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Year 16

About Grus

  • Birthday 06/16/1914

Profile Information

  • Location
    My massive zeppelin.
  • Interests
    My interests? My interests.<br />Right.<br />Interests.<br />...<br /><br />Writing... (I usually write up roleplays about post-apocalyptic scenarios and the like. I incorporate the way people think into my writing, giving a more realistic feel to the whole piece. I really enjoy writing, and will hopefully one day become a well-known science fiction author.)<br /><br />Sketching... (I don't sketch as much as used to, though I still do. Most of my sketches, however, are "random" shapes and lines. I'll just go ahead and call it all "abstract.")<br /><br />Pirates... (I absolutely love pirates. In fact, one day I will officially become a pirate myself (see The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, page 67). Also, if anyone even thinks about starting an argument about pirates and ninjas and which one is "better," I will point out all the reasons why the other person likes ninjas better and see how silly and childish those reasons are. 'Ware ye well, ninja sympathizers. Yer in harsh waters.)<br /><br />Latin... (I am just finishing up my first year of Latin. I've had a lot of fun learning the language, and will definitely continue for another three years. In college, I'll probably go for Greek, Russian, or Chinese. I'd like to learn Greek, just because the language and culture is similar in some ways to Latin and Roman culture. With Russian and Chinese, I figure that I should learn those before something crazy happens in the world, and Russia and China seem like they might just be places where something crazy might happen. Maybe.)<br /><br />That's all I've got. Of course, there's more, though I don't feel like typing any more since it's 1:06 here, and I'm tired.<br /><br />Before I go, I just want to point out something:<br />I hardly ever come on BZPower anymore. Why? Because for the past two years all I came on here for were the roleplays. Now they're all pretty horrible, as far as I can tell, and most of the roleplayers are illiterate and only roleplay to satisfy their boredom. I've moved to Gaia. More roleplays there, though many of them are pretty bad.<br />Good night.

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  1. I was looking at wrack's blog the same time you were.

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