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The Phyre of Tahu

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Blog Entries posted by The Phyre of Tahu

  1. The Phyre of Tahu
    It's almost like I'm dying, or losing someone I love... well, not literally, I'm just saying that I'm going to miss blogging. I'm going to be sad. Hopefully it won't be too long before I scrape up the money to be Premier Member permanently.
    ~Phyre, sobbing again
  2. The Phyre of Tahu
    Because I started a blog, could it possibly be possible that I'll still be able to run it tomorrow? We'll see. There may be a surprise for all of us who started blog-making on BZP's anniversary. Don't get too excited, I'm just guessing (and hoping).
    ~Phyre, who maybe has a chance to continue on...
  3. The Phyre of Tahu
    At least twice, now. Huh. Well, anyway, part of my dad's PA system for the band came today... And no, a PA system does not have anything to do with the Production Assistants from Staff Survivor, just so you know. It's a system of mikes, mike stands, speakers, and amps.
    ~Phyre, who loves music (well, he only loves GOOD music, like I said -- no music that fake-girls-who-lip-sink-because-they-suck-at-singing take part in. Well, even if they lip-sink, they still suck... )
  4. The Phyre of Tahu
    Yes, this will be my last entry... unless I can fit one in tonight. We'll see. Well, it was great blogging, and expect to see me back in the business sometime soon...
    ~Phyre, sobbing
  5. The Phyre of Tahu
    Yes, me and my parents had fun playing outside earlier. Let's start at the beginning. We had caught two mice and were keeping them in a cage, to watch. But they've been driving my cat crazy (the one that had the kittens). So we were going to let them go in our back field, then play frisby and bounce a ball. Well, we found out that one of the mice had little micelings -- baby mice. Isn't that weird -- the fact that baby mice don't have an official name, like puppies, kittens, goslings, ducklings, etc. do? I find it very strange. So I call them micelings. Obviously, we didn't let them go yet -- the babies are too little.
    Well, so then we played the frisby and ball. Then we found some blackberries, so my parents were picking them while I was dunking my head in the sink because I was hot.
    ~Phyre, who wonders why baby mice don't have a name
  6. The Phyre of Tahu
    Yes, I stole Exo's Disclaimer note. Just to be funny (and stupid). But anyway, me must go bye-bye now, so I can post a jokes block in my bloggy woggy. BYES!!!!
    ~Phyre, who can't resist talking like a baby to be funny (and stupid)
    Isn't that FUNNY (and stupid)?
  7. The Phyre of Tahu
    So, yes, my cat hat 3 kittens almost 4 weeks ago. They're cute (duh!), playful, and cute. Let me tell you something: true guys like cats. So that means I'm a true guy.
    So, anyway, like I said, kittens are cute! I'm funny (and stupid)!!
    ~Phyre, who is a true guy that likes cats
  8. The Phyre of Tahu
    Yes, I'm still working on that glass of lemonade. It's mostly watery from the melted ice.
    ~Phyre, sipping lemonade *pauses typing to actually sip lemonade________________________________* and that line is how long I sipped it. As soon as I held my glass up to my mouth, I press shift and the button that makes these: _ and held until I finished sipping. Try it sometime. It's really fun!
  9. The Phyre of Tahu
    Yes, my seven year-old cousin came again today, this time with her mom (my aunt) and her 2-year old brother. Obviously to see the kittens (that's the only reason, of course). The 2-year old wasn't bad... just wanted to play my drums. I hid the drumsticks on him, though. He still managed to make noise. And then me and my seven-year old cousin had fun playing with Hewkii (mostly with his light-up sword and Zamor spheres. I almost lost one of the spheres, but luckily, I found it.
    ~Phyre... too lazy to think of anything else to put after his name
  10. The Phyre of Tahu
    Well, I think this is the last day of the week for my blog to run... So farewell for now. Just so you know, it really won't take me 20 years to become a Premier Member. It'll be sooner... like, 19.99 years, probably.
