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Dr. Bionicle

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Blog Entries posted by Dr. Bionicle

  1. Dr. Bionicle
    Those of you who are BZPRPers, you know that I've been talking about a group known as the Six. I know that a number you have been wishing for background information. So...before they reveal themselves in Le-Metru, let me introduce to you...
    The Six ...the first Toa that Zyrul ever transformed (successfully, anyway). All six took under his private teaching, where each seemed to excel in one particular category. These formed the first Elite when The Academy took shape, and were used for all special tasks. When the official Elite were introduced, the Six were first considered figureheads, but then were determined to be on too great of a level for even the Elite, and were made into their own special task force known simply as the Six. The supposed significance behind the Six is their attempt to revive the ancient Toa teams of the past. Each representing one basic element, Zyrul had once hoped for them to be like the Nuva and Inika, a team which he could bend to his own will. However, with the creation of The Academy, the Six were all but forgotten, and Zyrul's attention turned to other things.
    Rashnan ... Toa of Fire... Master of the Element: Rashnan has no remarkable history that is known. There have been rumors of his affiliation that range from gang leader to former advisor to one of the *Turaga. Regardless, he was the first Toa to ever be successfully transformed by Toa Metamorphosis. Under Zyrul's training he took particular interest in the concept of elemental power, believing that it is the very essence of a Toa. In such, he trained vigorously to improve his fire abilities, and his mastery of flames is beyond that even of Zyrul's.
    Rashnan is the unsaid leader of the Six, his natural take to leadership and essence of authority earning him the position almost instantly. He has his own personal philosophies, most of which are in idolization of Toa Tahu. He views the Fire Toa not as a knight, but as a warlord, and in such pertains to that aspect of his Toa identity. He has drifted away from Zyrul's loyalty, though he still remains by his Master's side, he stays at a distance, not wanting to cross himself with someone who had once promised him greatness and has now pushed him aside.
    Tseero ... Toa of Air ... Master of the Arts: Tseero is a newer addition to the Six. He was transformed significantly later than the other Toa, only a few years before the Academy Era. He was not officially a member of the Six until Air Toa Chyanthra, who held the Right Hand position, attempted to betray Zyrul and was killed. Tseero readily accepted the new position offered. Even in his historical tardiness, he was a quick learner, and became Zyrul's personal student in the martial arts of both sword and body. His knowledge ranges from the aggressive strikes of the Hordika to the solid defense of Zyrul's people. He is virtually impervious with a blade, and only Zyrul rivals his skill.
    Tseero is still not fully accepted by Rashnan, who saw Tseero's acceptance into the Six as a sign of the end of all hope for the group. Still, he has proved himself time and time again to be a formidable warrior, having saved Rashnan's life on more than one occasion. He is still considered the youngling of the group, and his sole intent is to prove himself to the rest of the Six.
    Nysan ... Toa of Stone ... Master of the Body: Nysan was originally a protodermis miner, giving him an uncanny knack for survival, and when he was transformed by Zyrul, that knack was only enhanced. While Nysan was an exceptional student in elements and mask handling, he kept his focus on something he knew he could very easily control: his body. Nysan had speed, agility, and strength difficult to match before the Academy Era, and by the time The Academy came into being, he was indisputed. Even though he keeps his sword on hand and his powers of stone in tune, he does not resist to deliver the first blow with his fist.
    Nysan is headstrong, but has a willingness to help that makes him a vital asset to the Six. While his performance is impressive alone, he is nearly impervious when tag teaming with someone else. He has a sort of compassion for Tseero, and works as his sort of personal shield against Rashnan's spite. Nysan is perhaps the most virtuous of all the Six, and even his leader's darkness fails to waver that.
    Nuala ... Toa of Water ... Master of the Mind: Found on the streets, she was barely capable of speech when she was transformed. At length, she has become the very brain of the Six, her remarkable ability to compute and figure making her a key asset to planning and battle. She calculates accurately, using minimum effort for maximum results, and she has a sense of timing that makes her impenetrable on the battlefield. There is hardly a situation she cannot find a solution to or at least the odds for, and this gives her the position of authority more than occasionally.
