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Enfero Lunos

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Blog Entries posted by Enfero Lunos

  1. Enfero Lunos
    Well, first of all, I would like to apologize for my post on Friday, I was under some stress, and had a bad week. I caved to my own will, and I will continue blogging; I enjoy posting (even if nobody reads it). If you don't know what I'm taking about, that's fine.
    A bunch of things to get out:
    First, a few days ago, I finished reading 1984. Very good, very sad, very disturbing. I have also decided to read a bunch of classics, such as Dracula, The Arabian Nights, Through the Looking Glass, and Animal farm.
    Second, I recently imported a Japanese copy of Boktai 3, because It never came to the US. It's pretty fun, Even though it's in Japanese, although I can't play much because It's not even spring yet, and it needs sunlight.
    Ya know how I got that 100 percent on my human reproduction test? I got the same on my Plant/Animal reproduction test. Vaguely disturbing.
    In Bio, we're starting Genetics. Of course, punnett squares were part of it, but we then went on to dihybrid punnett squares. Being the overachiever I am, I decided to make a trihybrid punnett square. Fun, Exciting, and a waste of time.
    And I think that's it for now.
  2. Enfero Lunos
    Wow, the last post was over 2 months ago? Yeesh.
    2 things: I saw the golden compass, it kinda was horrible.
    As a movie, it wasn't too bad.
    In relation to the book, ...Blech
    2nd, I got Antroz and Vamprah.
    I love Antroz's wings and mask
    Vamprah is definitely my favorite phantoka. He looks sooo much like a bat. It's wonderful. My only mild dislike is his legs.
  3. Enfero Lunos
    Holy cow, it's been forever since I posted!
    Well, since march, I:
    -Took the SATs (got a 1510/1600 [or 2150/2400])
    -Took AP US and Bio (still waiting for my results
    -Got crisis core (great game), the world ends with you (another great game), and FFCC: my life as a king (started off good, got kind of boring)
    -Failed at my AP bio final project. I don't mean I failed it, I mean it didn't work at all. Not in the "my results don't support the hypothesis" way, but the "my data isn't worth jack" way.
    -Took the English regents (thank god it's over, 4 essays in 2 days is a pain in the neck), took the US regents (easy), and I have the physics regents tomorrow. After discovering that NOBODY at my school has ever gotten a hundred on it, I decided that I MUST be the first to get a hundred. Does that mean I'll study? Nah. I'll just double check each question.
  4. Enfero Lunos
    Played Mario Party 8 a few days a go...
    Ugh... that Series is going downhill
    They seem to run out of Ideas for Items (I guess they can't reuse them), so instead of having the items be capsules or orbs or anything, they're candy.
    Instead of the 2/3 dice items being mushroom/super mushroom, They are Twice candy/Thrice candy (It rhymes with dice, woohoo). No mushrooms FTL.
    Fewer minigames. Need I say more?
    Desperate for gimmicks. Blooper (the squid) and hammer brothers as playable characters?
    Highly Dumbed down. No Bowser/DK minigame, a lot of free stars, simple boards.
    I actually have good luck in this game, unlike any of the last mario parties.
    Some of the items have cool effects. The thrice candy looks like the intro scene for sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts.
    Maybe they'll actually try to make number 10 good when it comes out.
  5. Enfero Lunos
    Well, even though I'm only halfway through the year, I have to start working on my AP Bio final project. Because we don't get the AP exam results until July, we need something else for our final exam grade.
    Anyways, I bet you're wondering about the title. Well, with my remarkable creativity and limitless mind power, I was only able to come up with one good idea. Attempting to condition butterflies to choose dark food sources over bright ones.
    Oh well, the amount of money that I'm spending on it makes it feel less stupid, because I'm actually working on it, and showin myself that it is an O.K. idea. All I have to do is hope my classmates aren't too immature. Well, I can dream.
    In other AP Bio related news, wind is stupid. I am dead serious, we get more "severe wind" or "power outage" days than snow days, and I live up north. What I'm getting at is that last Wednesday, I was supposed to take my field trip to some college to do one lab with restriction enzymes and gel electrophoresis, and one with genetic engineering of bacteria/plasmids. Fortunately, it's being rescheduled for the 15th, but its still dumb.
