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Serpent of Fire

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Serpent of Fire

  1. Serpent of Fire
    You know, the one I posted on April 1st?
    Thats wasn't a prank (Though nobody responded, so I doubt anyone thinks that is the case, but I figured I'd say it anyway).
    Anyway, I'll be leaving early tomorrow morning for a camping trip and will be away from my computer for a few days. So no internet.
  2. Serpent of Fire
    Today, I opened the mailbox to find that the two envalopes containing a total of 150 tread pieces (100 in one and 50 in the other, plus some cogs spread out between the two).
    This meant it was time for part one of my grand scheme
    Top view

    Part 2 will begin as soon as the motor and battery case i ordered from LEGO come in the mail, and part 3 will begin once the IR receiver isn't on back order anymore.
  3. Serpent of Fire
    Crazy week this week. My grandparents came over saturday, bringing my uncle back from Montana. I happened to catch a cold last weekend which caused me to have to leave work early on monday. Luckily I was able to work on thursday to make up for it. Unfortuneatly, I had to be at work by 6 AM. Way to early in my book. Schools going well, not much to report on there. Today happens to be my 19th birthday. My birthday started with work this morning at 8 o'clock. When I got off work, my dad and I got some pizza. Then we went to the local video store to use the last of a years free rentals that came with the Wii we got there a year ago.
    As I was waiting to check out Guitar Hero Aerosmith, another guy there who was having trouble with his account pointed out a display of something called Hot n' Spicy Pickle in a Bag. It was literally one pickle sealed in a plastic bag. The guy wanted so badly for someone to buy one of the bagged pickles that he offered the employee there $20 to eat it. It didn't happen. When it was my turn to be helped, when opening my account to check out the game, the worker noticed it was my birthday, and I got two more rentals. So I picked out Iron Man, and let my dad check out Speed Racer.
    Later, after rocking out on Guitar Hero for a couple of hours, the family took me to a local burger joint for dinner. Best burgers ever. After that we went shopping. I bought Mario Kart Wii with some Birthday money and my employee discount. On the way home we stopped at Dairy Queen to pick up my birthday cake. If you've never had a cake from Dairy Queen, you're missing out. We ate cake and watched Iron Man, then I played Mario Kart. Since I rented the game earlier this year, most of the stuff was already unlocked, so I just dove into the online game.
    That's it for this week. /report
  4. Serpent of Fire
    Welcome to the At-Sign Report. I am going to be posting blog updates on either a weekly basis, or whenever I can remember to post an entry.
    This week, I posted in the What PM Title Do You Want? topic:

    I actually got this PM earlier today. I just bought the Universe... with 55555's money.
    On monday I started college. I'm taking a Graphic Design class, learning how to use Adobe Indesign. I'm in an art class, where we're talking about lines. Fun Stuff. My last class that I'm enrolled in is an online English class. So far its a bit more interesting than a standard class, although there is a bit more work involved.
    On top of school, I also have work. I've spent a lot of time cleaning up the entrances of the store, picking up trash, moving carts from the parking lot into the store, cleaning fitting rooms, yadda, yadda, yadda.
  5. Serpent of Fire
    I spent a sizable portion of my day today doing some MoCing, and I am very pleased with the results. First, the old MoC, Toa Attei, has undergone it's final round of modifications. I am officially done working on it, considering its not really much of a self moc anymore since I changed my name.
    I'll be posting Toa Attei in a topic in the near future, but it won't be the main attraction of the topic. Toa Attei will appear alongside... something else. Something big. I hope you like silver.
    I really hope you like silver...
    Also, yesterday, I built a Dark Mirror version (Revamp) of Kopaka Mata. Expect to see that soon...
  6. Serpent of Fire
    Finally got a Skrall today. Canister sets haven't been this good in a while. As I was putting it together I noticed that the helmet and shield have kind of a rocky texture in places. It looks pretty good standing next to Atakus and Kithnar.
    I'm definitely going to have to get Tuma and Stronius, when it comes out.
  7. Serpent of Fire
    Until January, when Winter quarter starts. So I'll probably see more time at work, which is fine by me.
    I'm hoping to take advantage to get back to drawing some of my personal projects which have been neglected for a while. Hopefully I'll have something new to show you guys.
    A while back I posted the original version of Toa Attei. I recently started to make some minor modifications. I've altered the legs so that it no longer uses Nuparu Inika claws for armor. When I was working on it I realized that although I had already reinforced the torso after I posted the Moc, it is in need of a complete rebuild. I took off a single piece off the back of the torso and it lost it's stability. So I'll probably try to rebuild it, however I will need to decide if I should build a completely new torso, or make more modifications. At this point I'm leaning towards an entirely new torso.
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