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Posts posted by Onuki

  1. Nice work again! :) The MOC's are interesting, varied, and original and the backstories are illuminating and fun to read.


    My favorite part is how you use old pieces in so many new and creative ways. The otherwise obscure Mata and Nuva masks are particularly enjoyable to see; when's the last MOC any of us can think of with a red Pakari Nuva, a white Hau Nuva, or a white Miru? I also really like the Fire Toa's use of a Vakama staff and his orange Toa feet.


    Anyway, thanks for posting them! We'll look forward to more characters from your universe. :)

    • Upvote 1
  2. Nice job! :) As someone who prefers the simpler days of 2001, I really appreciate this! I think using a lot of white on his exterior was a good idea, since it helps to balance out the darker colors that Lego is now using in the new Toa. The old Kopaka had less white and more gray, but he didn't have to balance out lots of dark gray on his body, either.


    Also, I might as well mention that it's an especially good time of year to photograph Kopaka outside, as long as you can keep him safe from the snow! Someday someone should get a bunch of Ko-McToran together and photograph them in an outdoor snow scene. :P


    Anyway, nice work and thanks for posting it! :)

  3. These are really great, Geka_Ruko! :) There was clearly a lot of creativity that went into building them, and it shows.


    The big spider is really cool, with its color scheme of silver, gray, and black and its eight legs, some of which are used as swords! The silver Rahkshi head is perfect.


    The fire one is big, imposing, and also came out really well, with a color scheme of mostly two shades of red that works well to suggest a lava Rahi. This is a great use of a Piraka head on a full-blown MOC, and I also really like the use of two Vakama Metru masks on the legs! After all, according to 2001, masks on its body is what makes a Rahi a Rahi, isn't it? :P (Now all your MOC needs is an identical, alternately-colored adversary to knock those masks off!)


    Lastly, the air one is also impressive! The green Vahki head is a good starting point which again leads to a full-blown MOC. There are so many Rahkshi Kraata holders; it's mind-boggling! Either you have a very big collection or that piece was later released as a large quantity in another set after I stopped following Bionicle. :P But the effect of using so many of them, along with all the other long and spindly pieces, makes this a very impressive MOC.


    I also really like the green mini-Pohatu! :P The fact that he has a green Kakama and Toa body but Bohrok feet, arms, and legs makes him a very creative variation of the traditional Toa figure. :)


    Anyway, these are some really great MOC's! Thanks a lot for reposting them! :)

  4. Nice job! :) It's good to see a new Gali with so much blue, especially transparent! I think you did a good job of balancing lots of different shades of it in one MOC. My favorite part is that her harpoon has pieces on it that resemble tentacles (or maybe even part of a trident!); I think this really helps to give this new Gali some appropriate identification with her water element, much as the Galis of the past have had fishhooks, propellers, or even just a mask without holes to suggest something that can be worn underwater.


    Nice work, even with limited parts, and thanks for posting! :)

  5. This is some great work, Lady K! It's great to see so many talented artists still contributing to the Bionicle fandom.


    In addition to the execution of the art itself, I think you really have a good sense of deciding how to draw things and how to approach the layout. For example, the comic page does a great job of working with different shades of mostly only red and black that are nevertheless very effective at illustrating and setting the tone for a complete scene. I like how the Vahi stands out visually as the most differently-colored object, since it's literally also the most important object in the story. These are things that I'm sure you know more about than I do, but I think it's worth mentioning because they really work well here to make art that is both very good and very easy to visually understand.


    Similarly, the Kopeke illustration is nicely put together! The ice ledge next to him is a good background for the picture, matching his blue but also giving us something both visually interesting and iconic of Ko-Wahi to look at.


    I don't have any detailed comments about the rest but it's all very well done! Thanks for sharing this all with us! :)

  6. Thanks, everyone! :)


    Another hilarious joy to read XD I'm especially loving the pop culture references and 4th wall breaks [ :P]


    Thanks again, bionicleFanatic! :) Yes, the silly wall-breaking was very fun to write, especially in a story that had the potential to be so serious. :P


    Mata Nui, this is hilarious. This takes place after Gali defeats the Tarakava in MNOG, right?


