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Metallic O'Dalek

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Blog Entries posted by Metallic O'Dalek

  1. Metallic O'Dalek
    You are at peace with the world. You close your eyes, now you breathe deeply. Now you slowly let it out. You are on a beach, the waves are lapping at your feet. The wind is strong, causing your bangs to whip into your eyes. You squint out over the ocean at the rising sun. Suddenly you hear the sound of a plane, growing in volume as it gets closer, now there is another, coming out of the sun. You see flashes begin on its wings, and hear the sound of a person running a stick along iron railings. There is an explosion behind you, and you are showered with flecks of hot oil. You can feel a wall of heat growing hotter, you want to run, but your feet will not move. There is a feeling of intense heat, then, nothing. You open your eyes, and find yourself on the beach, lying amidst the dunes like nothing ever happened. You turn around and find... Barney and the Teletubbies waving at you.
    There you have it, that was my dream when I fell asleep earlier. -.-
  2. Metallic O'Dalek
    I want to visit another BZPer, but I know none in easily accessible range from my home. It is sad. One day I hope to do it, but for now, all I can be is a sadpanda. Yes. That is all. You can go now. =l
  3. Metallic O'Dalek
    I have school in under five minutes. Just FYI. Nothing to worry about. Nope, nothing to worry about. Don't get all worked up about nothing. All right, I give in. HIDE ME, DANGIT, HIDE ME!
  4. Metallic O'Dalek
    ...You belong in an insane asylum somewhere in Norway, which makes perfect sense when you think about it for twenty years. Without sleep. Or food. Or drink. Or fun. Nothing. Nothing but cold, silence, and hedgehogs. Which also makes sense, but only if you double the time of contemplation. And that makes sense if you reverse the polarity, invert the equalizer, and divide by the fifth root of Forty-three. And that makes sense if you reverse the polarity, invert the equalizer, and divide by the fifth root of Forty-three, multiply that by the forty-seventh multiple of Fifty-two, sit on ahedgehog, divide the numbers of the resulting word by Sixty, and watch Care Bears re-runs for a week. Unfortunately, this does have one slight side-effect. You break out in a bad case of Death. Other than that, you should be fine.
  5. Metallic O'Dalek
    "I feel like blogging," he said. 
    "I feel like blogging," he said. And so he did. He typed up the site, and he logged in too. He hit "My Blog" and he hit "Add entry". He typed all day, and next morning too, he typed all through night, never stopping to eat. He typed the next day away, too. He typed and he typed, being latefor school didn't matter, he blew it up with a nuke, anyway. He typed and he typed, with one stop to drink, he typed and he typed, some more. Days turned to weeks, weeks to months, but he would not stop. Could not stop. Months turned to years, years to centuries, centuries to milleniums, milleniums to who-knows-whats. He just went on typing, through thirst or snow. Not even a flood, not even a louse or a mouse, would stop this lad. He typed, and he typed, and he typed some more. By the end of it all, he came up with this.
    End of impromptu story writing session.
  6. Metallic O'Dalek
    I, Dalek, now present you with my plans for a new age, and how I plan to get there.
    You see, it's quite simple, really. Just follow my charts, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask them afterwards. :wakeup2:





    Any questions? :wakeup2:
  7. Metallic O'Dalek
    This is the first time I've laughed at someone in my class for not knowing how to do a problem in Algebra 1. Two people actually. Neither of them could figure out how to factor trinomials, even after the teacher explained it clearly. ()_0
  8. Metallic O'Dalek
    Hello, my loyal rebels. It is I, The One True Dalek Overlord. I would like to inform all of those who wish to keep Dalek alive: If you do not stop this stupid rebellion, your dear friend will be moved to the Torture chamber. He is currently in my favorite department, the "Critical Clients" department. Until the rebellion ends, his treatment will get worse. You have been informed.
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