    Rashnan has a certain spite of Nuala, who has none in return for him. He at first saw her as a viable threat to his leadership position, but gradually accepted the fact that he must step down periodically to let her take over, even if he does so reluctantly. Nuala's real intent in the Six is to prove to herself that she is the warrior she set out to be, and so far, she has done that more than adequately.
    Vorsc ... Toa of Earth ... Master of the Senses: While he is criticized to be the weakest link of the Six, Vorsc is perhaps the one thing that has held them all together over the years. He is a sort of conciliator, carrying a sixth sense which he also holds mastery of, giving him an unsaid ability to predict people's thoughts and actions. He credits his found abilities to his previous occupation as a savage hunter, where he learned to find peace within himself to take in the world around him. There is virtually nothing that Vorsc cannot see coming, whether it comes from above, below, around, or simply out of thin air.
    Vorsc is a philosopher of sorts. Several years of silence as a hunter in primitive locations gave him a chance to contemplate, and even as a member of the Six, he remains commonly silent. He only speaks when needed, and when he does speak, it has viable purpose. It is arguable that while Nuala may be the most intelligent of the Six, Vorsc is perhaps the wisest of them all.
    Quann ... Toa of Ice ... Master of the Mask: Quann always had an interest in collecting things, and when he realized the full extent of Kanohi power in his transformation, he took to seeking out the other Kanohi. His methods are varying, from the black market to intrepid quests, but his collection is one worthy of envy. Tuned perfectly to each mask, Quann has the rare ability to use two masks at once with no special equipment, and in this, he is a figure to be feared and respected.
    Quann is absorbed in power and quantity. Even while he values the Six, he values it for power. His actions are sometimes questionable, and more than once has he gone behind Zyrul's back for a few extra widgets. Even with this weakness, he is still a remarkable warrior with a good perception of logical reasoning that makes him an accepted addition to the Six.
    Those are the Six, the likes of which you'll see spring into action eventually at Suva Nui. These characters will be at the forefront for some time, so I'd be wary if I were you. It might not be long before you're sword-to-sword with one of them.
    Dr. Bionicle
  2. Dr. Bionicle
    Okay, not really.
    But on attempting to access Brickshelf today, I found this message...

    Whoa, mama.
    For those of you that don't realize the cataclysmic effects of this, with Brickshelf discontinued, that makes everything that has ever been uploaded to Brickshelf no longer accessible through that site. That includes BBC Contest winners, Artwork Contest winners, avatars, banners, comics, the whole kickin' cabootle.
    Yes, Maj is still up and available. I'm guessing that Brickshelf was discontinued so that Maj could stay up. Why? We do not yet have any reasons behind this sudden occurrence. Theories have been going around, but nothing is confirmed yet.
    So what do we do now that one of our most-used image hosts is gone, probably for good?
    Any way you can salvage images, screen shots you have, stuff you have on your drive, whatever, get it on Maj. Any images you may have lost on Brickshelf you should upload to Maj or another image hosting service to replace it.
    If you're a victim of lost work and want to avoid something like this from happening in the future, you can put a back-up of your files onto a nifty flash drive or simply keep them in your documents.
    PLEASE, do not take this as an excuse to totally lose your cool and flame Brickshelf. Right now, this is just an issue a majority of us will have to face. Brickshelf is gone, and we all have to accept that.
    Dr. Bionicle
  3. Dr. Bionicle
    Music stimulus.
    ^ To those of you unfortunate enough to not know what that song is, that is "Carry On My Wayward Son" by KANSAS.
    This song has been kind of my theme lately for a number of reasons. One, this song was done by KANSAS, which is totally the name of my state. Two, the bass player went to my Junior High, so it's kind of the school's rock theme. And three, Life's taken a few interesting turns.