    Thanks, Powermaster! :) And yes; it's deliberately not clear exactly when the story is set, but it's definitely not long after the iconic Tarakava showdown.


    Lastly, thanks again to Black Six for another flattering write-up on the front page! I'm glad that so many people enjoyed this! :)

  7. Thanks a lot for reading and commenting, Erasmus! :) I agree; my ironic twist endings are perhaps becoming enough of a trademark to be predicted even did the stories themselves not suggest them. :P But I like it, too; even though its absurdity undermines the dramatic investment of the story a little, it's the way it has to end and it's worth the ride to meet all those Ga-Matoran personages.


    By the way, was Kotu the Ga-Matoran that Kopeke was thinking about in In the Ice?


    Ah, as I guessed in this post later in the topic, it's probably someone who reminds him, at least superficially, of himself; so perhaps Amaya (same mask)? Although based on my MNOLG-inspired characterizations, I think someone like Shasa is actually more suited to the prophetic and serious Kopeke, which is funny since in the rebuilding he's of course a given a Matatu, too. :P I'm not sure how his personality would fit with Kotu, the consummate athlete and leader, but we do see an almost Ko-Koronanlike individuality and willfulness in her (at least here), so it's an interesting thought. :)


    Thanks again for reading!

  8. Really nice job! :) The combination of Bionicle and System pieces is very well done and effective, but the System pieces definitely add a nicely detailed touch. Things like the upside-down 1x1 stud holders and the SNOT 2x2 tile on the top of the head really portray the roundness of the droid well. The white Technic beams going around the back are also impressive.


    I don't think it's easy to make such a solid character out of Technic parts that characteristically leave open spaces, but you've really shown that it can be done! Great job and thanks for posting it. :)

  9. mackugoesmissingbanner.png

    Kotu sighed.
    It seemed like an ordinary day in Ga-Koro; the waves were rippling, the sea-birds were crying, and the Tarakava were mauling smaller Rahi for lunch.  Everything and everyone was either fulfilling its duty, its destiny, or both, and it was doing so together in harmony, thus amply satisfying Mata Nui’s third island-wide edict of Unity under penalty of mild rebuke.
    Well, everyone except for one: Kotu.
    Kotu’s best friend and fellow Turaga-wrangler Macku had been missing for a couple of days now.  True, she often snuck off to watch Hewkii play Koli or catch an Onu-Koronan sunset, but this time was different; this time, she had actually told someone she was going somewhere.  This time, she hadn’t run off under cover of darkness without telling a single soul whether she was ever planning to claim her recent lottery winnings.  This time, she had actually remembered to lock her front door.  And this time, somewhere hadn’t sent her back.
    “You won’t miss me for long,” Macku had slyly told the village’s astrologer and chief know-it-all, Nixie, shortly before disappearing without even taking a boat.
    “The stars burn forever, so they miss no one for very little or very long,” Nixie had dryly answered.
    “Don’t stars eventually explode?” poked a puzzled Macku in return.  “And how can you answer anything dryly?  We’re living on a bunch of lily pads floating in a lake, for Mata Nui’s sake.”
    But Nixie had been left to contemplate the error of her ways in abashed silence, since Macku had not waited long enough to hear that Mata Nui’s stars were understood to be giant, unchanging, glowing rocks and that furthermore her hut had been thoroughly waterproofed by Marka last rainy season.
    It had only been several hours before a mildly conscientious Nixie had undertaken the long and arduous journey of a few dozen feet from her hut to Kotu’s, wan and breathless.  A despondent blue Pakari had greeted the star swimmer as she confusedly opened her flimsy seaweed door, noting absentmindedly how ineffective it would have been at stopping anything but air from entering her hut.
    “…” Nixie had emoted.
    “Uh, what?”
    “… Kotu… the one known as ‘Macku’ bids me to tell you that… you should not miss her.”
    “… Uh… what?”
    “… Yea, star athlete and occasional boat-thief Macku has departed this known world, perhaps seeking more comforting company among the stars…”
    “… What on Mata Nui on you talking about?”
    But Nixie, now properly incoherent, would say no more, and within an instant she was gone.
    Kotu had dashed across town in a fury, beating and tearing at the aloof astrologer’s seemingly paper-thin plant-based house, but to no avail.  Alas, Marka’s waterproofing business really was the one that “Wets Your Appetite for Security.”
    She had run out of the village, yelling and calling out for her friend along the unreadable coast of the bay; but no answer came.  She had done the same each day as soon as the sun had risen, to no avail.  Macku was gone.
    And now, after sitting in misery by the village’s lonely gate for the third day, she at last resolved that it was time to ask for help.  Kotu could be sort of like a male-Matoran sometimes.


