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Blog Entries posted by Tahuri

  1. Tahuri
    Entry 5 
    Well I just thought you all might like to know, i'm trying to warn as many people as possible (such as Dokspit, and admins), that me and Kotahn found a glitch in majhost.com that effects anyone who are hosting images form that site. They have decided to chage they're name from majhost.com to Majhost.com.
    What does this do you ask?
    Any image hosting from that site gets the big red "X" box of doom (no not the game console) and any URL linking to it will get This message and you won't be able to view what your linking to.
    Ho do you fix this problem?
    All you need to do is in any link you have containing majhost.com switch to, Majhost.com.
    ex. www.majhost.com/member-name/Title to www.majhost.com/member-name/Title
    Just thought i'd give you guys a heads up.

  2. Tahuri
    Entry 4 
    Today was a very long day. I went to band at 12:00am, and helped out with the little beggining musicians. They only really learned how to hold their istruments, which i helped out the Trumpets and showed them to hold it correctly. It's really common sence in my opinion, but then again I would be a hippacrite since I believe I held it wrong then too.
    Then at 1:30 Concert Band began where we played a new piece called Patton which was a very nice March, that included some tricky 6:8 counting. then we played the usuall, Songs from Chicago, Tiajuana Brass, Gypsydance, and Spongebob theme. Then I went home and asked my mom, if my friend (Kotahn) could come over. She said yes, and we pretty much discussed about the majhost.com crissis, and other topics. Then watched Pixar shorts on Google Video. He left and we were deciding on what to eat.
    I was disappointed at first when my mom utterd the word "El Pollo Loco". Blech. Then I had three Crispy Chicken tacos. They were Delicious! and I didn't even finish the third one I was so stuffed.
    Then I went on the computer and worked on a filler for my comic. Then I had to read, and went to bed. ( at 12:00 pm.)
    Pretty long day if I do say so myself.

  3. Tahuri
    Entry 3 
    Don't you hate it when you think theres something you KNOW you have to do, but you can't remember what it is that you have to and it bug's you ALL DAY. ><
    Yes that's happening to me today...

  4. Tahuri
    Entry 2 
    Boy what a day!
    I played in this summer band course with my old middle-school music teacher conducting the class, it was very nice to see all my friends again, and my teacher. We are playing two lame songs though. Spongebob Squarepants theme, and this other boring song that can't come to my mind at the moment. (Gypsy something.) I don't have anything against Spongebob, it's just I'd rather be playing Fanfares and fast tempo music than " ARE YA' READY KIDS?! " (<-Retorical question). I guess i'll just have to live with it considering we have to play some easy music for the people who are new to Concert Band that have just moved up from begginging band. Lame, but I digress.
    Overall it was fun. Tommorow I'm going to help my teacher with the little begginers so they know what they're doing, thats always a sight to see because they are all so clueless as to how hard REAL music is, not that i'm not a fan of "Hot Cross Buns" though. ^^
    After, that I went over to my girlfriends house and we had a water fight, we both got very wet. Then watched Lord of The Rings Two and Three. (great movies) Had dinner and then my mom came and picked me up.
    I think I had a pretty good day overall. Trumpet,Water,Movies. ^^
    What a day! Can't wait for tommorow.

  5. Tahuri
    Entry 1 
    Hello folks and welcome to my blog, Mostly Harmless, where I discuss about the crazy things that happen in my life.
    I will post in three catagories:
    Life- Entries about my life, and events that took place that day.
    Universe- Things going on in BZP with me, good topics, artwork, comics, other BZP related things.
    Everything- Anything else that is so random it does not fit in the above two catagories.
    In the top left corner I will always post my mood status.
    I look foward to bloging tommorow. Until then bye!
    *rushes to work on a comic.*

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