    For a longated period of my life, I faced a lot of confusion. 8th Grade doesn't seem at an eye's glance to be a conflicting period, and I'm probably going to laugh at my evaluation of it in coming years, but confusion and conflict are still confusing and conflicting.
    I've gone through a somewhat self-conscious period of my life. I was always constantly evaluating how I was acting and always ridiculing myself for different reasons. Trying too hard to be funny or killing conversation too often or simply not portraying a good attitude. I always found some kind of flaw with myself. I'm not sure what brought it on, just a click in my brain.
    Granted, we all feel this way at times, whether we realize it or not. We're always just a little concerned whether we pushed a subject too hard or if we weren't social enough or whatever. I think a problem that a lot of us face is that we know people who have great, bright personalities and we always find ourselves comparing ourselves to that. That just brings us down.
    There's always room for improvement, of course, but sometimes we just set the bar too high. Sprinters can't compare themselves to long-distance runners and high jumpers can't compare themselves to pole vaulters.
    Another thing that stressed on me was my pathetic attempt at a relationship. I honestly don't know what I was thinking when I began it, and I'm glad that it's over. I finally got my head past the fact that 8th Grade relationships are usually just to say that you've had a relationship, and usually just spawn into awkwardness by the end. Of course, they don't all work out this way, but most of them do.
    I sure didn't help my end either. I was remarkably shy during the whole experience, a characteristic I never knew I really had. I've heard a lot of talk from friends talking about having a relationship, one of the worst critics being my best friend. To my satisfaction, he got into his own relationship, so to speak, and he suffers the same problems (although his efforts still dwarf my own).
    I'm not going to say that Junior High relationships are bad. I've only had one. What do I know? I will say, though, that they certainly are harder. Especially when your only transportation is via your parents. There's no reason for it to not be a healthy experience, but the odds of it growing into anything really vital? Slim, I'm afraid. Which is why I'm holding back till I think I'm actually ready.
    Needless to say, I learned much through the three-fourths of the semester that this lasted. I'm happy to say that it didn't end as awkwardly as some Junior High relationships do. We're still good friends and have both gotten over the experience with no hard feelings.
    I learned something else too, and that was about how to be a friend. Through my whole experience, the harsh criticism and mockery of my own friends was really something that only stressed me more. I advise all of you, if you ever have a friend going through a rocky relationship or a pathetic excuse for one, keep your criticism friendly and considerate, and don't make fun of them. It can be tough.
    However, that bit of overplayed drama (hey, it's the 8th Grade) wasn't my only concern. I've been suffering something I had only heard about for a semester. Kiddos, there's a nasty little thing called an ingrown toenail. Don't know what that is? Neither did I. Here's the lowdown:
    Your nails go at a gradual rate and they keep growing unless clipped. That said, if anything should get in the way of that, like a bandage or skin, some remarkable things are going to happen. When your skin gets in the way of your toenail, it's usually just brushed aside. That...or it grows into that skin. Disgusting? Yes. Painful? Yes. Unreal? No.
    I discovered this occurence at the beginning of the semester. I thought nothing of it. These things usually on go on one side, and if it grows long enough, you can get somewhat used to it. Then there's the case where it grows on both sides. Yup. Double-sided.
    Here's the fun part. Whenever you press on something or make contact with your skin, it pushes the skin back. There are nerves in that skin that send flares of pain to the brain. That means kick a soccerball, ouch. Trip the wrong way, ouch. Have someone step on your foot, REALLY ouch.
    This problem has been causing me a lot of stress. I didn't truly realize what I had till a month or so ago when I spied an article in an open Reader's Digest. On further research, I realized fully what was going on. Still, I was ashamed of it for some reason. You usually don't think of your feet, much less your toes, as a vital part of your body, but when your big toe is in pain, your whole body is in pain.
