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Angry Nidhiki

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Blog Entries posted by Angry Nidhiki

  1. Angry Nidhiki
    NOTE: I did not say "BE" cool.
    1. Don't use the same emoticon excessively. It makes you look dumb.
    Ha-ha, I used .
    2. Don't use unless you have to. I mean, life and death situation. I mean, could anything look dumber than ?
    3. You CAN, however, use XD a lot. a), it does not turn that horrid shade of yellow. B), it looks cool. And c), I use it. XD
    These principles work for me, why won't they work for you? Yeah...
    .... :P !!!!!!!!!!!!!1!1!1!
  2. Angry Nidhiki
    Anyone watch it? My friend from school was in it. John Tamplin, from Meyzeek Middle in Kentucky. It was fun watching it. I bet none of YOU have friends in the National Spelling Bee!
    To Toa of Books and Looks: I'm probably taller. I'm 5 foot 11 and a half inches.
    To Lady Kopaka: My freckles on my face may be covered by zits. But I bet I have more on my arms!
    And if the first pic wasn't enough:

  3. Angry Nidhiki
    So, I got THE END. I have not yet reached the end of the end of THE END, but I am getting there. XD
    So, you fight Nidhiki in Bionicle Heroes? Let's hope there will be a secret cheat you can enter at that point in the game, to leave the body of the useless toa you're stuck in, and become Nidhiki. That way, you can hack the game, own, and Fulfill the meaning of the universe. WOOT!
  4. Angry Nidhiki
    Well, got back from church camp safe and sound......
    Hears "Wade in the Water" stuck in his head...
    Well anyway, Mom dragged me to K-Mart today. It was quite sad.
    You know, K-Mart is one of those stores that is really strange and well.... not with it. While we were going through the store, half the lights just went out and came on two minutes later. No explanation. Plus, there were about the same amount of flies as there are members on BZP, and there was some old woman gripping paper towels with a pair of crutches and using them to mop the floor. 8(
    But the climax of the visit:
    Organic frosted Mini-wheats. Yummy, crunchy! Well, we got two boxes. Still won't match Whole foods, I bet.
  5. Angry Nidhiki
    So I had a swim meet Saturday. It was at my home swimming pool... and you know, we have really small lanes and no starting blocks. But I ended up getting just half a second over my best time on 100 Breaststroke, only two tenths of a second over my best on 50 free, and A SECOND OFF on my 100 backstroke! (I hate backstroke.....) So I'm happy. And the kid I narrowly beat in every race had pecs like THIS BIG-- (stretches arms wide...). So he looked like a 14-year old clone of John Basedow. Scary. But I did good. So YEAH!
    Now, on a lighter note, I ate 25 spoonfuls of peanut butter today. XD
  6. Angry Nidhiki
    My unexplained absence may have caused one to think that I no longer even cared about my blog. Well one would be wrong.
    May I just say, thank you to the BZP admins for giving this feature to everyone, because I like it. A lot. XD
    Man I wish I could reset my rating. Some people just like to hate.
    Well anyway, as this is my first blog entry in a number of unaccounted months, I would like the shout out about the most exciting non-political-related happening since my last entry:

