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Tuan Taureo

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Posts posted by Tuan Taureo

  1. *flail* This is what I get for falling off the face of this place all the time!
    Bummer about the database fudge, GG. That Makuta Island review is still on the backburner ... but just as you find reasons to come back to your stories, hopefully I will find reasons to come back to my ten-year-old promises as well - and possibly even live up to them!



  2. Aw geez. This is what I get for falling off the face of BZP into a viper's den of other fandoms for months on end.Hi, fellow sisters, here's one of those gnarly harpies from way back when BGCIII was rockin' the old forum to Mangaia and back. *offers fistbump*Cutting to the chase: to this day I have a fully forum-formatted txt file with the original original submission list with all the crazyold stuff linking to the old forum. Is anyone interested in that? (It's massive. I suppose I could attempt to post it and then the first post can have like a "Click here for archivez!" link to my post? I dono.)Just poking my head in and waving to the current crowd. /wave--Tuan

  3. oh and incidentally the theory about Roxy and Dirk being years into the future from Jake and Jane is canonthough I didn't quite expect them to be over 400 years into the future ... o_O...*flop* Dirk and Roxy live 413 years into the future from Jake and Jane.Otherwise I will be disappoint.--TuanEDIT: Server, please stay awake when I'm trying to post.

  4. So Yeah. My personal theory now is that Jane is literally living on pre-Condesce-assimilated Earth and Dirk and Roxy are (knowingly) living those years in the future (but not many) on post-Condesce-assimilated Earth, using some variant of Condesce-sponsored chat client incorporating Trollian's cross-timeline feature to chat with Jane (which Jane is blissfully unaware of).Jane is also massively brainwashed due to her Tiaratop. And when Jane's entrance alchemy kicks in and whisks her away to the Medium of her Session, she gets a glimpse of the world as it actually is. At her point in the timeline.Right before we flashforward to the point in the timeline where Dirk and Roxy are running around.Where exactly Jake is, I'm not yet sure. If he corresponds to Grandpa, he will be in the same timeline as Jane, but is using that funky helmet of his (likely containing the same cross-timeline communication technology as Dirk and Roxy use, albeit Jake doesn't know this) to chat with everyone. And his island is simply a first seeding ground for the lusii being introduced to Earth by the Condesce. The island becomes flooded in the several-years-but-not-many future (hi Feferi's Lusus trying to rip the Frog Temple to pieces!), while it isn't while Jake lives on it.('Course, the obvious double-you tee eff here becomes "HOW IN TARNATION IS DIRKBOT ON JAKE'S ISLAND WITH JAKE THEN". Remember Roxy saying something about "simple time machines". Herp derp.)As an aside, yes I do believe that Jane's entrance alchemy completed successfully. You don't always have to do something to complete it. See Dave's situation: he was only supposed to wait for the egg to hatch - an example of the Aspect of Time. Conversely, Jane simply had to grow the tree - as befits her Aspect of Life. Ta-da.That aside--

    Hussie Tumblr 3 months ago...

    kohikki asked you:Dear Mister Andrew Hussie Sir, Will we ever see Spades Slick again? Is he okay? I will spend countless nights up, worried about him.I am nursing him back to health in my house, like a baby bird that fell from its nest too young.

    I don't think understanding the why is at all important. This is just too good.signoff.png
    ... excuse me while I spend the next ten minutes and twenty-five seconds on the floor laughing.--Tuan
  5. In other news, y'all should go back and watch Jade: Enter, except mute it and put on At The Price Of Oblivion.It is literally perfect in every way

    I'll just casually re-debut on these new and shiny BZP fora by confirming that the second sentence above is ABSOLUTE TRUTH.This is on par with the synch between Wake and the Nic Cage Song.My mind, it has sploded.--Tuan
    Holy stuff. This is actually really incredible. The synchronization is too perfect. (Well, almost. The song is a bit slow at the beginningCoincidence? Seems unlikely.
    I know, right? When you hit up the flash and the song track just right, and everything fits, all the way down to the cues and beats in the music to the cues in the flash. o_O Makes you wonder ... especially about the crazy people sitting down and somehow hunting down these tracks that actually synch with the latest flash. Nuts.And re: UU and uu. Yeah, UU (uranianUmbra) is the subverted Troll here, using excellent grammar, spelling, vivid punctuation and sportmanship. In comparison, uu (undyingUmbrage) is the archetypical Troll, Karkat turned up to eleven, actually (as far as I've noticed) not using any other punctuation except ordinary dots. No commas, no exclamation marks. I'm not even sure he(?) uses question marks! Furthermore, UU types in all lowercase with the U's capitalized, and uu types in all caps with the u's lowercase, so yeah, they're each other's mirror images.--Tuan
  6. Oh goodness. Talk about blast from the past seeing this topic again. Hi GaliGee, remember me? I'm pretty sure I still have that Word document somewhere on my harddrive containing the ludicrously heug review to your Makuta Island epic that I used to go on and on about finishing.Who knows, maybe it'll finally happen now.--Tuan

  7. In other news, y'all should go back and watch Jade: Enter, except mute it and put on At The Price Of Oblivion.It is literally perfect in every way

    I'll just casually re-debut on these new and shiny BZP fora by confirming that the second sentence above is ABSOLUTE TRUTH.This is on par with the synch between Wake and the Nic Cage Song.My mind, it has sploded.--Tuan
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