    With the sun already high in the sky, a careworn Kotu at last surrendered to the sinews of her body that ached with disappointment.  It was time to get help.
    First on her ill-disposed itinerary was the scurvy sailor, Kai, whose speed with both a boat and a boring, expansive tale were legendary.  Kotu sighed and trudged down the floating lily pads and into the village.
    “Hello, Kai?  It’s me, Kotu,” she began tentatively.
    “Aye, Kotu!  I’d know that mask faster than a fish in a fresh pond o’ – ”
    “Yes, I’m sure you would,” Kotu answered stonily, “but right now I’ve got a matter that is rather urgent.  Have you seen Macku?”
    “Oh, alas, I haven’t,” replied a wide-eyed Kai.  Kotu sighed.  “But, if’n you have a minute to listen to an old sea-star,” the unprovoked sailor continued, “this would be a mighty maritime to learn of the many virtues of Speed.  You see, Speed is the essence of all life; it allows yer boat to go fast, and it allows yer boat to go slow.  With Speed on yer side, you can catch as many fish as’n you want, as quickly or as slowly as ye want.  The Need for Speed – ”
    Kotu sighed and grumbled as she walked off down the lily pad, crossing Kai off her mental list.
    Next was Shasa, the esoteric weaver.  If Kotu hadn’t expected a straight answer out of Kai, she was even less hopeful about receiving one from Shasa; but what choice did she have?
    “Hello, Shasa,” sighed a wary Kotu.
    “Ah, Kotu,” began the Matatu-adorned weaver, turning away from her work to greet the Koro deputy.  “The strands have long foretold of your coming.”
    “Yes, with the unity and perceptivity of my thread-based thought, I long ago learned of your predicament and of how you would choose to solve it.”
    “… You did?  Really?  Then why didn’t you ever mention anything to me, or at least to the Turaga?”
    “Alas, the strands of time oft run slower than the young and impetuous would have them,” sighed Shasa in turn.  “Given the time, I could verily weave the full tale…”
    Kotu had not let Shasa’s similarly-waterproofed door hit her on the way out.
    Okay, that one was a bust, too, thought Kotu.  But next is Kailani, so at least I can finally pick up that spare sickle I’ve been needing.
    “Hello, Kotu!” greeted the nonchalant craftswoman as her occasional client entered the hut.  “What can I do for you today?  A nice safe hatchet?  A useless fishhook?  Perhaps even some overpriced Koli paraphernalia?”
    “None of the above, my good Kailani,” replied Kotu, wearily shaking her head.  “I could use a thing or two, but first I need to know: Have you seen Macku?”
    “Oh,” answered Kailani, her countenance falling.  “No, I’m sorry, Kotu.  I haven’t seen her since the day before the day before the day before yesterday.”
    “Yes, none of us have,” sighed the swimmer.
    “Well,” chimed the craftswoman, perking up a bit, “maybe I can still sell you that thing you wanted?  Some nice Takea bait?  Only a couple weeks old, still fresh…”
    “Ah, I would, but… Oh, ‘kava-sticks!  I’ve left my widgets in my other torso.”
    “Ah, that’s the luck of a sailor,” chastised Kailani as Kotu sullenly made for the door.
    “That figures, I was just hanging out with Kai,” she muttered under her breath.
    Her next meeting was of little help, either, with Okoth the village merchant simply attempting to sell her a boatload of air bladders for over twenty minutes.  Who let someone with a stupid Miru into this village, anyway, she mused.
    Next was Amaya, the village’s resident flax-maker.  Kotu wasn’t exactly sure what something with as funny a name as flax was ever used for, but as one who was generally quite oblivious to the finer points of the building trades, she smartly decided to keep her mouth shut.
    “Hello, Amaya,” said Kotu as she stepped in the small hut’s door.
    “Oh, hello, Hahli,” drawled Amaya absentmindedly.  Kotu did a mental facepalm.
    Unperturbed, she continued: “I’m wondering if, in between all this fine flax-making you’ve been up to, you’ve perhaps seen our village’s beloved Macku?”
    “Hmm… now, remind me… who is that again?”  Kotu did another facepalm.
    “She wears a blue Huna, the same mask worn by the respected Turaga Vakama and by that Le-Matoran in the cereal commercial.”
    “Hmm… oh, yes!  Macku!  Now I remember her!”  A glimmer of hope quickly kindled in Kotu’s heart.  “It was just yesterday she congratulated me on doing such a good job making a flax purse for our newly-arrived savior, the Toa of Water…”
    Again, Kotu made no mistake of letting a door hit her on her way out.
    Only a little ways down the floating lily pads was the hut of Hahli, the otherwise inconspicuous flax-making assistant to Amaya.  Kotu really hoped that memory problems weren’t contagious.
