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Year 19

About munkeymunkey

  • Birthday 09/22/1989

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    -Personal Info-
    Born September 22, 1989

    - Interests -
    Notables: writing, reading, constructed languages, cartography, trail-making, acting, dancing, LEGO Bricks

    Music: Oasis, Arctic Monkeys, The Beatles, Goo Goo Dolls, Hard-Fi, Matchbox Twenty, Eve6, Nickelback, The Fray, Franz Ferdinand, Good Charlotte, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Sheryl Crow, Stephen Lynch, Warren Zevon, Snow Patrol, Panic at the Disco, Michelle Branch, The Postal Service, Audioslave, Wolfmother, Prana, Led Zepplin, Fall Out Boy, Relient k, Death Cab for Cutie, Flogging Molly, The Hush Sound

    Books: The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Golden Compass, A Light in the Attic, The Children of Hurin, And Then There Were None, The Chronicles of Narnia, Wuthering Heights, Twilight

    Movies: The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Usual Suspects, X-Men, The Departed, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Blue Streak, Help, Hard Day's Night, Silverado, The Prestige, Indiana Jones, Twilight

    Sports (watching and participating): baseball (Baltimore Orioles fan (specifically Nick Markakis and Kevin Millar), soccer (international mostly, Portugal fan), cross country (I do that myself), hiking, kayaking, biking (I have been known to walk, bike, run, and kayak to school... I don't like the bus), and, of course, jibidiwah.

    Writing: I prefer writing short stories, as, like Edgar Allen Poe, I consider those the quintessential product of writing, but my passion is major projects and interwoven storylines. Because of this, I am working on my own large grouping of writing that includes short stories as well as longer. This is all for myself and a few of my friends, but it's still worth noting, I feel.

    Constructed Languages: If there is one author who is my idol, I guess it would have to be J.R.R. Tolkien for his linguists work. I've taken independent study courses in high school about them and have developed and applied my own. Again, this is merely for self fulfillment and nothing more - following a passion as a hobby.

    Acting: This is a little more than a hobby. I am a member of a professional acting troupe that performs every summer and winter. I've also done the standard musicals, dramas, and Shakespeare of high school life.

    Trail-making/Cartography: This is why I'm going to university. I am part of the class of 2012 and am on track for a degree in human geography.

    LEGO Bricks: Yes, I like Bionicle, City, and Trains. I have a town set up in my room at home and a few shelves with Bionicle characters.

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  1. Your blog is very funny 10/10.

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