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Kortu Campesinos!

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Posts posted by Kortu Campesinos!

  1. Yeah dudes it is Small Fonts I used to use it for all my comics that were extremely tiny.Yeah super excited to begin the plot here. And yeah I am glad I was not given a british accent. Well, sort of glad. I cannot decide. But fantastic comic anyway. Especially the discussion in the first panel having continued from the filler.

  2. oh hey everyone to clarify I was the one who sprited Jeff Mangum and Julian Koster I don't want you to think Bost did it because his interpretations of them were embarrassing. and Zon sprited the drum head ladytype, I believe.Zon, love the filler. It was actually made a while ago and was what lead to a lot of our NMH pun riffing.and I am very excited for the next author rotation because it allows me to rectify a comic mistake i made about two or three years ago. oh wow i feel old saying that. it may have been 4. yeah.

  3. Untrue, he is in a different pose at the end of my last filler!Anyway I love Emkay's comic to death and i am bromantically attracted to emkayMakin' yr way in the world 2day take errythang u got

  4. Helplessness Blues by Fleet Foxes. OH MAN OH MY OH ME.

    I am just as if not more proud of that pun you just said right there Kabsbut yes everything is coming along swell in this topic and Lih is rocking at making comics to be specific.also i like how we sort of choose characters arbitrarily because no one has put to use any overly-specific aspects of anyone's personalities yet (besides Nid and C- C- C- CONFLICT MINERALS). Note to self: change that.
  5. retirement003.pnghey babes here is my vurry vurst comic for this series i am back hope u like this comicalso zon you can link to subliminal-but-unfulfilled Disco Isn't Dead sequel Taco Party in the museum post it is on the Maj
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