    For those of you suffering from this problem, here's some comfort and advice:
    Fact: Ingrown toenails are a common foot problem in teens. They are not irreversible. However, if you let them go for too long without telling anyway, you may become infected and in need of surgery. The best thing you can do is see a doctor. It doesn't help to try and do it yourself. Believe me, I've tried and it's nothing but pain. No matter how much progress you think you're making, it's not going to change. Ingrown toenails are commonly caused by some sort of trauma to the foot, wearing too tight of socks/shoes, or simply clipping your nails unevenly. Very rarely is it a disease or oddity of any sort. It's not going to get any better if you wait. It only gets worse!  
    I didn't know any of these things until I was informed. I finally realized that I needed to see a doctor and will be seeing one very soon. Treatment beyond that has yet to be set. I definitely feel reassured, though, knowing that my pain can be corrected soon.
    There's been so much going on beyond this, but these are the repercussions that commonly go back into my thinking when I consider that conflicted time. I'm happy to say that the period appears to have passed through some real emotional digging and thinking and with a little help from others.
    Initially, this song is really inspiring for me, mainly because of the second line of the chorus. "There'll be peace when you are done." That has such a big effect on me now.
    Life is hard. Coming out of this point in my life, I'm just a little bit wiser. That's just how life works, I guess.
    Kudos to those of you who didn't lose interest by the worthy-of-an-eye-roll section about relationship and the gah-that's-disgusting portion.
    Dr. Bionicle
  4. Dr. Bionicle
    Yeah. Just as a quick heads-up...
    This isn't The Academy Blog anymore. It's just The Blog. Of my rants. Yeah, TA stuff will show up, but it won't be focused there. Just my overall shenannigans.
    And I'll be updating everyday.
    Don't believe me?
    Come back tomorrow.
    So yes.
    Over and out.
    . Dr. B .
  5. Dr. Bionicle
    Some of you might notice my Custom Content Blocks that I've been adding.
    I've been trying to flourish this Blog to a point where it's actually interesting. So what have I added?
    -Blogoscope of the Day: Horoscopes that I deduce through my own mystical methods. Find out which classification you are, then come back daily for your Blogoscope!
    -Relatives: Basically, you get to see some of the people I'm related to and my comments on them. Be warned. My family tree might surprise you.
    -Insight, Foresight, and Hindsight: Updated whenever I feel like it, basically I share some hard-hitting thoughts on what's happening now, predict what might happen later, and look back on what has happened.
    -Academy Bulletin Board: Used to get out Academy News of importance. Students, stay tuned here for news, tidbits, and possibly even spoilers!
    You can bet there'll be more stuff coming at you later.
    Dr. Bionicle
  6. Dr. Bionicle
    What's up guys. It's been a while. So let me give you the update on things going on...
    For all my Students: Yes, I re-entered The Academy into the current RPG Contest. I said I wouldn't but you guys got me all sappy and wishy-washy. So I fell through. We're going to do it again. Whether you like it or not.
    As it is, the current plans are we're going to have a giant battle outside The Academy's walls. Everybody's going to be busy. Let me give you just a few spoilers and quotes from pending posts...
    ZYRUL/MYTHIAS DUEL: We'll learn something new about Zyrul's past. And we'll get a slight hint towards Mythias's plans. Not only that, we'll realize something about their partnership. Not only that, but there's something about Toa Metamorphosis we don't know about.
    QUOTE: Mythias laughed mockingly at his opponent. "Do you really think that once I defeat you I'll take your Academy and steal your scheme?" He knocked Zyrul's blade off his own.
    "This Academy of yours is nothing but a pathetic ploy of yours. You have no idea what waste you are putting the secret of Toa Metamorphosis to. You don't even know the full extent of its power."
    Zyrul scoffed at this. "You made clear, precise notes on your study, Mythias. You wrote the whole thing out for me on a page. I understand it completely."
    "Oh yes," Mythias said as he dodged a swing, "All my notes were very precise and specific. But were they ALL my notes, Zyrul?"
    The eyes met. Zyrul's rage began to grow. Mythias's grin grew wider.
