.
    Just the space needle
    With the box
    It was a fairly quick and easy build, I had it mostly built, except for the three tube thingeys that were required to be cut about an inch shorter before they could be put into place. The set is about 9 inches tall (22 centimeters). My only complaint is that the set is grey while the actual space needle is white, but that can easily be overlooked.
  4. Serpent of Fire
    Last week I bought the Conduit for the Wii. Looks like we finally have a developer thats taking the Wii seriously.
    Anyway, I'd like to know if anyone here plays it online. I've already posted my codes in the Wii friend code topic, but nobody else there has posted codes for the Conduit. If you play the Conduit over Nintendo WFC, please add me (And PM me if you do!)
    Game: The Conduit
    Code: 2665-0145-6718
    Name: Serpent
    Edit: I think that I should probably add that I do not have a Wii Speak...
  5. Serpent of Fire
    So I was in WalMart today, and happened to find Axalara marked down to $32. Since I hadn't bought the set yet because of the price, I could not let the opportunity pass me by. So I bought ti.
    I have not spent that much time building a set since I got Muaka and Kane Ra back in 2001. I spent about 2 hours building it. It was a great set to build. While the functions aren't as great as the ones in the early years, they are still a neat little feature that makes the build a whole lot more fun.
  6. Serpent of Fire
    I spent a sizable portion of my day today doing some MoCing, and I am very pleased with the results. First, the old MoC, Toa Attei, has undergone it's final round of modifications. I am officially done working on it, considering its not really much of a self moc anymore since I changed my name.
    I'll be posting Toa Attei in a topic in the near future, but it won't be the main attraction of the topic. Toa Attei will appear alongside... something else. Something big. I hope you like silver.
    I really hope you like silver...
    Also, yesterday, I built a Dark Mirror version (Revamp) of Kopaka Mata. Expect to see that soon...
  7. Serpent of Fire
    I finally got around to entering My entry in the latest BBC contest.
    I've also managed to get a hold of the Mata Nui set (Two actually, I wanted the Keetorange pieces. And a spare Ignika). Despite a few flaws in the set's proportions, its a great set. Get it if you can.
    *I just realized that this is my third blog entry in a row to have BBC 54 in the title.
  8. Serpent of Fire
    Have there really been 54 BBC contests? Wow.
    Anyway, check out the BBC Contest 54 Topic if you haven't already. Anything goes in this one, as long as there's no system. I can't wait to see what people come up with. Deadline is June 16.
    My entry is almost finished, I just need to go back to it in a few days to check to see what small changes need to be made and refine it a little.
    And no, its not a humanoid.
  9. Serpent of Fire
    The last few traces of my old screen name (Attei) have gone away. The At-Sign HQ is now shut down.
    This is the Serpent's Den. Welcome to my lair...
    I've also moved my content blocks to the left side of the screen, and reduced their width to 200 pixels (Formerly 250 pixels). Since I don't really get that many comments, I've set the comments so that they no longer need to be approved by me to be posted. I'll probably change that back at some point in time.
    Thats it for now, unless you want to be stay for dinner.
  10. Serpent of Fire
    Finally got a Skrall today. Canister sets haven't been this good in a while. As I was putting it together I noticed that the helmet and shield have kind of a rocky texture in places. It looks pretty good standing next to Atakus and Kithnar.
    I'm definitely going to have to get Tuma and Stronius, when it comes out.
  11. Serpent of Fire
    So my dad and I went to see the new Star Trek movie today.
    I can't really say much without ruining it but

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «The movie completely overwrites everything that has already been done in the franchise. Not only is it a prequel, but its also a reboot. When you see the movie, you will know how its different when it happens. 
    I've said too much...
    They should have brought JJ Abrams in to do Star Trek movies a long time ago. This movie is exactly what the franchise needed.
  12. Serpent of Fire
    I was clearing out my emails inbox when I stumbled across something I had forgotten about. Archived PMs.
    I don't know how many people know about this, or even use it, but with the loss of server information, I think this merits a blog entry.
    This handy little feature archives your Personal Messages and sends them to you in an email.
