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Blog Entries posted by the-toa-family

  1. the-toa-family
    I bought my first Hero Factory set the other day thanks to the wonderful review here. Waspix looked so good I went back and got a Drilldozer. I fused them together and added a spare set of red hands. Looks real good to me. I may post a picture someday.
  2. the-toa-family
    Wow, It's been over a year since I've logged into BZP. Lots of things have happened.
    We went to Kyoto, Japan for six months at the beginning of the year and had a great time. Well except for the earthquake and the flooding. That really didn't affect us directly where we were, but the house filled up really quick with relatives from Tokyo.
    I still keep the Toa MOC my husband made for me displayed. She's a nice icebreaker for new clients. I'm a psychologist if you didn't know.
    We recently moved to Enfield CT so I could open a practice there and so my daughter could get a better job. Which she did.
    That's it for now. Be safe all and Merry Christmas.
  3. the-toa-family
    After the loss of the primary people in your family that liked Bionicle what does one do? I found the story, toys, and customization really fascinating. Alas with Bionicle ending and the sets parts becoming harder to find, I find myself unmotivated to buy or really do anything with it. All but one of our Bionicle sets and creations have been relegated to storage.
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