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Serpent of Fire

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Serpent of Fire

  1. Serpent of Fire
    So with the teaser for the new Bionicle movie being on the front page, I thought I'd take a screenshot...

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « I gotta say, I really like the way the sets were made for this movie better than the others. This one stays true to the sets, unike the last three movies.
    Mata Nui Pic
  2. Serpent of Fire
    My day didn't exactly get off to a great start. Around 5 AM I woke up unable to breath because I was choking on a big glob of mucus. I was fine an hour later. My guess it that it was a side effect of the H1N1 vaccine spray I had yesterday.
    Later, I go in to work, and was asked to run cords down from the ceiling to run power to some christmas trees we were putting up on display. That went smoothly, until I plugged the last tree in, and only the lights in the middles worked So I had to go through and check every single light to see where the dead ones were. I found the bottom light easily, but went through all of the top ones, not finding a single dead bulb.
    Then I noticed the two wires sticking out the top of the tree, with two metal clip looking things sticking out, (the lights were still plugged in at this point), and in my infinite wisdom, I grabbed them both at the same time. Needless to say, it was a shocking experience. The funny part is, for the split second I was touching both the wires, I saw the lights come on.
    Yeah... suffocation and electrocution on the same day. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go set myself on fire.
  3. Serpent of Fire
    Just thought I'd help spread the word, -Tilius- has a poll going on if you would want a Matoran Universe/Mata Nui robot set, broken down to price, system/technic piece ratio, and how tall you would want it to be.
    Poll is here
  4. Serpent of Fire
    By know I'm guessing you've heard. The Stars are the last Bionicle sets in the "foreseeable future" (The story, however, will continue).
    I've gotta say, its sad to see the sets go. I've always figured that the story would go before the sets, especially considering that Scholastic has stopped publishing the books.
    -Begins Reminiscing-
    I can remember when I first learned about Bionicle when the very first comic came with my lego magazine back in 2001. I was instantly hooked. I bought Pohatu Mata as soon as I could, then eventually got every last Toa Mata released. I even managed to get the Nui Jaga, Nui Rama, and Muaka and Kane Ra sets as gifts. The only sets from that year I still have intact are Tahu, Pohatu, Onepu, Huki, and Kongu. Plus the Nui Rama, minus their rubber bands which disintegrated due to old age and over use. 2001 will always be my favorite year of Bionicle. That was when I knew absolutely nothing about the storyline, which at that point, for me, had the most mystery during its run.
    -Ends Reminiscing-
    So what now? Well, I've got a Classified Bionicle Classified that I've been working on since classified. I'll have to start classified about the classified when classified is classified. I may even classified the classified.
    About that new Non-Ben 10 line

    I'm suddenly curious about what makes it more flexible. Does it have more pieces? Are the pieces all made of rubber? Will it have a flexible storyline, or a rubber one? I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to what comes next.
    Ok so I think that this is my longest post yet, and if you made it this far, then you have way more time on your hands than I do. Wait, why is my time on your hands?
    Oh, and I think I should mention this: Yes, I'm aware that there was no Internet Junk of the week last week because I forgot about it. By the time I remembered (Sunday), Maj had disabled the ability to upload photos. Since I am too lazy to sign up for another image hosting site, Internet Junk of the week will be delayed until the first friday after I figure out its been turned back on. And don't worry, I'm still collecting junk to post, so when it goes back online, expect a jumbo junk post.
  5. Serpent of Fire
    Happy Halloween!
    Since I am too old to Trick or Treat, then by reading this blog entry, you have just agreed to give me half of your candy.
  6. Serpent of Fire
    Today, I opened the mailbox to find that the two envalopes containing a total of 150 tread pieces (100 in one and 50 in the other, plus some cogs spread out between the two).
    This meant it was time for part one of my grand scheme
    Top view

    Part 2 will begin as soon as the motor and battery case i ordered from LEGO come in the mail, and part 3 will begin once the IR receiver isn't on back order anymore.
  7. Serpent of Fire
    Until January, when Winter quarter starts. So I'll probably see more time at work, which is fine by me.
    I'm hoping to take advantage to get back to drawing some of my personal projects which have been neglected for a while. Hopefully I'll have something new to show you guys.
    A while back I posted the original version of Toa Attei. I recently started to make some minor modifications. I've altered the legs so that it no longer uses Nuparu Inika claws for armor. When I was working on it I realized that although I had already reinforced the torso after I posted the Moc, it is in need of a complete rebuild. I took off a single piece off the back of the torso and it lost it's stability. So I'll probably try to rebuild it, however I will need to decide if I should build a completely new torso, or make more modifications. At this point I'm leaning towards an entirely new torso.
  8. Serpent of Fire
    You know, the one I posted on April 1st?
    Thats wasn't a prank (Though nobody responded, so I doubt anyone thinks that is the case, but I figured I'd say it anyway).
    Anyway, I'll be leaving early tomorrow morning for a camping trip and will be away from my computer for a few days. So no internet.
  9. Serpent of Fire
    Beyond tired. At work for the past week I've been working non-stop to get the place ready for a visit from the company VP. I am now so tired from work, that I have changed my name from serpent of fire to Princess Serpent of Fire. I've also become gender confused as y profile now says I'm a girl. Just for kicks.
    I am so gonna regret this tomorrow.
    And somebody please remind me to set my gender back when I'm done.
  10. Serpent of Fire
    I finally got around to entering My entry in the latest BBC contest.
    I've also managed to get a hold of the Mata Nui set (Two actually, I wanted the Keetorange pieces. And a spare Ignika). Despite a few flaws in the set's proportions, its a great set. Get it if you can.
    *I just realized that this is my third blog entry in a row to have BBC 54 in the title.
  11. Serpent of Fire
    About to leave for work on one of our busiest days of the year, tomorrow and Saturday being the busiest. If I am never heard from again, then I have probably been mauled by a rabid shopper trying to get its food for friday.
    At least there isn't a foot of snow on the ground like there was last year...
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