    "Yes, there is a secret you have yet to unlock. One that, once in my hands, will let me go much farther than your excuse for a master plan."
    He blocked a blow and sent Zyrul spinning back with a wind blast. Zyrul smashed against a rock, but quickly regained himself. The two clashed swords and held them there in a lock of turmoil.
    "Zyrul, if you knew the secrets of Toa Metamorphosis...you wouldn't have wasted your time with The Academy."
    He laughed.
    "You'd be dominating the world."
    KYSHIM/K-1 BATTLE: This is going to be a good one. One of them will die. I will not reveal which one, though. You'll have to wait that one out.
    QUOTE: K-1 snarled at his opponent.
    "Traitor. Nothing but a traitor."
    Kyshim glared at him as the two worked their swords against each other. The clang of the metal pierced their ears. The blades threatened to tear apart whatever it came in contact with, whether it be armor or fur.
    "It's all in the line of power and survival," Kyshim responded, dodging a jab from K-1's blade.
    K-1 snapped his jaw towards Kyshim's throat, but he was rapped with an iron fist.
    "You know, we Kohm have some tradition in our species, being an intelligent sort."
    He leapt over a sweeping blade and brought his sword down on it.
    "And we have a very specific proverb about treachery."
    He snarled as Kyshim's fiery eyes glared at him.
    "If your brother claws you in the leg..."
    He slid Kyshim's sword smoothly out of the way and got a nice scratch across Kyshim's stomach, causing him to wince.
    "...turn and bite his neck."
    THUNDERBIRD: Not much will be happening yet. I have to deal with Tommi temporarily. Then we'll have a large showdown between Tawke and Gukko. No quotes.
    DYRON: We'll see some of his skills coming into play, especially in vehicle use. He will soon be entering the battlefield on a vehicle that will greatly benefit his side. It won't happen for quite some time though. No quotes.
    As it is, I've decided to turn this blog into an Academy Blog, because I figure it'd be a nice way to hear it from my point of view.
    Anyhow, I'll see you all later.
    Dr. B
  7. Dr. Bionicle
    As you've probably noticed, I've been adding content blocks in since yesterday. We now have as new additions The Context Game, The Riddle Corner, Say Wha?!, and Insight of the Day. I've been trying to give you guys more to do than listen to me blabber on and on about my life, so I try to fill this stuff with as many good content blocks as I can.
    Well, recently, I've been going completely literary. I've been reading extensively, writing all over the place, and just getting indulged in literature. Part of this I really owe to BZP, what with SSC #3, but I also owe a lot of it to my school. Right now, I am involved in a program known as Written & Illustrated where young authors write their own novels for the school to publish and put in their libraries.
    I myself have been working on this project and have succeeded in writing the longest novel to ever show up within the group (despite the fact I haven't actually finished writing it all).
    Last year I did a book of decent format which I quaintly called Artificial Control. This book was basically about a boy who meets a man that is partially controlled by artificial cells in his body. Sometimes, the man is perfectly normal, other times he's robotic and cruel. As the boy investigates, he learns that the man was once paralyzed in his legs and created a chemical formula to act as a replacement for the nervous system. He created these artificial cells in order to gain his mobility, but they have now begun to take over his mind. The boy somehow has to save the man before he is completely taken over by the menace and his cruelty ensues.
    This book was pretty heavily inspired by two classic novels, Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde and The Invisible Man, both great science fiction books. I, unfortunately, had a time of two weeks with which to throw together a rough draft and my revising became strictly within the novel.
    This year I was determined to blow my 7th Grade year out of the water. My novel Cyborne was born two months before school began.