    “Hi, Hahli?” Kotu inquired sharply.
    “Oh, yes – hello, Kotu!” bowed Hahli, stepping up from her flax work.  “What can I do for you?”
    “It’s Macku, good flax-mistress; she’s gone missing.”
    “Oh… I’m terribly sorry to hear it,” replied a saddened Hahli.  “I wish I could help, but I’ve been stuck inside this hut for the past three days; Amaya’s been putting me on overtime with so many repairs to make after the Tarakava attack.  I haven’t seen or heard anything since last week.”
    “That’s alright, Hahli,” answered Kotu with a faint smile.  “You’re doing your duty, and Mata Nui knows no one can fault you for that.”
    With a slight smile in return, Hahli said, “Well, I hope you can manage to find her!  As long as she hasn’t gone off to be a Koli mascot again… Who knows, maybe someday someone will write a great story about all this mess,” she giggled knowingly.
    “We can only hope,” chuckled Kotu.
    Next was Nireta, the town’s one and only navigator.  Kotu realized it was a little disturbing that without one Matoran, the only village on the island with even a vague interest in geography would be just as clueless as those directionless Le-Koronans.  Eh, whatever, she thought.
    “Well, well, well, if it isn’t Kotu, Ga-Koro’s crowned champion of calisthenics and also swimming!” boomed Nireta with uncharacteristic enthusiasm as Kotu entered.
    “You know that Macku won that lottery, right?” Kotu jabbed, unable to resist.
    “Nonsense, I’m just in a good mood to see such a charismatic champion with such a substantial salary!”
    “… Yeah.  Anyway, Nireta, I’m afraid I’ve lost someone and I’m – ”
    “Lost someone?  Say no more!  With one of my many marvelous maps, you’ll find your friend in no time!  There is literally nothing my comprehensive, custom-made, customs-approved maps cannot find!  I’m the cartographer with a cart of graphs that will – ”
    “You know I have no money on me, right?”
    “I haven’t seen anyone, get out.”
    Well, at least she didn’t try to sell me a map of a ‘secret cave’ again, Kotu thought sardonically.  As she trudged wearily down to the quays of the village, her heart picked up a little at the faint but vigorous waft of sea breeze.  Marka the caulker/shipwright was next.
    When she stepped into the boat-builder’s little hut, to her surprise Kotu found that there was no one there.  The boat-Matoran were, of course, often away at sea, but this certainly wasn’t a good time for that as far as Kotu was concerned.
    As she stepped outside to catch the breeze again, however, an imposing dark blue Hau was soon bobbing toward her down the docks.
    “Hello there, Kotu!  What brings you to this lonely side of the village?” the shipwright chuckled, looking her up and down.
    “The village isn’t really that wide, Marka,” scowled Kotu, forgetting her manners in her impatience.  “Anyway,” she added, hastily looking apologetic, “Marka, I’m looking for Macku; she’s been missing for three days.  She didn’t take a boat by any chance, did she?”
    “No, indeed,” Marka replied soberly.  “There’s been no boat use, authorized or not, for nearly a fortnight.  Everyone’s been so busy fixing up the town after that great big Tarakava – ”
    “Yes, I know, Marka, we were all there,” finished Kotu, rolling her eyes.  “Anyway, is there any way I could maybe take a boat out for a bit and, you know, look for her?  It’s been so long and I’m starting to get worried.”
    “Well, let’s see, then… I’m running a little short on rope, sailcloth, and rigging… if you just agree to run a few errands for me – ”
    But Kotu was already on her way past the grandiose boat-Matoran.  Errands?  Who did she think she was, a Chronicler or something?
    Pelagia, the on-duty boat captain, was hardly more helpful; upon walking up to her, Kotu was greeted with a terse query of, “Ride the boat?”  Feeling her empty torso pockets with chagrin, she was frustratingly forced to left-click the right-hand answer of ‘No.’  Pelagia said no more.
    It was thus at long length that Kotu finally returned to the embittered door of the Astrologer, shaking with cold anger as she drew near.  This was starting to get ridiculous, and here she had been the whole time, holed up and holding all the answers!  It was time to give this no-good Nixie a piece of her muscular mind.
    But the Astrologer’s door, for all its feinted frailties, was no more agreeable to Kotu’s muscles than it had been what was now several hours before.  The door would not budge.
    With an angry huff, she marched down the street to her final and most forlorn destination: the towering Turaga’s hut.


