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Status Updates posted by -Neku-

  1. -Neku-

    Niddy ish my fwend...

    I feed him bwains.

    It's fun. :D

  2. No, just constant randomness. :P

  3. No, Pies taste good. :D

  4. Not much, Just watching some anime Koname recommended. Hooray for smashing people with guitars on a moped....

    It's called FLCL, btw.

  5. -Neku-

    Oh crud.

    -Readies spartan laser-

  6. Oh thanks! I did them a while ago, and they were good for what they needed to be.

  7. Oh, and Phase rocks.

    I put all of my music on that soundtrack. :D

  8. Oh, I will.


    And Rhezzy, I posted, well, edited. Hopefully it's good enough for you....I'm not feeling to good at the moment.

  9. Only the voices in our heads, Tpti.

    Life is dandy-riffic, Ranna, how bout you?

  10. Oy, It seems kinda tasteless to have a signature about Beliwa's death...

  11. Pity.

    Why Rob...


  12. Please don't tell people our bakery's motorbike ran you over.

  13. Pretty good, actually. My new job is actually giving me a bit of an income, so now I'm saving up for my own computer.

  14. Quick question. Which program do you use to make your gifs, or do you just find them online?

  15. Rehz, pm me a link to a gabbly. We need to talk! ^_^

  16. Rho is losing PE because he is stubborn and enjoys starting and continuing arguments with members and staff.

  17. Same here, just being a general insomniac.

  18. Scooby dooby do, where are you? We need some help from you now. Come on Scooby do, I see you. We need some help from you now.

    Don't ask how I know that. :P

  19. Scratch that, steam is Musika13. Whoops.

  20. Shoop da doop dap a dow beep a boop dooooooo......

  21. -Neku-

    Since when? I've never worked at any fast food place. And your skill to change subjects is unrivaled. :D

  22. -Neku-

    So you're saying that you're actually a girl and have a muscular, ANGRAH biker dad who goes to stores and beats up rude customer service employees? I'm not seeing the threat here. You need to learn on how to word your insults/threats. But whatever, I love conversations like these.

  23. So, do you own the 4th or what? If so, we need to play MGO sometime.

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