    ~Phyre, this could be my last entry
  11. The Phyre of Tahu
    Ah, yes, so you may be wondering... do I still have a glass of lemonade in front of me? Well, last night, I was thinking about today's blog entry, and that I would say, "Yes. Even though the drink may be gone, the glass is still in front of me." Well, that plan failed, because somebody took care of the glass. So this blog entry is pretty much pointless.
    And about the music and kittens -- those are my next two blog entries.
    ~Phyre, who writes something in his title, but doesn't write about it in his entry
  12. The Phyre of Tahu
    So, last night, me (on drums), my dad (on guitar), my dad's brother (on bass), and my mom's brother (singing) completely ROCKED THIS HOUSE with some of the best music you'll never hear. Mostly our own stuff. Let me mention that we're a rock band, not stupid rap or disgusting hip-hop/pop/weird-stuff-that-fake-girls-who-lip-sink-sing. I mean really, is there anything better than rock and roll, new and old? No, I didn't think so.
    So, anyway, it was really fun last night.
    ~Phyre, who plays really good drums for being twelve years old
  13. The Phyre of Tahu
    So, due to my computer being... difficult, I couldn't get a blog entry in sooner. I'm only calling my computer difficult to avoid swearing. Yes the computer is THAT difficult. But anyway, tonight, my mom's brother came to jam with me and my dad. My dad's brother couldn't come. But, unfortunately, my 7-year old cousin spent the day with my mom's brother, his fiancee, and her daughter, and is spending the night too, so we couldn't get as much jam time in because she was tired. Well, I am at least grateful that her 2-year old brother didn't come -- then all my toys would be a mess... Oh, wait, that's not saying anything, they're already a mess. Well, they'd be messier. And he wouldn't let me drum because he has to play some un-rhythmical beat that can scarcely be called a beat and wouldn't leave the drumset because he doesn't like sharing. Well, anyway, that's dealing with something that isn't a reality.
    So, anyway, everyone left already so I took a nice, warm bath. You may think I'm crazy since it's already warm... "why does he want to get even warmer in a hot bath?" The answer is -- it's refreshing anyway. So now I'm sitting with wet hair writing a late blog entry before I go to bed.
    I thought of a new rhyme though!!
    Hey, that's the ticket!!
    For my old pet cricket.
    It's a ticket to a flea circus.
    All the way in Paris.
    My cricket watched the fleas hit a ball through a wicket!
    Just so you know, that bug that bit me and my pet cricket are both not real. Who would have a pet cricket anyway? I'm not some weird Japanese guy. I hate all insects. Mostly... moths (they flutter), butterflies (they remind me of moths), dragonflies (they're scary looking), deerflies (so DANG ANNOYING!), mosquitoes (similar to deerflies and annoying just the same), bees (don't want to get on the wrong side of them, although I've never been bit), and crickets (they're freaky). I also hate spiders. Anyway, any crickets living in my house would be in a cage eating and preparing to be eaten by my pet bearded dragon lizard, Scamper. And I'm really not joking about Scamper -- he's real. Currently there's no crickets -- haven't fed him any in a long time -- just worms.
    Bye for now
    ~Phyre, who is (almost) too sleepy to write anything after his name
  14. The Phyre of Tahu
    You saw the list. Now the interesting thing is, I linked to my own blog there as well. Funny how I'm promoting my blog in said blog? Yes, incredibly funny (and stupid).
    I want to make cool Toa MOCs.
    ~Phyre, who promotes his own blog in his own blog
    BTW, you know, the three F's could be: Funny, Funnier, and Funniest -- all of which, I am, obviously.
  15. The Phyre of Tahu
    So I was sitting here right now, today
    And I couldn't think of anything to say
    So I made up a rhyme
    About a moldy lime
    And so now there is something to say
    ~Phyre, the goofy poem maker
  16. The Phyre of Tahu
    This time I was bit by no bug, but a llama.
    Spitty sent it via his momma.
    It hurt really bad
    And now I'm mad
    At Spitty and his mean old llama momma.
    ~Phyre, who really likes these poems. I forgot what they were called. Maybe it's all just gibberish.
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