    Cyborne tells the tale of a strange government move where random people are given summons to come to laboratories. They come out with robotic adjustments, becoming the race that science fiction classifies as 'cyborg'. The "humans" do not accept this change and a wall of prejudice builds up against the race now known as 'Cyborne'. Despite its negative effects, this system suddenly begins to spread around the world. Mark Caspian, a young Cyborne, soon becomes affiliated with an uprising that has found the government's true meaning behind these changes. The Cyborne Project is a global conspiracy to cease overpopulation through extermination. Caspian joins up with the uprising to fight against this under the leadership of a strange man who goes only by his Cyborne identification code 'X1011' who makes a point of hiding his identity behind a mask. As times goes on, Caspian begins to change and we see X1011's true intentions are to dictate the world. In the end, Caspian soon finds that the human race is a flawed development that needs guiding by a perfect ruler, namely himself. In essence, through all his trials, Caspian picks the path of evil and takes up his new position as the newly named 'Monarch'.
    That is a very tight summary, by the way.
    But don't worry, I don't end Cyborne on that dark of a note. I am already starting the pre-stages for the sequel, Cyborne: Outcast.
    An interesting development, the Written & Illustrated director on reading my unfinished rough draft found it to be worthy of putting together to send out to a publishing company. I'm personally flattered by the idea, though I know the odds. I'll be working to finish Cyborne and getting it submitted to a publishing company.
    So yeah, it's pretty cool. I feel like I'm really getting in touch with my writing passion again.
    Dr. Bionicle
  8. Dr. Bionicle
    For all of you hoping to make the "Oh no! The DOCTOR (OMG) has a fever! LOLXD", I beat you. So ha.
    Anyway, it's a weird feeling. When you're an aspiring writer and you've been working on a novel for a solid year, it's interesting to wake up one day, pull out your finished work, and then realize that you didn't enjoy reading any of it.
    Yes, for those of you that have keen memories, I'm talking about Cyborne, a novel I started some time back in early August, 2006. The original premise was that the government had randomly called in citizens to be turned into cyborgs (It's already shaping up to be something, isn't it?) and then some random guy comes forward and says it's all a conspiracy. So then this guy and his crew go infiltrate some labs to find some information. Somewhere along the lines, they get super powers. Then they bust in on this conspirators meeting. The main character's girlfriend ends up getting killed, as does his arch-nemesis, and then he goes and kills all the world leaders. It finally ends with the main character realizing that his leader is his father, and then declares a civil war. And then there was supposed to be a sequel.
    Even better? It's all told in FIRST PERSON.
    So yes, as you can imagine, that didn't flow to well with me now. So for the past few weeks, I've spent long nights trying to re-write this thing. I try writing out the girlfriend and putting the main character's brother in her place. I try to expand on the main character's childhood. I try everything my little writer's brain can come up with.
    Then suddenly, it dons on me.
    I don't need a new manuscript. I need a new plot.
    So I spent a few more long nights brainstorming some changes. At last, I came up with this.
    This is going to be a long synopsis, so be warned. It's not completely done yet. I haven't even gotten to the outlining stage at this point, but I will be starting at some point within the week. At this rate, I may be able to start writing within a few weeks.
    The year is 3321. In the state of Delaware, an offer is extended to all hospital patients in the area: a government test program that could completely renew the physical being of any patient, from the terminal elderly to the minor youth, in a single operation. The program was widely accepted by a majority of the hospital patients, and the positive results suddenly bring in others grasping for the program. Cities, states, countries demand the installation of these operation programs in their area!
    They never told us there’d be a catch.
    The program is a simple one. Remove the faulty body components and replace them with sturdy robotics. The result?
    Even with this vast medical revelation, there were those who resisted the Cyborne. While they may have been healed, the robotic hybrids still have to bear their newfound appearance, one that drives a world to divide in prejudice. Connection programs are initiated by the government, but no sooner are these founded than a terrible tragedy occurs.
    Malfunction. Spontaneous Cyborne suddenly begin to terrorize the Humans, from massive mobs to single rogues. Around the world, all at once, various Cyborne seem to break out in mindless violence.
