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Serpent of Fire

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Serpent of Fire

  1. Serpent of Fire
    Got the game earlier today. It is made of epic winsauce.
    There definitely is a reason this one is rated "M" Kids may want to skip the airport level if their parents are watching. Gunning down unarmed civilians will not sit well with some people.
  2. Serpent of Fire
    Upgraded to a brand new DSi today, which caused my friend codes to change. If you registered me then you'll have to re-register me. My codes are in the link on your left.
    I've also been Ebaying some of my old games I never play anymore, so Mario Kart DS is now my only WiFi game at this moment.
  3. Serpent of Fire
    An update to my last entry
    Got the battery pack and motors in the mail today, so I took care of step 2 of my 3 step plan. Now I just need that Remote and I/R sensor so I can finish it. No pictures this time, its getting too close to the finished version, and I want to post the completed moc in BBC, but now its definitely starting to look more like a tank, as opposed to a hot rod with treads like it was starting to. I was hoping to be able to include a rider with it, but I keep having to modify the main structure in order for the treads to be able to support the weight of the battery pack, plus the whole thing is a bit too compact to carry anything larger than a McToran. I was originally planning on using 4 small motors to run the thing, but it turns out I've underestimated the power those little things have, so I've cut it down to two motors. I could probably get away with just one, but I'd have to completely rebuild the chassis to accommodate a one motor design.
  4. Serpent of Fire
    Another update to that WIP I mentioned a while back.
    Well, Lego finally took the IR reciever off backorder, sot now it, and a remote are on the way, bringing me another step closer to finishing that tank. Since the last post, I've had to make a few modifications after adding the battery pack and motors. Because of the placement of the gears, I had to reconfigure them a bit because the treads were moving in opposite directions.
  5. Serpent of Fire
    Changed my name again*. Now I'm just Serpent of Fire. No princess or any other title in front of it.
    And the Best news? I've even remembered that I'm a guy!

    *See this entry for an explanation for the name change and gender confusion
  6. Serpent of Fire
    Today, a cardboard box arrived on my doorstep. Since the only package I was expecting was for a certain WIP I've been working on for six months (Its true! check the link!). The Lego Power Functions Remote and IR Reciever had finally arrived, meaning the project could finally move to Phase III. Expect to see a topic (With a video if I can manage it) in BBC sometime soon...
  7. Serpent of Fire
    Yesterday I got home from class to find that someone had left a brown box sitting on my chair. Inside was the new netbook I had ordered the day before from a verizon cyber monday deal for about $30, plus $40 a month for 2 years for access to the verizon 3G network, so I can access the internet with this thing from anywhere there is cell phone coverage.
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