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Cap'n Ikki

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Blog Entries posted by Cap'n Ikki

  1. Cap'n Ikki
    You can make a difference by linking all your friends to this blog entry! We stand a chance to make Kapura Chronicler of the Future!
    Ahoy, y'all!
    Reasons to vote for Kapura as the next Chronicler –
    -- He wants to explore all of Mata Nui, and so would arguably want to explore Metru Nui, as well. To quote the MNOG: “The island has many places to visit. I want to see all of them. But the others do not like to travel. Mata Nui is very big.”
    -- He has a special ability which comes very useful when travelling. By lots of practicing, he has learned the secret art of covering great distances in no time by moving very slowly!
    -- He was the one who found Takua and gave him the message from Vakama that caused Takua to assemble the Chronicler’s company.
    -- He is observant, contemplates the meanings of things, and ‘his words often carry hidden wisdom’, to quote Vakama.
    So, if you want to see your dreams fulfilled, all you gotta do is following this link -- http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?s=&...howtopic=240293 – and replying with this message: “Kapura for the next chronicler!”
  2. Cap'n Ikki
    EssKay... Heir of the Chronicler... Tok... Pekel... Roger C-T... MrNobudy... Vreelahk... shalofski... Danska... Infernal Maveric... Turaga of Force... Reya... Hydruss... Aoran... Tilius... Screenguy... Sir Kohran... Kynok... bones... Greg... Utopia... Kex... Swert... Darnzerf... Bioran23... Black Six... Ninjo... all my S&T colleagues and BST traders...
    See y'all one day.
  3. Cap'n Ikki
    Today, Ikki's Isle brings you an exclusively hosted entry regarding Bionicle, life, and all those big things -- brought to you by your friendly neighbourhood TILIUS!
    This message was partially inspired by this topic. But being a 'Bioholic', as it is so innocently put, is in reality a major issue for some members, and you could be one of these members without realizing. Also, before I begin, I should point out that this is not a flaming of members or anything of the sort. It's intended to be helpful. I'm not saying that you should be this way. I'm just suggesting, if you match the specified criteria, that you may want to take into account some points raised. If you don't want to, then that is absolutely fine. If you're under 13, I'd say you can ignore all this.
    Additionally, I really want people to properly think about the points I'm about to bring up. For your benefit, don't disregard information here and take it as simply being insulting. That is not the point here - the point here is to really think about where your life is, where it's going, how you are as a person, and how Bionicle affects this.
    Of course, a small 'slice' of Bionicle is fine. But this is about it getting out of hand, as it has done for myself and at least one other member.
    Thing is, Bionicle is something of an 'addiction'. It's obviously not as fatal as proper addictions, but it can in fact hinder your personality, social skills and general step into adulthood.
    A sign of being addicted, is that you may have bought sets recently, and after constructing them being somewhat disappointed with your purchase. Fair enough. But then, you go out and you buy another set anyway. And again, are disappointed. It sounds stupid, but you may even feel somewhat depressed. Thing is, over the past however many years of collecting, it's second nature to buy sets. They've most likely been a massive part of your life for a few years. You may think 'Oh, I have every set so far, I can't just stop my collecting, even if I'm disappointed/depressed after buying sets.'. This is not a good attitude, and it is one that I myself have felt over the past few months.
    You may also enjoy the MoCing side of Bionicle, and buy sets for pieces. But ask yourself, do you ever actually use these pieces? Have you actually used those Matoran pieces more than once? If the answer to this is no, then similarly, you are 'addicted' to Bionicle. And not in a 'Hehe I'm MAD about Bionicle!' way. In a 'I feel depressed and inferior to those around me. I have no money, and everytime I buy a set I feel down' way. Which is obviously not a good feeling, and it happens a surprising amount. It's a pretty painful feeling, but half of you can't stop yourself from buying sets - as I've said, they've been a big part of your life, and it's difficult to really move on, and become like those around you.
    And by 'being like those around you', I don't mean being a stereotype. I don't mean that at all. You can be yourself, but there's 'being yourself' and there's being unlike everyone else in a bad way. You need to get the balance - you need to fit in to get your social skills up, and improve yourself generally (in areas of fitness, having a positive personality etc).
    If you're spending most of your time on BZP or other Bionicle related forums (and I mean 3+ hours a day), it may be time to really think about what you're doing. The huge amount of people your age who share your interest may blur your vision of reality. 35000 is a large number of members for a forum, but not for the rest of the world - you're a minority, and if thats getting to you in the ways I've mentioned, then it may be time to change your ways.
    If you're happy with how you are, balancing BZP and life and are perfectly happy, having lots of friends, are not overweight, are intelligent (though not in a pompous nerdy way) then there's no real problem. Keep going how you are. This is all just for those who have a feeling that they may have a problem, an addiction of sorts.