    It wasn’t easy asking for help.  It wasn’t easy swimming seventy-seven consecutive laps around Ga-Koro.  And it certainly wasn’t easy keeping Okoth’s bounteous bartering stand stocked.  But Kotu was about to do at least one of those things.
    She stepped shyly into Turaga Nokama’s hut.  It was weird, as a Turaga’s deputy she had often been within the spacious and mysterious hut’s walls before; but those times seemed so far away and forgotten now.
    Books and stone tablets of ancient lore spilled out onto the damp lily pad floor, reminding her of the Turaga’s insatiable thirst for both knowledge and verbose fan fiction.  In the dim light of the weird little jellyfish tank-lights, she felt so small and vulnerable, easily routed by even the least of the Makuta’s plots.  What hope was left after the Turaga?
    Nokama looked up slowly from her translation work without saying a word.  In her compassion and wisdom, she could tell something was sorely amiss; not even the Kanohi Komau, the Noble Mask of Mind Reading Control, was needed.
    “Turaga, I have a problem,” grimaced Kotu, feeling the tears welling up inside her.
    “What is it, Kotu?” smiled Nokama kindly.  “What terrible tempest stirs your heart?”
    “Well, you see, Turaga… it’s Macku.  She’s been gone for three days now, and I’ve torn the village up and down looking for her.  Everyone is either too cryptic or too longwinded or even too forgetful to help!  And I’ve left my widgets in my other torso, so I can’t even buy a hatchet or a boat or a map or an air bladder to try and find her!  My best friend is gone, and I can’t even do anything to get her back…”  With this, her voice broke and she bent over, instinctively huddling in her Turaga’s arms.
    “Oh, Kotu, why didn’t you just ask earlier?  I’m expecting her back in a couple of hours.  She just went to Po-Koro to get some more Mahi milk.”
    • Upvote 15
  10. Like everyone has said, this is really amazing work! There are a lot of good things going on with the animation, from Onepu's gestures to the glowing lightstones to the random Gahlok lying around. What's even better is that the plot is going to fill in an important gap in the Bohrok story, namely: What happened in Onu-Koro after the initial invention of the Boxor?