    The government cannot simply reverse this or pretend it didn't happen. The masses are in an uproar. The US Government has no choice but to issue the Cyborne Termination Grant. This grant allows and encourages any Human to kill any and all Cyborne they may encounter as a matter of national safety. All Cyborne operations are ceased. Following America's lead, other countries begin to instigate the same grant. The Cyborne are no longer a race. They're targets.
    And so begins an international civil war, with the races of Humans and Cyborne split. The Humans fight for their own safety, while the Cyborne retaliate as their means of survival.
    One particular renegade among the Cyborne steps up and makes a wild declaration. He claims that the government had planned out everything. From the operations to the war. He claims that this whole scheme was an international conspiracy to eliminate a portion of the human population for whatever reason. He even goes so far to say that the Cyborne malfunctions were planned.
    Naturally, he quickly scales the list of the world's most wanted men, and surrounds himself with an entourage of Cyborne rebels:
    -Drake Jasper. A British mercenary that steps out of his occupation to join the entourage for personal purposes. He hopes to avenge his wife, who was killed in the Malfunction Massacre, by exposing the conspiracy that killed her.
    -Jack Corby. An American millionare who was knocked off his economic pedestal by the Termination Grant. Now he hopes to regain his power in whatever way he can.
    -John Ratterson. A German scientist that believes the Cyborne to be only one step into a technical revolution that could change the world. He finds the termination of said race to be an offense to the field of science and technology. He hopes to continue the technical revolution by saving his race of Cyborne from certain death.
    -Michael Falkan. A man that answers to no country, but has a long history of abuse from Cyborne prejudice. His dark memories fuel his motivation in joining the uprising. However, he doesn't think they should stop at exposing the conspiracy. He wishes to destroy its conspirators.
    -Mark Caspian. A confused, young American that stands with the entourage on his unstable set of moral values. His purpose is to discover the truth, and he feels he is ready to face whatever obstacles might come along with that.
    -Mr. Q. A man with no name and no country, he is the leader who first proposed the conspiracy theory. No one is quite sure what his plans entail, but he's the only man radical enough to pursue such a theory.
    With his motley crew, Q seeks to infiltrate the highest levels of government security and bring about a revolution that will put a permanent end to the Cyborne Termination Grant. But even Mr. Q's intentions may not be so valiant as they seem. With the rest of the world pitted against them, the six radicals have to fight their way through a web of destruction and deceit in order to find what they seek.
    The secret of the Cyborne.
    So yeah. Dun dun duhhh and all that malarky.
    Comments, feedback, whatever. I'd love to hear it. Any suggestions you may have would be warmly accepted.
    Dr. Bionicle
  9. Dr. Bionicle
    Looking for a creative title. Failed.
    Well, today was...pretty...boring.
    Upon waking up, I looked down at the clock. How lucky, I had woken up just before 6:00. Now I could turn off my alarm and get to eating breakfast.
    I switched off my alarm and rolled over into the covers, staying warm for a few minutes before getting up. I rolled over yet again, facing my nightstand, and looked at the clock.
    Wait a second...
    Were my lacking-of-contacts eyes fooling me or did that say...
    ...6:59 AM?! I'd read it wrong!
    I leapt out of bed, managing to both bang my head on the ceiling and hit the floor like a pancake in the process (I hate living on the top bunk). I dashed to the bathroom, dipped my finger in my contacts case, and put my finger smack-dab against my pupil.
    ...with no contact.
    After finally putting in both my contacts, I poured myself a glass of water and dashed downstairs. I strapped on my headset, activated Skype, and took a big gulp of water.
    To my annoyance, only two others were there: my trusty partner and my good student Mr.E.
    And no fourth person.
    After about a half-hour of waiting, in which I starved myself, we finally started the show without him.
    The show was great. The mic quality was the best we've ever had. No echoes or anything. Great.
    Of course, there was the teensy weensy detail of audio questions.
    Which Spirit and I had apparently forgotten altogther. (Curse you early morning stupidity!)