    Another factor is the 'double life' aspect of the internet and real life. On BZP, you have a username, hiding who you are. I'm not saying change your name to you real name and such, that'd breach privacy (though that said, all this is advice to those who want it, not instruction). But make sure you are the same person online as you are in real life - preferably a positive and friendly person. I spent most of my time on BZP building up some false persona, trying to seem as some sort of 'hero' and trying (and admittently failing) to get respect from members. All this was ruining who I really was. I started to get somewhat wound up about pathetic things, such as people spamming or posting leaked set images...stupid stuff to get wound up about. This is a forum. It's not politics, it's a place to talk to people, it's not worth getting wound up about if a member is annoying you. Heck, it's not worth getting wound up about a set that has a very basic or repetitive build, or if the pieces are out of proportion to the older sets, or if the set quality has majorly gone down. At the end of the day, it's a toy. For children. Its the addictive side of you that's making you care - yeah, alright, it's a big part of your life, and for you its gone downhill. It doesn't matter, 'cause it's a toy. It's not the end of the world. You have to move on, either in the ways I've suggested, or simply moving on to similar things you do like (I suggest Lego Star Wars personally. =P That's another thing - you can still have a fondness of Lego, just don't go buying sets if they just sit there and don't get touched for months and are making you in any way unhappy). As a friend said, "You'll have as much fun with sets in your head as you would if you were to buy them".
    I cannot stress enough that this is NOT an insult, or criticizm of every member. This is intended to be helpful for those who feel the desire to change their lives and move on. If you find it offensive, or just don't want to pay any attention to it, then that is absolutely fine. =)
    So, what can you do to change your ways, should you desire? One helpful thing is to take any idolization of high-profile members, and instead apply it to someone you know in person, and see regularly, who is a popular and all-round positive person, and that obviously you like ('cause nobody wants to be something they don't like). In situations, such as when you're considering spending a massive amount of money on a set, think "What would they do?". If they'd probably spend it on DVDs or games, for instance, then perhaps go out and get one or more of them. You're less likely to feel depressed afterwards, as you're buying something that people your age 'normally' buy.
    There are also other things you can do, which need little explanation, but you can always try to encorperate them into your life if you think it'd be benefitial to you:
    - Excercise (choose something you enjoy and can do. If you can't think of anything, then try stuff out until you're happy.)
    - Get a job (improves people skills, confidence, and of course gives you a bit of money at the same time)
    - Join a club (anything that interests you. Book club, tennis club - doesn't matter, just get out there and meet people.
    - Cut down your internet time (do the essentials, but there's no need to hang around for hours on BZP to see new posts. Just check back every 2-3 hours, until gradually you can go for longer without having a desire to check posts. It's not good for the soul - you're spending all your time inside, alone, when you could be out there with friends or doing something truely useful (like catching up with homework - it'll take the stress off))
    - Probably the most important is to make an effort to throw yourself outside your comfort zone.
    This last one can really boost confidence and popularity. Maybe become a sports captain at your school/club or something. I stood for the school council elections, which involved making a speech to the whole school. I was nervous on the day - my speech seemed short, the jokes that seemed funny to me at the time no longer seemed amusing. Then it came to be my turn, I stood up, and thought to myself 'Just CANE it.'. I was still shaking as I said my speech, but I managed to make it feel and sound improvised, and the jokes worked, and most agreed that my speech was the most entertaining. Then I won the overall election. I'd never done anything like that before, never even dreamed of it, and I'd come out on top.
    THAT is the effect that getting over your Bionicle 'addiction' and generally improving yourself. I'd say it's worth it - I feel much happier now than I did when I spent all my nights online, talking and trying to impress people with my false persona. Looking back on my posts, I can see how awful I was to people, and how pathetic my attempts at attention and 'glory' were. It's much more satisfying to get proper respect from those who matter, those who you are around every day of your teenage life.
    Again, this is certainly no insult to you all, I'm simply happy with the success I've had after quitting Bionicle, and want to help other people acheive the same. Yeah, I still glance at the Lego section as I pass through Woolworths, but I never properly considering buying a set. Most of that is behind me now, and, in my view, life is so much better because of it.
    Thought out and written by Old Guard Tilius, hosted by blog manager Cap'n Ikki. Please share and enjoy!
  4. Cap'n Ikki
    As noted in my last entry (HAPPY 2008!!), I'll allow myself to buy only three sets next year (WOO!!).
    So, of all the sets of 2008 we have seen thus far (PARTEY!!), which would YOU recommend?