    In the spirit of giving feedback to help you improve the final product, my one comment is that the captions would be easier for me to read and, I think, would seem to fit better with the video if they were just a little larger. I'm sure that something as easy to do as the captions is of course probably the least of your worries anyway.


    Really great work so far; the effort is worth it! :) We all can't wait to see the final product.

    • Upvote 1
  11. Really great work! The maps in particular are just so high-quality and amazing. We do appreciate all the effort they took! I'm sure that someone will find cool uses for these, making the effort even more rewarding.


    Anyway, I just want to say keep up the great work when you want to! BZP is already a much more awesome place thanks to your efforts.

  12. This was good fun to read! :) My favorite parts were the humorous falling for Mata Nui, Hewkii's misidentification of Macku, and Kongu's trying to ride a Gukko as a Toa. :P I wasn't really following Bionicle by the time the Matoran became Toa, but I'm pretty sure that the later Bionicle universe can always use more humorous references to the time when they were still Matoran! It's also a very good way of drawing in more storyline-oblivious readers like myself who were only big fans during the first few years.


    Anyway, nice work and thanks for posting it! We probably don't have enough prose-heavy, plot-driven stories in the Comedies forum, so this is a welcome addition. :)

  13. These are really awesome! :) I don't have too much to say since the builds themselves are of course established, but this is such a cool idea! You are very lucky to now have (at least!) three (Sand) Tarakava. The different elements to go with the color schemes are also really cool; Ta-Wahi and Onu-/Le-Wahi have needed their own kind of Tarakava, and now they have them! :) Those names are really clever, too.


    Lastly, possibly the best part of all this is that you built them using colors that would show off rare Ruru misprint masks... what a cool way to display them.


    Great work! :) The effort to put these together was worth it. On behalf of all us Tarakava fans, if you ever feel inclined to take a picture with all five Tarakava, it would look really cool! Thanks a lot for posting them! :)

    • Upvote 1
  14. Nice work! :) It's cool to see not just a vehicle but a vehicle from the prequels! Bionicle and Technic pieces work really well for this. You did a great job constructing the AT-RT accurately, from the big open cockpit to the small legs and bigger feet. The combination of new and old pieces also works very well; things like the wing pieces on the sides of the cockpit work well to cover the interior, while things like the Toa Mata arms in the back of the cockpit work well to give the model its shape. The several splashes of red, blue, and green color are also well-suited for a Lego Star Wars MOC; Star Wars vehicles and Lego Star Wars sets themselves often have bits of color that make the vehicle or MOC more visually interesting.


    Good work and thanks for posting it! :)

  15. Nice job! :) I think the self-contained color scheme works very well; Lego themselves have done the same thing when altering colors for (Star Wars) sets, and it's a nice take on what it's based on. The Nuva armor and Rahkshi head work really well for the curved casing. And it seems like the Gen 2 pieces used for the feet were made for this MOC! :)


    Great work and thanks for posting it!

  16. Thanks a lot, guys! I'm glad you enjoyed this one! :) It wasn't easy to report on, what with the normal channels of communication being frozen...


    Also:  Sushi restaurant?  Obviously a plot to reduce Ta-Koro's hot dog market in Ko-Koro, further weakening them for eventual conquest!


    It really seems like the fire characters have a sort of monopoly on the Mata Nui food industry, doesn't it? :P Although my choice of sushi for the Tahnok to cook doesn't really seem to make as much sense from that angle, since sushi isn't really cooked or heated excessively... I think. Maybe the Tahnok Va and the Ta-Koronans should have a cookoff to decide fate of Ko-Koro! :P


    Stay posted for future reports!

  17. Happy birthday, GaliGee! :) Your high-quality stories were a very enjoyable part of not only my but many others' early BZPower experiences. We are indebted to you not only for your writing them and subsequent time on the staff, but also for taking the time to make them available to us again following the forum issues. I have already reread some of them and they were very good fun to reread. :)


    Thanks again for all you've done for BZPower!

  18. Nice work! :) You can't go wrong with the traditional Makuta colors of black and red. The body looks bulky enough without being too big for a regular form, the extra tentacles are interesting, and the little green tentacle pieces do a very good job of filling out the MOC! They are good for adding visual interest to some of the empty spaces that Technic parts often leave us with. I also like the poses in the photos (and the poseability of the MOC). :)


    Nice work; thanks for posting it!

