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Aych Ehn

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Posts posted by Aych Ehn

  1. Haha glad to see that there's still some support for KG. :D Thanks guys!I was actually thinking of placing KG a bit further in the future (maybe 5-10 years-- Haha sorry KoS...or Xom if that's you o_o) with different technologies (probably make things a bit more "realistic")that tweak the weird only-humans-have-weapons thing (basically, non-humans would also have a form of tech too), lessen the amount of places that one can start out in, alter characters and storylines (mainly by crossing them out, and adding the stuff that comes in between where KG left off and KG2 is beginning), and create a new system of player interaction and "leveling".So technically you can still use your old character templates, if you still have them, although everybody will have to start out at the beginning (Stage 1) again.Gah. And I totally forgot about Necro's character. She definitely did a lot haha. Going to have to reread my submission. Can anybody PM me what they can remember from the RPG? My memory's going...

  2. *meekly walks in*Oh hello guys. Not sure if anybody here remembers it (actually maybe some people) but would anybody be interested in playing a revamped version of Kingdom Gaeabionta? For refreshers: It's basically just future: animal genes spliced into humans -> two different kinds of hybrids developed: Roetians and Sapiens -> Roetians are unwanted -> plant Sapiens are thrown in -> Roetians gets mad tries to take over North America -> Humans are like OH NO MUST STOP -> conflict.I realize that is a lonngg time ago and it had a few problems but I was just wondering if it would still kick up some interest, this time around, if a few things were changed around.Thanks for your time guys!

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