    To create an archive of your Personal Messages:
    1: Open up your control panel.
    2: In the Messenger block at the top left you see all of your options concerning your PMs. Click on "Archive Messages", its the one that is second from the bottom.
    3: You are then given options for what and how to archive your messages. The options are:
    Archive from which folder? This one allows you to choose if you want to back up your inbox, outbox, or both folders.
    Archive messages received in the last This allows you to choose what to back up to the point in time you specify.
    Number of messages to archive Pretty self-explanatory. You can choose to back up anywhere from 5 to 50 messages at a time.
    Delete messages after archiving? Selecting yes deletes the messages you are archiving. No leaves them in your inbox/outbox.
    Compile datafile as You have two choices for how you want to receive the archived messages: An importable MS Excel data file, or an HTML page. I recommend saving as an HTML page.
    You should then receive an Email to the address you have tied to you BZP account. Open it up, and save the attached file to your computer, or just keep it in your email until you need it.
  13. Serpent of Fire
    So I've finally gone and done something I've been thinking about for a while. I've changed my name from Attei to serpent of fire, to match my Xbox Live gamertag. I'm taking down my at-sign avatar/seal not that it doesn't make any sense anymore. (You see Attei starts with "at" which is what the @ means...)
  14. Serpent of Fire
    So the forums are back online. I'd like to give a big thanks to the staff for their hard work.
    Some topics couldn't be restored though, but at least nobody lost their accounts. Luckily the Wii Friend Code Topic, however, if you posted your codes after August 2008, you will need to repost them because they did not survive the downtime.
  15. Serpent of Fire
    So with the teaser for the new Bionicle movie being on the front page, I thought I'd take a screenshot...

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « I gotta say, I really like the way the sets were made for this movie better than the others. This one stays true to the sets, unike the last three movies.
    Mata Nui Pic
  16. Serpent of Fire
    In my last entry, I said a local Fred Meyer store has the Glatorian. Today I was back and picked up Strakk. Here's a quick little review.
    I'll skip the presentation aspect of the review.
    Building Strakk is about as quick as the standard canister set. In terms of new pieces, Strakk has 2 ice armor pieces, his head, his mask/helmet, thornax/launcher, life counter, hands, and his axe. The set uses an L shaped Mistiksa and Phantoka to Matoran connection piece to conect an inika torso to a Toa metru waist., making Strakk a bit different from what we have seen in the past.
    Set Design:
    I like the new parts. The Thornax launcher works on the same premise as the Kanoka Launcher, squeeze the two sides together, and the thornax pops right out. I was able to get mine to fire about six feet before it hit the ground, then bounced another 3 feet. The ammo is fine, being made of rubber with a plastic band, but it would be nice if it could be shot from a zamour launcher, although the original launcher hasn't been released for a while so I guess it really doesnt matter.
    The ice armor on the arms are probably my favorite new piece in the set. The white is hard plastic while the light blue is rubber. This effect is only on the armor, the mask/helmet and the axe are 100% plastic. The only thing I'm not too sure about on this armor is that it attaches to the front of the arms. I think it would have looked a little better had they been made to attach like the Inika arm armor.
    The axe look great with the mix of white and blue. The Axe is a bit thin, so it would be a good idea not to be too rough with it.
    The life counter does stick out a bit, but it can either easily be removed, or you can stand Strakk up with his back to a wall so you don't have to look at it.
    The head and the mask/helmet. The head looks like Iron Man's head with + rod inserts on the top and sides. While you can use it to put on a Kanohi, I'd reccomend, using an older head because the new one does not fill up the mask. The helmet is not compatable with older heads. The head is smaller than the last ones. Those three + inserts do give the piece a bit of MoCing potential.
    I don't really play with sets anymore, so I'll skip the playability portion.
    Final Thoughts:
    I really like this set. It was fun to build.
    2-toned pieces
    uses Inika torso in a new way
    Head looks like iron man
    Costs $12.99
    Mask/Helmet not compatable with Zamour launchers
    Flimsy Axe
    Head does not fill up Kanohi
    Uses an Inika Torso
    Life Counter sticks out a bit.
    No extra ammo
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