    Recently I had midterms/exams. I got a 95 on my math B regents (meh, I could have done much better), 83 on my AP US (Multiple choice: good, Thematic essay: great, DBQ: err, not so good), 91 on my French 103 final (what a sucky test, taken straight from the horrible book), and 98 on my Physics (1 multiple choice wrong, got centripetal force equation mixed up with gravitational force equation). I noticed that at least 2 or 3 questions on math B exams are always physics questions.
  6. Enfero Lunos
    Topic 1) Okay, why can't I see the 2007 sets topic? It gives me one of those text only error messages. I know I should be able to see it, because I logged out, and when I clicked the link, it let me in. Why won't it let me see? Oh, nice, now Maj won't let me upload pictures to show you what error message I get.
    Topic 2) I attempted to build a toa of life, didn't work out. I made a good DNA shaped weapon out of Kalmah's tentacles, made a cool shoulder pad from the head of Mantax, with a bunch of spikes, a few wings, and it all went downhill from there. I scrapped it today. Oh well. What will be will be.
  7. Enfero Lunos
    Citizen one: You killed Caesar! How could you?
    Brutus: I loved Caesar, but I love Rome more. Caesar was ambitious, he had to be stopped.
    Citizen three: Of course, Why didn't we think of that? Let us cheer for Brutus' killing of Caesar the way we cheered for Caesar's killing of Pompey!
    Antony: No, Caesar was generous, but Brutus is an honorable man.
    Citizen one: Antony spoke last, let's listen to him!
    Citizen two: O, Brutus and Antony, feed us more lies!
    Citizen four: We're impressionable! We'll believe anything!
  8. Enfero Lunos
    Well, Even though I'm not as far on my current TLoZ:TP file as on my first, I have made a bunch of progress. 2/3 of the way through storyline, but for extra stuff, I got the third bomb bag, the fourth bottle, the hawkeye, and formed one more heart-piece heart-container than in my old file. I'm not that upset anymore. Thats one more of each item named. I also got the magic armor.
  9. Enfero Lunos
    Well, people are ignoring me again
    I think It's me, and not my topics. I would think people would pounce at a topic called "Barraki Backgrounds," yet I only have 2 replies. I guess people just avoid my topics like the plague
    Okay, I'm being unreasonable, but It's not very far off the truth.
    As is evedent from my 1 comment in my blog
    Oh well
  10. Enfero Lunos
    Why did Abraham start gambling? (click spoiler tag)

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «For fun and prophet! 
    What do you call a sad fruit?

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «A melon-choly What do you call a sad dog?

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «A melan-collie What do you call a sad vegetable?

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «A melan-cauliflower! Ha Ha Ha!
  11. Enfero Lunos
    Got Carapar and Ehlek from S@H today. They're pretty awesome. Carapar is taller than he looks in a lot of pictures. Ehlek is pretty sweet too. I love the white or light green infused into the transparent green, and the spines are amazing. The squid ammo is pretty cool looking, Although it does not function well as it is supposed to. However, if you point the launcher slightly upwards, and pull it back towards you, it shoots much better. Also, it's the coolest looking collectible launcher yet, so whatever. If you look carefully at them, you can see that the bumps on the side of the head are eyes. They also hold it into the launcher better. Animal fur is very adhesive to the squids, so beware. Also, in case you get some crazy idea that the squids launch better in water, they don't. I tried. They don't even launch.
  12. Enfero Lunos
    Why didn't I have a bionicle category before?
    Anyways, yesterday, I got Kalmah And Mantax, and they are awesome. I love Kalmah's feet, and I love the tentacles; in his hand and on his head. I love how Mantax and Kalmah both have flexible head parts. I was pleasantly surprised to see Carapar's armor was Mantax's shoulder pads. Anyone who has doubts about the barraki, erase them. They are the best canister sets ever (disregarding the lack of functionality except launchers).
    Also, from Carapar, Keetongu, Reidak, Nuparu, and a bunch of spare parts, I build a Black, yellow, and silver dragon thing. I made the head first, and built around, but the head was too small, and incorrectly colored, So I ended up changing the thing that started the MOC I'll probably post pics soon.
  13. Enfero Lunos
    Well today in Bio, I had a test on... Human Reproduction! And I got a 100%! For the first time since the first test! The only "problem" I had was because one of the questions was so painfully obvious, I thought it was a trick. So my teacher had said that after we were done, we were supposed to grab the packet, and turn it in by the end of the period. From the way he phrased it, I thought he meant we were supposed to pick up a packet, not turn in the one we had been working on throughout the week. So I finished the test first, and grabbed what I figured was what we were supposed to pick up. Turns out, We weren't supposed to (as you probably figured out), and my teacher asked me for it back. Oops! I wasn't in trouble, it was just kind of dumb and embarrassing. Oh well.
