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mercenary vahki

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by mercenary vahki

  1. mercenary vahki
    Dang mang, I think I might have to get a 3DS, depending on the price. I still have an original, and while I don't use it, golden sun is coming out and that warrants some new stuff to play it on. Plus, 3D photos. eheheheh that will be fun
    Also new 360, probably won't get unless my current one dies and is out of warranty/ they send me a new one back
  2. mercenary vahki
    So today I was at my family's new years party. Usually it has the people from my more extended family, which is always interesting.
    Anyway, straight to the point - I spent a fair amount of time discussing, among other things, the finer points of Gears of War with a ~50 year old father. I recommended Fallout 3 to him, and then he explained that he likes to read books that his daughter is starting to get an idea of what she's getting into. So she was reading Twilight. We then discussed how much of a bland and awful book it was.
    So yeah, I guess I have cool relatives.
  3. mercenary vahki
    Reason on the left
    I feel old...
    And once I get around to it, This blog will become insanely detailed. But I won't promise anything, because committing to things lowers the chances that I will do them.
  4. mercenary vahki
    Chris Coleman (The mayor of st. Paul) and Al Franken are about ten feet below me, in the living room. The reason? My mom is chairing a campaign for Russ Stark, who is running for city council. (he actually won officially a few minutes ago) So long story short, I'm chillin' with famous people.
  5. mercenary vahki
    Merx's fashionz test for bros
    If a girl wore your clothes, would she still be attractive
    Lookin at you keeds with your nasty pants and old sweatshirts that you have washed maybe six times, three less than you appear to have washed your body this year
    This year I go off on all them fools who think they have what it takes to be terrible people and get away with it
  6. mercenary vahki
    Focus groups. They are idiotic. To the point of utter uselessness. When I was in the target group, I would be like "DIS FAILZ" to them. That is all.
    - (livin up to my signoff)
    EDIT: lol j/k
  7. mercenary vahki
    So there's this college by my house
    full of terrible people
    Whenever they have parties its like someone dumped a vat of stupid on the entire neighborhood
    so anyway one of them dropped a 30gb ipod
    get some
  8. mercenary vahki
    The good news is that I've almost completed my current WIP. It's over a foot tall, not even fully extended. Mostly System with technic skeleton and balljoints. Decidedly strange.
    Oh, the bad news?
    I'm missing the two last pieces, which just happen to be very critical and pretty much irreplaceable. I know I own them, but it will take a bit of searching, and if that fails, a parts order.
    E: found one, will continue my quest tomorroorororoorow oh man im tired
    GOT IT
  9. mercenary vahki
    127 albums of Touhou music (I hope there's jazz in there)
    Also some random guy at subway gave me $20, seriously/ wat
    ALSO!! TK from Angel Beats! is THE BEST character in anything, ever
    I lol'd hard at everything he said, not even exaggerating here
    look him up, better yet watch the show, its pretty good
  10. mercenary vahki
    went premier again because I was feeling nostalgic
    went lifetime premier because I was feeling rich
    I'm going to try and ruin your day as much as possible per day, aka I will make an effort to write in this thing
  11. mercenary vahki
    It wasn't Cloverfield.
    It was The director's cut of Blade Runner. Great movie. I also ate some 10 - year old cheese. It was the best cheese I've had in a while.
    And I got Chirox today. And the Kopaka review will be up tonight. Hopefully. And you should enter the contest two entries below this one.
    I'm gone.
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