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Posts posted by operater139

  1. I feel like this site was responsible for me starting a lot of vocations in my life. I loved the site so much I wanted to create my own, which inspired me to learn HTML and Java. Messing around with signatures and trying to have a snazzy tagline was always super fun. I still have old messages in my inbox from 10 years ago, and seeing how bad my grammar was is really freaking crazy.


    I remember posting a story I wrote called "Lekura's Past" which was a fanfic, and I still have it even. Reading all the different fanfics was a real blast and how Greg was interactive with the site here. I remember people asking him questions trying to figure out hints to what the next part of the storyline would be.


    Insanely popular indeed. Trust me. I've been here since the beginning, and still loving this line. They brought so much commercial success to Lego it sparked off movies, comic books, and more.


    This topic doesn't concern Bionicle sets in general, but a specific group, often called 'playsets', released in 2005, 6 and 7 that rendered content from those years in the style of System. Most fans have never been crazy about them.



    Ah, sorry. Yeah these were never really popular. Personally I think it's just because they weren't the original Bionicle style.

  3. They super simplified it for younger audiences, because apparently too many names would confuse kids. You gotta wonder how G1 fans survived.

    The question is, do kids actually like this stuff? Because to my knowledge, kids like things that are cool, not corny. G1 had jokes and humor and it was in line with the story, and the overall seriousness of the theme. Kids, especially boys, like things that are cool. That's how stuff like Star Wars blew into like one of the biggest franchises in history. It wasn't dark, but it wasn't cheesy. The same with Bionicle G1.



    We survived super fine, thanks.

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