  19. This is some nice work! :) You've really made the images come to life with the changes in zoom and angle of perception. I think the effect of changing the view of the Forge Entrance is particularly impressive.


    You've probably already considered it, but just to throw it out there, another project might be to add in some images of the new Bionicle sets where appropriate! Of course, that would probably take a lot more work and might ruin the awesome artwork, and also I have no idea how well that would fit with the 2015 storyline anyway. :P If only you could collaborate with another Bionicle artist who could draw or paint the new sets in a similar style...

  20. Fantastic story as usual! Any clues as to who that cute Ga-Matoran is?


    Thanks, unknown! :) Hmm, I didn't know when I wrote it, but if we know Kopeke, it's probably someone who reminds him of himself, so... Amaya? :P This makes me wonder if anyone has ever paired those two up before. -_-

  21. Ko-Koro Welcomes Tahnok

    Channels of Communication Frozen






    According to recent reports, life as no one else knows it has been frozen in Ko-Koro, where an ironic squad of Tahnok has made itself welcome.  The invasion/voluntary show of hospitality follows several recent press releases from the self-aggrandizing Tahnok swarm, who felt they “hadn’t taken over enough villages yet.”


    Illustrious Turaga Nuju has not been seen since the first day of the good-natured attack, leading top Ko-Koronan detectives to suspect that he is probably “buried somewhere in the snow with a Krana on his face.”  Rumors persist that he has actually escaped and is “currently drinking Fikou juice in Le-Koro.”


    With their eloquent Turaga gone, life in Ko-Koro’s hub of wisdom and main tourist attraction, the Sanctum, has changed dramatically for most of its formerly permanent residents.  Some, such as one Kopeke, have merely been assigned the duty of endless contemplation in slightly more useful places, such as the North March guard hut or the top of Mt. Ihu.  Others, such as busybody Sanctum sage Jaa, have been escorted from the village by a stoic pair of Tahnok Va without further explanation.


    In the chaos and/or pervasive feeling of togetherness, the only Ko-Koronan whose position has remained secure seems to be the wily Matoro, the Rahi-hunter and Turaga-translator whose semi-useful skills have made him an instant favorite with the gregarious Tahnok, most of whom struggle with the English language.  “We can finally be understood!” exclaimed one.  “Why is there nothing in this village?” pondered another.


    In spite of their plight, most of the newly-Krana’d Ko-Matoran seem to be handling the situation relatively well.


    “All hail the Bohrok overlords,” commented one Ko-Koro citizen.


    “…,” explained another.


    The Tahnok themselves have enjoyed the spoils of their icy eviction, throwing wild parties in the Sanctum and basking on top of Ko-Matoran’s former homes in the area’s minimal sunlight.  Several industrious Tahnok Va have even opened up a sushi restaurant using their overabundant ice-fishing harvest, hoping to better feed the hungry swarms of Tahnok, but mostly out of boredom.  “It beats babysitting Krana all day,” shrugged one.


    The response from the rest of Mata Nui has been dim.  Onu-Koronan miners have halfheartedly offered to try digging a secret escape tunnel from there to Ko-Koro, but they have met with little support and no funding for their tentatively gallant gesture.  Others have continued scheduled trade shipments to the icy village, unwittingly making the Tahnok swarm’s presence even stronger.


    When asked about the possibility of Ta-Koronan intervention in the icy hot crisis, a brusque Turaga Vakama replied, “…”

    • Upvote 7
  22. Great job again! :) That's a lot of Bohrok eyes! It's clever to use them in more than one way on this MOC. This is definitely one model that is better to build virtually before trying to get all the pieces. :P I also like the use of System pieces for the head. :)


    Thanks for posting! :)

  23. Really great work! :) Lots of great poses of this MOC and the colors make it very enjoyable to look at! I think maybe normally a MOC with so many colors might look distracting, but with the theme going on here, all the greens and browns are perfect; and the gold fits right in! Now THIS is a great use for the new Gen 2 Bionicle gold pieces! The tentacles/vines are also great details.


    Also, good job making a MOC using Matau Metru's mask that is a completely separate, believable character! Great work again and thanks for posting! :)

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