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Sidorak the Feared

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Sidorak the Feared

  1. Sidorak the Feared
    Just copy the below and either PM or comment with the filled-out form, and POOF! I'll add you to the members list.
    BZPower Member name-
    Club MooMoo name*-
    Cow color**-
    *May be different or same as BZP name
    **Main color always white, you are choosing the color of the markings.
    Can be multiple colors.
  2. Sidorak the Feared
    I'm so sick of waiting around for a certain member of BZP not paying me my $175- my other half of the $350 he won my auction for.
    In happier news, I have a three-day weekend.
  3. Sidorak the Feared
    I havent been around lately, and I haven't posted a blog entry in FOREVER. I just have a few small things to say...
    Sorry to everyone I've joined projects (BZPmonthly, club moomoo) and not added anything to them. I just don't have the time anymore. Between school, LOADS of homework from the most homeworky teacher you'll ever meet, and all kinds of other things, the clock just ticks away.
    The new virused BZP is most likely infecting my laptop. . . I get the "remote data services" message every time I visit BZP.
    And don't expect me to post a lot anymore, I'll just visit every once and a while.
  4. Sidorak the Feared
    Today is the day on which I decide to leave BZPower and BIONICLE forever. Read below for more details.
    I have decided to leave the BIONICLE community and fanbase for two sad reasons-
    1) I am getting too old for this kind of stuff. I hate to admit it, but at my age, these toys have lost their fun. I just think I should quit buying the sets and the books. They're sapping my money, I owe my mom like $40. I just can't continue this anymore- I'm sorry, LEGO.
    2) I just don't have time for BZP anymore. Like, I'm always doing something- homework, school, out with my girlfriend, etc. Sorry BZP, for pranking you all.
  5. Sidorak the Feared
    Do you think LEGO is spending too much money on new themes? For example: Aqua Raiders, Mars Mission, and Castle. Aqua Raiders only lasted half a year. I don't see why they would start three new themes in one year, if one (or possibly two: Mars Mission may do the same) only lasts for a very short period of time! I mean, it's not cheap to produce three new themes in one year. If one name in BIONICLE costs $10,000, then think about a whole theme.
    Well, I guess it could help that they've already had a theme like all of these before. *shrugs*
    And it can't be because Aqua Raiders doesn't sell well, (lol, sell well) LEGO had to have Mars Mission planned. They can't just make up a new theme in two seconds.
    Just my two cents,
  6. Sidorak the Feared
    Wouldn't you just love it if you could customize your Blog? You know, instead of the normal array of blues, choose from tons of different colors? For example, in my case, purple! It would be totally AWESOME! You should be able to create a header, for example, instead of a piece of paper with a giant M in the background with a pencil. That header is kind of. . . odd.
    I do wonder though if it is possible for the Admins and such to allow something like that on the Blog- in absence of a better word- board.
    I guess it's possible. I mean, if you can have skins on the normal forum, why not have separate "skins" for each individual Blog? I mean, not custom of course. The work that would take to allow totally custom skins! Psycotic, in my opinion, to even attempt such a feat. I mean, yeah, we have VP, and maybe pretty soon the other winning skins, but I'd still think it'd be pretty awesome to have individual Blog choices, so that they don't only show up on your computer monitor, but also others as well. For example, say I enter my Blog and it's purple. Then I enter, say, Omicrons Blog and it's orange. (I can only think of Puffin feet )
    I hope you get what I mean, it's sort of hard to explain.
    Personally, I don't think the current Blog look is very. . . exciting. Don't take this as criticism BZP, I don't mean it to be. I do like the blues, though, as they match the rest of BZPower. It'd just still be cool to have a choice.
    That's my two cents,
  7. Sidorak the Feared
    Skiz the Crazy Squirrel PM'ed me a little while ago and told me not only am I on the BZP Monthly staff as an article writer, my first assignment is to write an epic with whatever characters and setting I wanted. I thought for a bit, and thought of an idea. I built on that idea and crafted a description of a story and a snippet from Chapter 1.
    Jovan was just an average Matoran on the Mainland continent of Dilo Nui. But when the last surviving Toa of the Mainland transforms him and six other Matoran into Toa, Jovan and his team are thrust into a world of danger. They embark on a journey no other Toa team has dared, or even had to, attempt before-- Save the Great Spirit Mata Nui from death and a universe as well! They will face darker tasks than any before them, meet new enemies, and travel to a place where darkness rules over light.
    So it covers the time frame in which Jovan and his team of Toa must save Mata Nui from death. BZP Monthly will feature a chapter each month, yet this month will feature that description and the snippet of Chapter 1 I mentioned.
    Hope you like it so far!
  8. Sidorak the Feared
    This morning, the door leading to the Room of Requirment, on J.K. Rowlings Official Site, opened up once more. But, instead of the yearly WOMBAT tests, (I recieced an Above Expectations!) Rowling surprised the Harry Potter fanbase with the title of the last installment in the Harry Potter series:
    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
    The definition of hallow is:
    Hallow: To make scared||To revere as holy
    So, it (Probably)could be one of three things--
    A) It is a very scary. . . well, death machine. I don't think that'd fit. Unless Voldemort has another "weapon."
    B) Objects that when you think it's holy you die. Nuh-uh.
    C) Most likely, J.K. is reffering to the Horcruxes. Deathly, as in if they are destroyed, Voldemort will be as well. Hallow, as in they inflict fear, and make you give up hope. What are the chances you're going to be able to destroy 7 parts of a soul?
    I underlined C because it was the most likely. . . A and B, just don't think so.
  9. Sidorak the Feared
    An update on what I said earlier:
    Castle did not make an appearance, and from what I've seen, neither did Mars Mission. I don't think Technic and Racers did either. I don't know, I'll wait until BZP's review, but I hope they're there.
  10. Sidorak the Feared
    You guys can expect a full review of Toy Fair 2007 by me tonight and tommorow. I'll review Castle, Mars Mission, licensed products (Harry Potter, the awesome new Star Wars sets, and Spongebob), and most importantly, BIONICLE, tonight.
    Expect Batman, Racers, and other products tommorow.
    EDIT: Actually, I don't know if any websites (Including BZPower) will have pics tonight, BZPower and other LEGO fan sites just stated they'd have "complete coverage" of Toy Fair 2007. Also, Toy Fair doesn't officially start until tommorow, but LEGO is starting the party early.
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