    Also, my most recent bio lab was such a waste of time. One of the things we had to do was observe an orange using all of our senses... Including sound.
  14. Enfero Lunos
    Final Day: Closing Comments and Thoughts
    Boktai and Boktai 2 were truly great games, unquestionably my favorite two on GBA. While the solar sensor may have seemed gimmicky to some, it made a truly great experience. On Boktai, I loved collecting new parts for the solar gun, Playing through the game several times, Going through the azure sky tower, and doing the puzzles. Boktai was my favorite of the two, because of all of the customization of the weapon, the azure sky tower, and the option to start over, but the massive range of weapons, boss tournaments, and dream avenue were still enjoyable. Also, Boktai 2 was excessively challenging at the beginning, which slightly lowered my opinion of it. Considering how well Konami did on Boktai and Boktai 2, I expect nothing less of Lunar knights, and I look forward to it release tomorrow.
  15. Enfero Lunos
    Day 6: Story
    Both the story in Boktai and in Boktai 2 involve preventing immortals from (for lack of a better term) taking over. In Boktai, your father, Ringo, was a famous vampire hunter, and he was a solar child (had the power of the sun in him), and you are too. You start the game by getting his solar gun, the Gun del Sol, and meeting Otenko, your fathers tutor, the embodiment of the sun in the from of a floating sunflower. you head north into a small dungeon, and drag out you father's arch enemy, the Count of Groundsoaking Blood, to be purified, and after you purify him, you find out that it was a decoy, and the real one's injuries were healing while you fought the decoy. You go to Bloodrust Mansion, and outside the Count's chamber, you hear the Count talking to someone else about some girl involved in a plan. You defeat the Count, and the girl they were talking about appeared. She turned out to be in charge of taking care of the solar tree, and her name is Lita. She talks about how evil has hurt the solar tree. You then run into a mysterious boy who looks just like you, except with different hair and clothes color; then he shoots and you and tells you to get out of the way. You later find out he is your brother, dark boy Sabata. In order to continue on, you need to break two seals, by defeating two immortals, Muspell and Garmr. You continue on, and reach Sol City, where you have to fight Carmilla, an immortal, But right before you start fighting, she kills Otenko. You then continue on to a space station, where you have to fight the previous 4 immortals, then you fight Sabata and Otenko comes back, then with Sabata, you fight Hel, queen of the undead.
    In Boktai 2, you start by heading towards San miguel, which was once the City of the Sun. Before you reach it, a vampire appears and takes the solar gun. You get a sword, and meet a girl who gives you the ability to use magic. You go and fight an immortal, Duneyrr. You then fight a Vampire with Sabata helping you. The vampire bites you, and you turn into a vampire. You (playing as Sabata) drag Django back (or whatever you name yourself) to be purified, but it doesn't work. An immortal, Durathror, is making roots of Darkness damage the solar tree. You (still as a vampire) go to defeat her. While you purify her however, you a seriously injured because of the sun, and nobody thinks that there is a high chance that you will survive. Everyone hopes that you survive (especially Lita, who seems to be in love with you), and somehow you pull through, and gain the ability to switch between vampire and human at will. Your father seems to be in control of himself, and is no longer being controlled by the immortals. He tells you to go fetch 3 tarot cards to unseal the aqueduct. When you are about to give it to him, Sabata warns you not to give it to him, the immortals are still in control of him, but it is too late, he takes them from you unseals the aqueduct (which turns out to be a bad thing), and you have to fight Dvalinn, another immortal. You then have to climb the spiral tower, alternating control between Sabata and you. When you reach the top, you fight Dainn, who is in your father's body, then you purify both. However, Dainn had already awoken Jormungandr, the doomsday serpent. You seal him away and bring light to San Miguel.
    Please note that it has been a while since I played through either game, I am probably off on many details.
  16. Enfero Lunos
    Day 5: Additional Gameplay Elements
    Stealth: Stealth was a major part in Boktai, because the more you were seen, the lower your rank. In Boktai 2, there was no ranking system, but it was important to be stealthy because Boktai 2 was much more challenging than Boktai.