  5. Cap'n Ikki
    Just HAD to share this piece of genius -- it's from Heir's Nuva Redesigned topic, and it's just... no, better look for yourself.

    If that's an accurate representation of the BIONICLE fanbase of today, I just lost all faith in it.
  6. Cap'n Ikki
    So, with me floating peacefully in the sweet stream of holidays, I thought I'd better get some writing done. Specifically a story that takes place on Mata Nui. Already got a bit planned... an' plannin' still...
    Suggestions, anyone?
  7. Cap'n Ikki
    Don't you just love the MNOG? Not just playing it -- there are so many clues to decipher, so many gorgeous little details, and a LOT of stuff to recreate, MOC-wise. Of course, building Matoran from this game is always a fun thing, but it's a problem if they don't look quite right. Tamaru just looks best with lime green legs, Makuta is at his greatest with complete body infection (*nudge nudge*), and then there's Takua. I won't bother listing all the versions of Takua we've seen throughout the years -- but no matter how you build him, he'll still need something to look perfect. Guessed what I'm getting at yet?
    Of course you did! The rucksack!

    Now, my version maybe not be a 100% accurate to the MNOG version, contrary to my ramblings before. But what it lacks in authenticity, it makes up for with versatility! Now, ye behold --
    Parts needed to build this awesome li'l critter
    Step one
    Step Two
    Step Three
    Step f-- oh, wait, it's already done and ready for use!
    Ya want one?
    Rucksack parteh!
    And all that just because the word 'rucksack' sounds so much better than its cousin 'backpack'
  8. Cap'n Ikki
    So, S@H Denmark has Vikings sets on sale, an' I'm thinking of ordering the Army & Wagon, Boat VS Wyvern, as well as two extra Castle Crossbow attacks for supplies. In short, that's give me, MiniFig-wise --
    9 Vikings, 6 different torsos, meaning one of each kind produced.
    2 knights, 2 archers, two white skellies
    2 skellie horses
    In total, that'd be roughly $60, shipping included. Problem is, I just spent 'bout $70 on the Art of Bone book, an' if I want to save some money for future life, it may not be wise to spend it all just now. Especially with more Castle sets being realeased next year, and still the Skellie Ship & Dwarfs Mining to be had this year.
    So, what do you guys think? Buy or not buy?
  9. Cap'n Ikki
    I need to cure myself from immense Bioholism and get on with life.
    Thus, I'll allow myself to buy only three LEGO sets in total this year. B)
    Problem is, the Av-Matoran are 50 DKK -- $10 -- here, each.
    What to do?
    Happy 2008!!
    ... no, this entry is not noobish.
  10. Cap'n Ikki
    Good day.
    It's a sad thing, but there's really no need to cover it in long, eloquent paragraphs. Right on to it: Lego hardly excites me anymore.
    The quality of the sets is in top for the most part, I'm sure, but I've discovered that whenever I buy a new set, I quickly get bored with it. Add to that the fact that it, as well as my time online, takes up most of my day, and you'll see that I would probably be better off with a healthy break. Not completely abandoning Lego or BZP, and I may find renewed interest someday. But not currently.
    I still enjoy playing around with my own stories and some of the older sets. But school and social life are priorities no matter what. And especially girls. I cannot afford to spend so much time on a hobby with the things I truly want being out there, someplace else.
    As you can see, my activity here is likely to drop a lot. I'll be on from time to time, sure, and I won't forget. For now, though, I thank you for all the fish.
    So long...
  11. Cap'n Ikki
    I love tropical islands. I love everything about them - The beaches, the palms, the heat, the sunset, jungles, the mystery, the cultures, the soft waves... I could go on and on. In fact, I think I'll make an article about it. However, right now, I'll just present some quickly-made avatars, which nicely represents all, or most, of the beauties of the tropical islands. They can be found here, for anyone interested--
    Tropical Island Avatar Gallery.
    There. Feel free to use, but don't forget to give credit, if so. Comments are welcome too.
  12. Cap'n Ikki
    This is wild.
    What is more, though actually less, wild is that, no coding works for me on BZP. Nor do most links to, or in, profiles.
    Yay real life!
  13. Cap'n Ikki
    Today be me birthday! Had a quiet, relaxing day with my parents 'n' grandparents after that terrific chemistry exam -- got a 10, which I believe equals a B. Second highest grade anyway, so I'm flabbergasted!
    Lotsa nice presents, too. No LEGO, yet plenty o' moolah to buy it with -- shall be saving it for my trip to Legoland in a few weeks.
    Just a German exam left, then 'tis SUMMER! And to me friends, I love y'all!
  14. Cap'n Ikki
    The new Nuva cannot look like the original ones, but it's perfectly fine for them to look more or less identical to the Inika & Mahri.
  15. Cap'n Ikki
    On long, dark, chilly nights, what's a better escape than to write yourself into another world?! Here's a bit of a preview --