    Oh my gosh, this is DEFINITELY the best movie ever. If you haven't seen it already, go see it now, it owns beyond belief.
    Moving on to other stuff:
    I don't know if any of you guys watch the Daily Show. It's a political show on Comedy Central-- thus, we should not really be discussing it here. However, I must say that I was watching it one day and something caught my eye: Barack Obama ringtones!!!!!!!!
    This is perhaps the strangest political campaign I have heard about in my life. If you go to BarackObama.com, you can download 7 ringtones and 4 wallpapers for your mobile phone. I'll go low enough to admit that I did, indeed, download all 7 of the ringtones, and that I am currently using one of the ringtones and one of the wallpapers. Most of the ringtones are just fragments of his more well-known speeches, but the first one is what I like the best. It can be simply described just by giving the lyrics:
    "Go, Go, Go, Obama, Obama - OHHHH!!!! Go, Go, Go, Obama, Obama"
    And you thought you'd seen weird.
    Well, that's about all I have to say for today. Remember when discussing the last item of interest to keep it down to a dull roar, not actually turning this this topic into a political discussion, because I can be sure that a Moderator will be here to close the topic promptly if you choose not to abide by BZP rules.
    ThanK - yA.
  7. Angry Nidhiki
    __!_-_~-_~-`-_~--`--_~_~_~__~_~_~_~_~__- _-`--`-_~_~_-`--10010010101010101000010010101~--_~-~~_--__-`--`-` -`_-~_`-`--`-`-`-`_```
    I did a 15 mile bike race today. It was especially fun 'cause I passed like 200 people. XD
    ANG NID'S POWER QUIZ V.2!!!!!!
    1. Why did Akeelah and the Bee bomb?
    2. What is your favorite color?
    3. What did I have for breakfast this morning?
    4. What's your social security number?
    5. mE nOOb mE sPaM lOl
    6. Wh's name do I have tatooed on my rear end?
    First one to answer THIS gets a sticker. IN THE MAIL!
  8. Angry Nidhiki
    I just got accepted into the Math Science and Technology program at my choice school. Which is REALLY good. It's really hard to get into, and believe it or not it's one of the top high schools in the nation. So now I'm excited-- though Science Fair is required in this program, and the Science Fair is really rigorous. So that's the bad part. But still, I got in!
    Sorry I couldn't be on for so long. Homework.
  9. Angry Nidhiki
    Okay. Just got back from The Seattle area. One of the best vacations I've had in a while.
    Left on Saturday, stayed in Seattle.
    In the morning, we went to the Space Needle, Experience Music Project (great jimi hendrix samples, as well as a place where you can rock out on different instruments and create your own mix of Purple Haze), and... uh...
    Gosh, I forgot.
    Well, then we went and stayed with my dad's sister and her family on the Olympic peninsula... Really, REALLY fun, there was this garden at their house that was MASSIVE, and the town itself was just gorgeous. Beach town.
    On wedneday, we took the ferry to Victoria.... That was FUN. Did tons of stuff... saw this juggler with a GREAT sense of humor, really funny... though a few of his cracks weren't great for the kids...
    Went back the next day, stayed some more.... went and saw Pirates 2 on Saturday...
    Well, I left yesterday, got bumped, took a red eye, and got back at 9:30 this morning.
    Only thing was, my 16 year old cousin had a girlfriend. Yeah, she really was something. (Trying to keep this down to a low roar).
    But he did NOTHING but hang out with her. Kinda annoying.... at least she was nice.
  10. Angry Nidhiki
    I seem to have misplaced my purse. Could you help me? I'm very anxious about finding it, if you know what I mean.
    ACCCKK! Is that some sick-minded Moderator editing my post?
  11. Angry Nidhiki
    Exo may be so cereal, but I am ssssssssssoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oatmeal! That's right, I have oatmeal superpowers matched by no other.
    On another note: Anyone watch Captain Planet? You know, the superhero who tells you what your house is made of?
  12. Angry Nidhiki
    This one will be tougher. I'll only give you PART of the question, and you, guessing the other part, will give the answer.
    Ready? Okay.
    1. What is ___________________________________________?
    2. Why ________ fish _______________________________________?
    3. If _______________________________________ pi ___________?
    4. If x= ___, then what is y in y=5x+7?
    5. Are ___ confused yet?
  13. Angry Nidhiki
    So I finally proceeded in Zelda.... I've transformed into a wolf now... And I'm lunging at hay bales... what a life. XD
    If anyone has some tips for me to get a life, I'd appreciate them.
  14. Angry Nidhiki
    Bonjour toulemonde. J'aime parler francais maitenant. Mais j'aime parler anglais aussi. Tu ne fait pas parler francais? C'est tres mauvais.
    Oh well.
    Kohaku told me to post a translation:
    Hi guys! I like speaking French right now. But I like speaking English also. You don't speak French? That's very bad.

  15. Angry Nidhiki
    So yesterday, had a swim meet. I took off 15 and 30 seconds on my 100 breaststroke and 100 backstroke, respectively. But that's because I rarely do them. And then, I took off a SECOND AND A HALF on my 50 freestyle! 29.89!
    That was awesome. And guess what else! I found Elite Beat Agents (the best game ever by the way) at Costco for $26.95-- TWO DAYS BEFORE IT WAS SUPPOSED TO COME OUT! The people there must have been confused, but I didn't care, I bought it up! And I've already beaten it. If you like DDR, you'll LOVE EBA. It never gets old. The song selection is awesome, with Queen, Earth Wind and Fire (YAY NIDDY!), Rolling Stones, Chicago, The Village People (Y.M.C.A.), and whoever wrote Canned Heat (you know that song from Napoleon Dynamite where he's dancing). And the integration of songs into the game is seamless. Whether it be the awesome gameplay, the awesome moves, or the hilarious story that turns you on, you'll love it. So get it.... tomorrow. I forgot that the general public can't get it yet. But still- get it!
    Also, I promised pictures. Here you go. Notice the EYES.

    Ooh, Bright.

    Kohaku - Image containing leet removed.
  16. Angry Nidhiki
    Okay, a new quiz! There ARE right answers, so don't just pass it off for a joke!
    1. Are you an Alpaca or a Llama? (answer very carefully........)
    2. Do you wear green tights to work?
    3. Is there REALLY a difference between a llama and a duck?
    4. If I handed you my shoe and told you to eat it, would you?
    5. Have you read your Onion today?
  17. Angry Nidhiki
    I had French Toast today! It was GOOOOOOD. And I ALSO had cereal. I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOO. (Thinks about Exo) .CEREAL! (obviously doesn't care).........
    I have like 19% of Metroid Prime Hunters done. And I'm on the LAST PLANET! That just ain't right.
    I'm up to $300 dollars outside of my account right now. XD
    _~_-~_-~_--~_-__~__~_---~_----~_~_~_~_-`-----~--- -~_-v -`--- -`-. e----- -`
    If you look at that carefully, it's a secret code.
    One I haven't figured out yet. XD
  18. Angry Nidhiki
    If you like deciphering codes, have fun.
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