    Puzzles: Boktai and Boktai 2 had as much puzzle solving as action. There were block puzzles (pushing large blocks to form paths or activate switches), ice block puzzles (similar, but kept sliding until they hit a wall, and could be melted with fire), switch puzzles (lure an enemy onto a switch or push a block onto one), math puzzles (push blocks with numbers and functions to form correct equations), and a few other types of puzzles.
    Password entry: When you beat Boktai and Boktai 2, it gives you a password to enter online. When you enter it, it gives you all the information about your results, and gives you a picture based on your rank (Berserker, Bishop, Trigger of Sol, etc).
    New game plus: In Boktai, when you beat the game, you would start over, except with everything from your first file. This, of course, made going through again much easier. In Boktai 2, there was no new game plus, it just allowed you to continue playing.
  17. Enfero Lunos
    Day 4: Azure Sky Tower and Dream Avenue
    In Boktai and Boktai two, there were two long and challenging towers. In Boktai it was Azure Sky Tower, in Boktai 2 it was Dream Avenue. In both, the mission was to collect the blue key and find the blue door on each floor, which would lead you to the next floor. In azure sky tower, the blue key was hidden in an enemy. You would have to go around defeating all of the enemies until you found the blue key, then you had to find the blue door. Each floor only had four rooms, so it wasn't terribly challenging to find the key and door. However, it was very long. The first time you go through, it is 15 floors (plus a "rewards" floor), with a boss fight on floors 5, 10, and 15. The next time, it is 18 floors, with a boss fight on floors 6, 12, and 18. Then 21, 24, etc. Once you built it up to 99 floors, after you fought the third boss, you would have to fight the silvery white knight. Emblems played a large part in the AST. There were many different colored doors that only opened if you had the right emblem. There were seven emblems: earth, cloud, water, fire, sol, dark, luna. Also, on the "rewards" floor, you can use the emblems to get special frames, the most powerful frames in each class. Unfortunately, one could only get 3 emblems on a single game pack. Dark for beating the game, Sol for restoring the solar tree to perfect condition, and one chosen at random when you entered the AST. In order to get them all, you would need another game pak to copy emblems between save files. Also, in order to fight the silvery white knight, you needed all of the emblems.
    Dream avenue was different. Instead of adding floors, it added rooms to each floor. There was one switch in each room, with an unpredictable effect. You had to lure enemies onto the switch to see what happened. Effects ranged from giving you the blue key to causing an explosion that would kill you if you were too close. There were thirteen levels and then a boss, which could be quite challenging. After each battle (up to a point), you would get a special item. However, the main reason to go through was to obtain cards. There were many cards that all had special effects, such as bringing you to full health if you die, or inflicting damage on all nearby enemies. They were all one time use, and it wasn't uncommon to use them in the boss fight just to stay alive. It was much more challenging than AST, but at least no emblems were required.
  18. Enfero Lunos
    Day 3: Bosses 2
    The bosses in Boktai and Boktai 2 always have two stages. Stage one: Defeat the immortal. Generally pretty interesting battles. Stage two: Drag the immortal back to the beginning of the level to the piledriver, purify them. In order to start the piledriver, you need sunlight, the stronger the better. Four pillars come up from the ground, you shoot energy at them to energize them, then once they are all energized, you begin the purification process. While purifying, The bosses attack you, and try to resist purification. You need to continue energizing the pillars, or the immortal will deactivate it. In Boktai 2, it is slightly different, because you have to drag it back to the beginning, and depending on which coffin you have, it can affect the piledriver or the trip to the piledriver.
    The bosses in Boktai were the Count of Groundsoaking Blood, then Garmr and Muspell (You got to choose which you fought first), then Carmilla the banshee, then you had to reface them in any order, then you fought Hel.
    In Boktai 2, you fought Duneyrr, then a vampire (who turns out to be your father), then Durathror, then Dvalinn, then Dainn in the aforementioned Vampire's body, then Jormungandr.
  19. Enfero Lunos
    Day 2: Enemies, naming, Bosses 1
    In Boktai and Boktai 2, many enemies were the same. There were a few ranks of zombies, golems, and mummies in both, with crimson rank being the most powerful for each monster. In Boktai, there were some bats, spiders, octopi, kraken, and cockatrices. They came back in Boktai 2, but there were many more small creatures, additional ranks for cockatrices, skeletons, floating weapons, blobs of jelly, ghosts, and a couple types of hounds.