    Lhikan jumped quickly across the rooftops, no sound audible in the light-ridden district. Each time a great gap between buildings came he dug his sword into the metallic surface of the roof and swung onto the next structure. Darting through the wide streets below would have been easier, but comfort was no priority of his at the moment. The shadows were alive in Metru Nui at night, he knew, and no less above street level that on it.
    The Toa grinned. Luring stalkers into thinking they were on top of the hunt was skill he had sharpened much in the recent much, to the point where he almost allowed himself to enjoy it. No doubt his followers would think him a poor fool who had sought refuge a place he had mistakenly believed safe. And so, they would follow him noiselessly until they were all around him, watching yet unseen, and then strike coldly – so was their plan; Lhikan knew it, and he let out another grin at the ignorance of his hunters.
    Hunters were what the Vahki had become. Once symbols of efficiency and order, even if too strict in Lhikan’s mind, the Vahki had served as protectors and watchers of the Matoran and, most preciously, their work. In more recent times, however, things had changed. No one could say quite how lest they dared speak of it, but Lhikan felt it for sure. The busy yet upbeat hum of the ancient city had been replaced by something quite indescribable to Matoran who had spent all their lives working in their own little worlds – yet Lhikan knew the mood, for it had plagued this city and many other lands, too, not at least his own, in past ages. Fear had come to Metru Nui.
    It was not fear as when Lhikan and his comrades had battle monsters of legend or warred with the Dark Hunters in the past; this was an unseen fear, largely, Lhikan believed, caused by an increase of sternness in the Vahki. He had no idea how or why the robotic beings had changed in such a way, though, and what little guess he had he was too afraid to voice to even himself or his Toa comrades.
    On a chilly, starlit night, however, the Toa’s mind was not at far riddles, but right with him, calculating the time left till he got to where he had planned. He forced his heart to let go of his worries for the Matoran below, and steeled himself. He could now see it.
    Roughly a 100 bio ahead of him loomed a large, slim tower. Emanating from it were soft blue circular lights, arranged in ascending patterns up to the spherical summit of the tower. Its walls were dark yet with a metallic glare in the glow of the cacophony of lightstones, and at the large orbed top was an array of rectangular windows from which a dim light shone. Lhikan kept his gaze fixed on it as he sped across the last building roofs; it was the Moto Main, the trademark peak of Le-Metru, rivaled in height by the Coliseum only.
    The Toa of Fire was only three roofs from the southern wall of the tower, and as he duly noted, tiny, unearthly eyes peeked at him in cold curiosity. Once, the Vahki had allowed him free reign in Metru Nui at all times, as ordered by Turaga Dume himself. But to the grinning Toa, that seemed millennia ago.
    And good day to you as well, Vahki, he thought and spun around without blinking.

    May decide to epic-ify it sometime. we'll see. For now, Mahri New Year! B)
  16. Cap'n Ikki
    Just some general ramblin's o' life...
    Good discussion goin' on in a few blogs these days!
    David Arkenstone is the best guy for fantasy music, Bionicle 2001-style even.
    The 1999 version of Jules Verne's Journey to the Center of the Earth is the best movie ever made.
    2008 looks like the most epic year of Bionicle yet. That does not means it looks like the best one, however.
    The Answer really is 42.
    Girls are the greatest and most benefiting challenge on this great Earth.
    A toast to toasts!
    Dried apricots are pure win.
    I so looove parties and the people there.
    I've lost a ton of weight, and now actually look great. Hot-cha!
    I want to go everywhere, see everything, do everything, and live forever...
    ... and so, a drink to infinity!
  17. Cap'n Ikki
    Just tryin' to get a general idea here, for possible future sale --
    How much would you guys be willing to pay for a mint, Golden Kanoka, with storage case?
    Also, how 'bout a VMKK Ja & Ca?
  18. Cap'n Ikki
    I have to do a 5-minutes' presentation in school tomorrow, about a subject -- anything -- related to the English-speaking world, and I'm kinda stuck.
    Any ideas?
  19. Cap'n Ikki
    In the light of the recent debates, I have added a block of who I feel belong in the mysteriously named 'Tilius Squad'. By no means are there any official members, but if you've been watching or participating in any of those debates, you'll know what I'm talking about.
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