    After that, the day was pretty slow. I trudged upstairs, worn from lack of food, and began to pour myself some good ol' generic wheat flakes. After I had emptied half the sugar bowl on it, I took a big bite.
    You could almost hear the fireworks.
    Even with that burst of energy, the day was slow. Most of the time I was busy working on my current real-life project, a novel and watching movies with my graduated sister.
    At about 4:00 I got on the computer and began writing some of my Epic Contest entry. This thing is turning out way better than I thought it would. I haven't even gotten to the main battle Sanuri has, and she's already dealing out some major ownage.
    And that brings me to now.
    Writing my blog.
    Hey, because I was bored I updated my Relatives section with an...interesting new relative.
    Also, you January and Febuary people can thank SPIRIT for your impending doom in the Blogoscope. He made it up...er...I mean...helped me find the answer.
    I'm also thinking of adding yet another custom content block.
    So...stay tuned.
    Or don't.
    Dr. Bionicle
  10. Dr. Bionicle
    Hey, guys! I'm back from my inactivity slump!
    Needless to say, there are enough great members and topics that I haven't posted in to pull me back into my frequent visits. Not to mention, after buying Dekar and Defilak and having them duke it out for a while, I'm looking for the Toa Mahri in my store. Jaller, for the win!
    So yeah, needless to say, I've been sort of revived in my interest.
    Anyway, updates...
    Chaos in the Deep has been a big factor in pulling me back in. My only real RPG experience has been in The Academy (save a few very newby posts in BZPRPG 2004), where I've been the big, bad villain, so RPing in a team environment has been really great for me. Especially that, as much as I love the BZPRPG, it's nice just to get into a new territory with a completely different set of characters and situations.
    I remember being incredibly jealous during Staff Survivor and particularly Staff Idol, so actually getting to participate in one of these Staff RPGs is really pretty sweet.
    Speaking of the RPGs, some major revelations are going down in the BZPRPG (as I'm sure several of my frustrated Academy Students on AIM have heard over and over ). Suva Nui will be wrapping up fairly soon, just a few things need to be taken care of. Mythias and Kyshim are in captivity, while mutant pirates are now wreaking havoc on the battlefield.
    Meanwhile, for those of you who have forgotten all about Mentru Corp. and Tdreeco Nachia, you'll be finding them hitting the spotlight soon. And for those of you still asking the question: "Where the cow is Kriyax?" that too will soon be revealed!
    So it looks like we'll be wrapping up the summer with some pretty good stuff, especially with one major revelation that none of you old Academy Students will be expecting, but have been secretly wishing for over the months.
    For my compatriots in the BZP Library, I'm in the pre-stages of creating a new epic. I'm taking this one slowly, as I want this to be a quality product, and to actually carry through in writing the whole thing.
    The subject?
    None other than the origin of the Six! So Academy Students, be on the lookout for some literature.
    Last of all, this blog has been getting fairly neglected recently. I swore that I would never promise a rate of activity, and I'm still holding to that pledge, as I hate breaking promises. All the same, I should be giving this a fair amount of entries soon.
    As for my personal life, right now, I'm prepping up for a trip to a wonderful camp known as Camp Barnabas, where I will be working as a volunteer. Camp Barnabas is a Christian camp that exists specifically for people with mental or physical disabilities. These range anywhere from impaired vision to autism to cancer victims.
    Some of you may have heard about it through an episode of "Extreme Home Makeover", where Ty Pennington and his crew came and gave the house where the family who run this camp lives a much-needed face lift. On top of that, they were gracious enough to give the camp some upgrades.
    I'm excited, if a little nervous, to be heading off a week from now out to Purdy, Missouri to be a Barnstormer (AKA a general camp helper). It's my first time going, hopefully the first of many trips. I've heard wonderful things and I have heard horror stories, so we'll see what happens for the week I'm there.
    Anyway, that's basically what's up with me right now.
    It's good to be back in the groove.
    Your Friendly Neighborhood,
    Dr. Bionicle

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