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Soroc: Jedi of Stone

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About Soroc: Jedi of Stone

  • Birthday 05/06/1990

Profile Information

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  • Location
    The Jedi Temple, Metru Nui
  • Interests
    Just the basics, really. <br /><br />I enjoy Bionicle, of course, although I have NO money with which to purchase new sets... <br />I enjoy MOCing, and consider myself to be fairly talented, although not nearly to the caliber of many Mocists here.<br />I LOVE writing in my epics, but I can't get as much of that done as I would prefer...<br /><br />Books = good. period. (except for romances and biology textbooks(don't ask))<br /><br />I am a avid Star Wars fan, including Expanded Universe. I own The Swarm War trilogy, and every Legacy of the Force book except for Sacrifice, but other than that, I don't actually own many SW books. *sigh*<br /><br />Speaking of, my personal lightsaber model is the one where you have a light staff (like Maul) and have it attached at the center of the handle to a motor on a forearm plate, so you get this spinning disc of light that is REALLY COOL. Now use two at once.<br />I call it the light saw. Of course that's going in my epic, but not for a bit...<br /><br />Authors....<br />Terry Pratchet<br />Timothy Zahn<br />Piers Anthony<br />Most of the SW authors<br />Harry Turtledove (historical re-writes are the BOMB!)<br />etc.<br /><br />I DON'T like math, although derivitives are pretty cool,and I'm not very good at physics because of the Math.<br /><br />Currently, I LOVE my current location, which despite my location tag, is really the Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences, and the Arts. If there is anyone on this big ole' forum that is an alumnus or currently attending, please leave a comment, 'k?

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  1. It mauled him (slightly). Nice epic, Joroc.

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