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mercenary vahki

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by mercenary vahki

  1. mercenary vahki
    While we're reminiscing
    Last summer had the best nightly MSN convos
    those were the days man
    I, for one would love to get that going again but no one has their chat client set to autorun anymore, which is the only time you use it, yaknow
    so yeah do that, see what happens
  2. mercenary vahki
    127 albums of Touhou music (I hope there's jazz in there)
    Also some random guy at subway gave me $20, seriously/ wat
    ALSO!! TK from Angel Beats! is THE BEST character in anything, ever
    I lol'd hard at everything he said, not even exaggerating here
    look him up, better yet watch the show, its pretty good
  3. mercenary vahki
    I am here to tell you things. ONE: I am watching Ghost Hound, at ep 10 or so, its really good. You should watch it if you're at least somewhat intelligent, or just like amazing sound design. Durarara!! finished airing a couple weeks back, overall an amazing show, although the last episode was more of a "last episode of the season" than a "last episode of the series". There's some DVD specials coming out, and I'm hoping for a second season.
    Also on my (ever expanding) plan-to-watch list is Highschool of the Dead, because A. Zombies and B. its the only thing this season that isn't a season 2 or doesn't look terrible. Other things include:
    Sora no Woto
    Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (finally getting around to this one)
    Working!! (saw 1st ep, looks alright)
    and a bunch of stuff I can't remember, or am watching but have stalled on...
    Also working at a hardware store, indulging in the people-watching. (GET MONEY)
    sup blogs

  4. mercenary vahki
    Start a internets videopresentation program
    great idea, but I'm not interesting by myself
    can't just talk to a camera yaknow. So if I got a couple bros we could have the best there ever was!!/
    In addition, I've been reading Tim Rogers articles. The man could fill an entire newspaper by himself every day. Great stuff if you aren't suck
    Also I should start writing again. School has destroyed my love of the english language. I need to break the circle of literary devices and do some crazy deep exposition on nothing in particular. Bam there it is--wait no; indeed this is a good idea.
    dots on a screen; that's all you're looking at
    Also, I'm too predictable. lets do something about that. If one were to take high grade cheese, and distill it into a light beverage with the consistency of water, would it be something akin to white wine? I have often wondered this, arriving at that conclusion in the opposite manner; upon the comprehension of the data relayed to me by my receptive organs, white wine tastes a bit like liquid cheese.
    Approximately three cubits from my point of view, there is a check for twenty five united states dollars.
    Interestingly, the term Point of Origin of View condenses into the acronym POV, or Point of View, which, according to my shallow knowledge of acronym theory, should be PV. Of course, I could be entirely wrong, but on the off chance that I have broken your mind, drop a comment.
    Because this is never going to get any unless I ask
  5. mercenary vahki
    Just got back from san fran (you were in san fran?) A couple people knew.
    Well at least one, I can't say for sure if anyone reads my status updates
    Yeah I've got post-real-city syndrome again, can't wait for college
  6. mercenary vahki
    Dang mang, I think I might have to get a 3DS, depending on the price. I still have an original, and while I don't use it, golden sun is coming out and that warrants some new stuff to play it on. Plus, 3D photos. eheheheh that will be fun
    Also new 360, probably won't get unless my current one dies and is out of warranty/ they send me a new one back
  7. mercenary vahki
    So I'm at this restaurant, and I want some seafood
    Order the crab sandwich, which, ya'know, crabs are boss
    So it comes out and I'm like whaaaaaaat
    There are two intact crabs in this sandwich. I'm talkin crabs, in the (soft) shell, in my sandwich bro/
    It was delicious, if a bit surprising
  8. mercenary vahki
    So was I, until I figured out how to get a 300kb 800x300 into 60kb with minimal loss of quality. (60kb because my giant 39kb avatar)
    I think I'll write a guide and post it down in GD or art or something tomorrow
    if anyone else steals my idea I will haunt them
    I'm lazy, basically alt+shift+ctrl+s, then the tiny menu button on the top right in cs4
  9. mercenary vahki
    So I was in Canada right
    built a cabin with my bare hands right
    carried thousands of pounds of shingles and lumber right
    came back right
    that was my weekend
  10. mercenary vahki
    So I actually ended up going crazy
    First I watched Kannagi, greatly enjoyed it, needs another season
    Then started EotE, currently on ep 7 or so, its pretty good
    Then decided that I should watch Toradora!, on ep 10, also good
    Then started Durarara!! (whats up with all these !!!!!!)(also its cool, best thing out this season imo)
    RAN SOME FRESH CAT5E (previously it was just going out my window)
    Did fine on the ACT (or really good, depends on your standards though)
    OH YEAH also caught up on some black lagoon
    Deleted all bleach, bleach is terrible now
    how was your week

  11. mercenary vahki
    First of all, you must watch Baccano!. Its soooooo good.
    And I've a lot of work to do, so probably won't enter comedies contest. I had a good idea, too.
    Also I was building nerf guns, but my dad took the tools and went to canada :/
    Aaand, which of these should I watch first:
    -Eden of the East
    -Rozen Maiden
    -Detroit Metal City
    -Haibane Renmei
    (In before DX and Katie)
    Actually wait I still have to watch Serial Experiments Lain
    lol I need more hard drives

  12. mercenary vahki
    No I'm not just being pessimistic as usual
    I want to enter
    I mean, I haven't written anything besides commentaries and research papers in years.
    I want to do it.
    But as you know I am the laziest person ever.
    So yell at me, daily, until I do it.
    k thx
  13. mercenary vahki
    ugh capslock
    im goin to bed
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