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Status Updates posted by Blur

  1. =Blur= (previously ~Force~) has made a comment in your profile.

  2. Ah-HA, BIRDMAN!

  3. Are you still using Yahoo? Man, all we have to do is either debate or sulk when you're not around.

  4. Good, though I havn't worked on it for a while. I just got back from camp, and I'm feeling a little under the weather. Thanks for the comment!

  5. Hey now, he's just a normal kid with an issue. Downing his rating would be stooping to his level. And besides, lately he's tried really hard to be better.

  6. Hey, Raptor, I see you're back around. Whaddaya think of the new features on BZP?

  7. I'm completely baffled by this new system. Anyhoo, I don't know who could want to post here, but feel free to.

  8. Nah, 'Issues' (plural) is actually more accurate.

  9. Nah, you couldn't post screenshots or put links in here.

    Both my games are going fine, I just havn't worked on 'em for a while.

    BTW, I bought one of those special BZP bricks!

  10. Nope. People just don't find my page interesting, I guess. Ya'll need to up my rating. One of my enemies knocked it down to 3.

  11. Oh, back in the day there was a text RPG called Burn of the River. There was some kid who loved to play god, so I got on 'im about it and he's never stopped bashing me since.

  12. So what's been up, Raptor? You know T, VF and I are still hangin' around BiS.

  13. Well, I got that BZP brick that I ordered. I can't even remember how much I spent on it... It's really cool, though!

  14. Blur

    Yeah, verily, I doth agree.

  15. Yo, is something wrong with BiS account, again? You havn't really said anything lately. But then again, I guess Vf, T and I aren't the best company around the cyber world.

  16. Blur

    You havn't posted a new topic in a year-and-a-half. In my book, that's sad...

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