    Naming is based on other sources (mainly norse mythology), and rarely ever original. For example, the bosses. The two guardians in boktai are Muspel and Garmr, both from Norse Mythology. The female vampire Carmilla is taken from a vampire novella of the same name. Hel, the main antagonist, is named after Hel, the Norse version of the ruler of the underworld. In Boktai 2, the Immortals (Daine, Dvalinn, Durathror, Duneyrr) were four stags said to live in a tree from norse mythology. You also had to Seal away Jormungandr, the Midgard serpent from Norse Mythology. Many of the weapons were also from mythology. Gram, Gungnir, and Mjollnir were weapons from Norse mythology. There is also a Vorpal sword, from Jabberwocky. I'm sure I've missed so many, but I have made my point well enough.
  20. Enfero Lunos
    Well, only seven more days until Lunar knights comes out. I think I'll do Retrospective on Boktai, in 7 installments.
    Day 1: Gameplay
    In the original Boktai, your main weapon throughout the game was a solar gun, Gun del Sol. You got to customize it in many ways. Frame (Type/power of shot/spread), Lens (Element of shot/spread), Battery, and Grenade. The frames were divided into categories, based on the way they affected the shot/spread. The shots were energy shot from the gun like a projectile. The spreads were a large fan or sword shaped Emission from the gun, like a lightsaber. There were a few specialized frames, such as one that homed in on enemies, one that made enemies fall asleep, and one with ricochet shots. The lens affected the element of the shot, earth, fire, water, sky, sun, lunar, star, and dark. After many enemies were killed by used of the lens, it would level up, up to twice. It's power was lowest on level at I, and highest at III. The battery stored power, as one would guess. There was single, double, triple, quad, quint, astro, dark, and a rumored infinite (I do not know if this was real). Unlike in many games where the higher size upgrades replace lower ones, in Boktai you kept all of the batteries you found. Instead of only having five bars of energy when you have the quint, you could actually have 15 (1+2+3+4+5). The astro battery used power from the solar station, which charged power as you played. There were many different grenades, bomb (normal grenade), flash (stunned enemies), scan (revealed hidden things), rising sun (increased solar gauge's reading by 4 temporarily), pineapple (infinite number, strong, but took a long time to charge), and dark (big explosion, dark element). The dark gun, Gun del Hel, was obtainable, but if you didn't have the dark frame, dark lens, and dark battery, it would not work.
    Sunlight was a MAJOR factor. On the game pack was a solar sensor, to measure intensity of light. Obviously, It was easier, and faster to charge, with more sunlight. Sunlight was involved in many ways other than charging. If you covered up the sensor lured an enemy (such a a zombie) under a skylight in a dungeon, then uncovered the solar sensor, It would take massive damage from sunlight. also, there were platforms in dungeons that only appeared when there was sunlight. In some dungeons, there were strong winds depending on the intensity of light. Light sensitivity may sound gimmicky, but it was extremely fun.
    Stealth was also an important part. The less you were spotted by enemies, the higher your ranking.
    In Boktai 2, the main weapon was not the solar gun. Instead, there were hammers, spears, swords, and eventually the solar gun. The gameplay style was also very different. Stealth was much less of a factor. You gained experience, and leveled up your stats the way you wanted. Every level, you chose which category/categories you wanted to distribute 3 stat points to. Vitality (life), Spirit (energy), Strength, and Agility. You could only hold 16 items total at once, unlike in boktai 1, where you could hold 99 of every item. Also, there was armor, which was not present in boktai 1. Also, there were different types of magic that replaced the lenses, for the most part the same, but with new additions. The weapon creation was very cool. You would forge two weapons together, and make stronger ones. Almost all weapons a special ability that could be created if the forging was done well enough. Also, considering that you used physical weapons, you didn't always use energy. Although I liked boktai 1 more, I still liked boktai 2.
  21. Enfero Lunos
    That's not entirely fair to say, I guess, I'm also looking forward to Endless Ocean and Okami (for Wii)
    Brawl - Looks INCREDIBLE. Only 4 weeks away now, and it won't be delayed any more, at least not more than a week or two at most.
    Roster spoilers:

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Unlockable characters: Marth, Mr. Game & Watch, Luigi, Falco, Snake, Ganondorf, Wolf, Lucario, Ness, Sonic, Toon Link, R.O.B., Captain Falcon, Jigglypuff Well, I must say that I'm disappointed. I am glad about Lucario, Toon Link, and R.O.B., but there were so many other series that needed representation. Where's the love for Metroid, Zelda, Animal Crossing, or Mario? The starfox series gets a third character who is essentially another clone of Fox. Meanwhile, Metroid, doesn't get Ridley or Dark Samus, Mario and Zelda get no real newcomers, and though it's not that hard at all to make a moveset for an animal crossing character, we don't get one. How is that fair?
