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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Dark709

  1. As I said Dark Kitten Sage, if I added members as friends, everyone would ask me to add them.

    And guess what, the Christmas special will be in flash!

  2. Check your email SK!

    And glad to see you're coming back to the comic biz.

  3. Hey guys! Thanks for the compliments :D. I have begun working on the first episode of the third movie!


    1 Iguana, 2 leopard geckos, 1 Day gecko, and 1 skink.

    Blue Shark: Uh...What?

  4. If I added members as friends, everyone would ask me to add them.

    My Iguana is doing good. He's currently three feet long.

  5. It's funny how most people who talk trash about me think I'll never see it. But sometimes I check up on what people are saying around this website and other websites like 'CommiCommunity' where I was deleting my comics today, and when I find things being said like "Hey look, sucky comics w/ ###### sprites made by a mothalicka crackhead" by you, I feel bad for the members

  6. Ok guys, lets break it up. Bojangles meant to help me, although he could have been a bit nicer to the fans. But let's move on.

    Choconuva; They're cool pets once you've learned how to take care of them (which is a long, hard process).

  7. Ta-metru defender-

    Honetly, I don't know the Actionscript code for it...



    I follow it fairly closely. Also, I'll probably get more comments now that Bojangles is banned, and he can't insult everyone.

  9. Well, I've finally added a profile pic. I think it's the first picture of myself I've ever released on BZP. Taken from one of my meets.

  10. Yes, that's me, at one of my meets. I might post some more eventually.

  11. You live in Portland Oregon? Same here.

    Keep up the great site.

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