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<>~ Paharakgirl ~<>

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Blog Entries posted by <>~ Paharakgirl ~<>

  1. <>~ Paharakgirl ~<>
    This blog deticated to my former post count. May it rest in peace. *Removes hat*
    News Flash!!!
    I have now come up with a startling revelation... Le-matoran (and Toa) ROCK!

    Recently, I've been writing a lot and reading, (out of lack of great inspiration.... or any, for that matter.) looking for something amusing. Well, I have to say in all honesty, it's smacked my in the face. (With a fish... *shudder*) I stumbled across a little thing recently by the name of Turakii's Writings. Nothing would (or could) compare to the zany adventures that would await me inside. These stories are hillarious! With well over fifteen comedies and short stories, the humour found within is well worth the time they take to read. These combine the elements of Bionicle, plain and simple humour, and the occasionaly flying fruit, into a whack-job comedy that'll have you laughing as you read. A must see!
    Library rating; 10/10
    On a side note, Turag Brookback, a good friend of mine, is back on the forums and already wreaking his ottery vengance on Redwall! Good for him.
    And remember kids... GRAVITY; It's not just a good idea, it's the LAW!
    Quote of the Day;

    -Jack Black, 'Nacho Libre'
  2. <>~ Paharakgirl ~<>

    Credit to the pic goes to Roa McToa and her Great Art Topic! *clicky*
    Just had to get that out...
    Well, first off I'd like to thank everyone on the staff (and a few specifics) for allowing me to try this out. Seems cool... but if I ever get a real blog I'll have to change the dorky title.
    Well, to start off, I'd like to remind everyone who's reading.. (or even cares, lol) to please vote for Darklight of Le Koro, my S&T #2 entry in the Mata Nui category. I'm not going to pull out a sob story or anything, but I'll just say that I'd really like it if I were to at least advance to the semi-finals... this is a shot for me at having someone maybe take intrest in my work. Just a thought.
    Well, as you guys probably have noted by now, I'm rather shaky on my net time right now. I won't go into the full story, but I'll just say that one the house computer blew and and until I can get the right parts to fix it, I'll be on and off. But, with that aside, I'll just head on into the fun stuff...
    In probably about a day or so. (Maybe less.. I'm not too sure right now) I will have a new epic up that I'm working on with a friend of mine. The title is to be; 'Legends of Voya Nui...'. Spiffy? This epic, I can tell you right now, is going to be a great story, following the little-known past of the Island of Doom through the eyes of two unique characters... a Toa and a matoran. It's a worth-while bit of reading!
    On that note... be on the lookout for a series of Toa Olda SS's by Gali_toa_of_the_sea and I. Coming soon to a library near you! *Hint hint*
    And as for Redwall... I'm trying to get caught up on everything, so give me a little time. HOWEVER, I do intend to make a full comeback after my short, er, 'vacation'. (If you're sitting here reading this with absolutely NO idea as to what I'm saying, don't worry. Be happy and go check out the Redwall RPG in the CoT! Lol.) And I leave you (for now) with this thought. Take care everyone!
    Quote of the Day;

    But just remember, whatever life throws at you....
    Blaming the Lehvak for over... five minutes...
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