    At least, on a positive note now, the alt colors for characters are amazing.
    The music is so amazing. There are songs that I know and love the remixes of, and songs I've never heard before but still love. There are 287 songs in Brawl, more than a gigabyte, more than 16 hours worth! The adventure mode has been ramped up a notch, several actually, and is now more than 5 hours long, not counting replay value.
    Boom Blox - Don't know much about it, but it looks good. I can't describe it very well, it's basically a physics-heavy game that has a lot of block-based puzzles. Think Jenga on steroids.
    de Blob - Basically: Dull, monochromatic world, get colors, paint buildings by jumping at them, get points, beat level. Sure, it's simple, but simple certainly worked for Katamari Damacy and Elebits.
    Boktai - Okay, nothing new, who cares. I don't know if I mentioned this, but my friend lost my copy of Boktai. I was upset at first, but I accepted it. Anyways, he bought me another copy, and one for himself. I finally beat it again today (it's much harder when you're weaker, out of experience, and trying to never be seen), and got a (fairly) good rank (A-). No rank S, but it was my first time through. Weaker weapons, fewer speed nuts, didn't go through all dungeons.
    Endless ocean - Just an exploratory game at it's core, but it looks like it could be fun. It's already out, but I have yet to rent it.
    Okami - I played and beat the PS2 version, but I'll have to at least try this. The Wii controller will make the celestial brush techniques much cooler/easier to use. And who knows, this could lead to a sequel on Wii.
  22. Enfero Lunos
    Well, last Sunday I got Brawl, at a midnight release.
    During school weeks, we never get enough snow for a snow day. I have a theory that the only way we can get off of school is if we absolutely do not expect it. Anyways, in keeping with Murphy's Law (anything that can go wrong will go wrong), we got probably more snow the weekend Brawl comes out than the rest of winter added together. I almost wasn't able to get Brawl at the midnight release.
    Anyways, I love it. The graphics are way better than Melee's, I was shocked at how much more detailed it was, even after seeing videos online. It's not really evident in the videos, but Brawl is a bit slower and floatier than Melee, and feel so different too. I find I'm using special moves a lot less, and that Up special moves in general are much more for recovery than attack. Another nice thing is that the characters are more balanced.
    I'm a big fan of Subspace Emissary, the adventure mode. It's made up of 35-45 levels, and a few boss fights. The stage builder is pretty great too. I have yet to build a real, non gimmicky stage, but I'm okay with that. I'll get to it.
    The extra stuff is so much cooler than in melee. Melee only had like 150 (or so) trophies, brawl has over 600 trophies, and over 700 stickers. The color changes are better too, I like the fact that all characters have a dark and/or light costume. and the soundtrack is epic, 287 songs.
    I'm far from unlocking everything, but I'm loving what I do have.
  23. Enfero Lunos
    Well, I added a new category, electronic, which will deal with video game stuff, and other electronic stuff.
    Anyways, I recently got a free digital camera. Guess how good the pictures are. Go on, guess. Okay, i'll tell you. They are 100 kilopixels. 0.1 megapixels. It can take 18 pictures. AKA, It's bad. At least it was free.
  24. Enfero Lunos
    The ESRB is ridiculously inconsistent. Example:
    Boktai 2: T for Teen, Animated blood and Fantasy violence. The "Animated Blood" was tiny spurt of red when you were bitten by a bat or the vampire.
    Lunar Knights: E 10+ for every 10 years and up, Animated blood, Mild fantasy violence, Mild language, and Mild suggestive themes. I tend to ignore "mild suggestive themes," because that basically means at least one attractive female (in this case, her) or ANYTHING related to a relationship. Anyways the Animated blood in here was of course, when a bat bit you, but also, in the final boss, you were running around in a pool of vampire blood. Not a pool of vampire blood as in a large puddle of blood coming from the vampire's body, but more like a large arena where you're probably at least ankle deep in blood.
    Vampire bats=Teen, Pool of Blood=E 10+?
    They need to reevaluate their system. Unless, since it's vampire blood, it doesn't matter. I guess vampires just don't have the rights humans do. I should start a movement for the rights of vampires
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