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Blog Entries posted by Eyru

  1. Eyru
    have my first math test in three years tomorrow
    it's gonna assess my abilities so i know which math class i gotta take
    this is all because if didn't try hard enough when i was in high school and only got a c- in math
    kids: try your best. school is a valuable opportunity etc. etc.
  2. Eyru
    If you agree with this, go read this post.
    If you don't agree with this, then good job! Go read this post instead.
    If you're confused, go read this post.
    If none of the above apply to you, then this post is the one for you.
  3. Eyru
    So yeah.
    PM me a number.
    I'll tell you something about yourself.
    ⑨ - You are a stylish person, and you need to have more confidence in your MOCing abilities because they rock.
    22 - You're a great writer and quite mature. I've always thought you were cool.
    23 - I've seen you around occasionally, and you generally seem thoughtful and creative. I like your graphics, BTW.
    57 - You're a great writer, and a good roleplayer. Can't wait to interact with you again. You owe me.
    67 - You're super-fantastic. 'Nuff said.
    333 - I've seen you around a lot. You're entertaining and pretty darn cool.
    361 - You're an amazing roleplayer, and an excellent writer.
    815 - You're a really cool guy and a great writer. Seriously.
    1025 - You are a great RPer and also pretty fantastic. You usually have intelligent things to say, which is nice.
    42324 - You're fun to roleplay with, and also pretty creative.
  4. Eyru
    I just had one of my best story ideas ever, and it's for SSC9 (Short Stories Contest #9 for those who don't know). I mean, I've written some pretty good stories (if I do say so myself), but this one is going to trump them all.
    Needless to say, I'm extremely excited.
    Want an excerpt? Too bad! Nobody is gonna be stealin' my ideas!
    (I love you guys but no sharing till contest day)
    In BZPRPG news: not much is happening. EW destroyed the island's major hospital and now everything seems to have slowed down. However, I am hard at work on the faction I described two entries back, so you can expect that to be unveiled soon! Anyone interested in being a part of it can PM me for some details. Also, I have a Ta-Matoran, Oreius, extremely open for interaction in Ta-Koro.
    There's no appropriately exciting way to end this entry, so here are a few masks:

  5. Eyru
    I'm moving away to attend university this fall.
    It's a weird feeling to look around and realize that the life I'm living right now will disappear at a certain point in time. Three weeks from now, to be exact. I've always known I'd leave home eventually, but putting a specific date to that concept is definitely a little spooky.
    I've already found a place just a few minutes off campus, and I'll start packing this week. It's neat.
    So to all of you who have already gone through the process of moving into your own place: what advice do you have? What do you recommend bringing along? What did you not realize you needed until two weeks after you moved in?
  6. Eyru
    I have two new short stories; the first I have written since 2009. I would love to get some reviews, and so I'm open to some review exchanges.
    You review Kings and Queens or Caerus Valli, and I will review one of your short stories, epic chapters, comedy chapters, etc.
    Maybe I can even review a MOC or a piece of artwork if that's what you want. Just post here to start the madness.
  7. Eyru
    Yeah, so tomorrow will mark two weeks of me eating no meat.
    It's been interesting so far. I've found I've been watching what I eat, simply because I need to make sure I can eat it, and the byproduct of that is that I'm eating healthier things. I've been eating way more vegetables, and I've been getting my protein from soy, eggs, and beans instead of meat.
    It hasn't been a drastic change, to be honest. Before going pescetarian, I already ate more beans than meat, but that doesn't man it hasn't been difficult. I've turned down some pretty delish stuff (oh bacon why), and even gone hungry once or twice. I'm proud of myself: it hasn't been easy, and it's cool to know that I have the willpower to cut something out of my diet and stick with it.
    I'm not planning on stopping anytime soon, either. I'll keep blogging too, but I'm switching to weekly updates (the downtime threw me for a loop anyway).
    Thanks for your support, guys!
    (and maybe sometime soon we'll start edging closer to vegan. who knows?)
  8. Eyru
    Bought a ukulele the other day. Took it on the ferry and had a blast (because what else is there to do on the ferry?). It's so fun because you can whip it out anywhere and start giving it.
    Stoked on life. Ukuleles are awesome.
    My chemical makeup just gained half a kilogram of music, and I already had a rather large amount there to begin with.
  9. Eyru
    Day two!
    Today was a pretty chill day. An egg with some hash browns for breakfast, and beans and noodles for lunch, so there's my protein for the day. Supper was my first real challenge, because we had roast beef and mashed potatoes for the first time in, like, ever, but I managed to stave off the temptation and just took extra potatoes and vegetables instead.
    Also a huge bowl of salad. Because salad is delicious. P:
    Changing topics, I'm starting to realize that one of the trickiest parts about my going vegetarian is that I don't like tomatoes (cue horrified gasps). I've never liked tomatoes, for as a long as I can remember. I'll eat ketchup and tomato sauce, and I'll eat tomatoes in a sauce or a chili as long as I can't taste them, but both the taste and the texture of whole or chunky pieces really throw me off.
    I still try them from time to time, simply because I really want to like tomatoes (they're so versatile! and healthy!), but I haven't seen a breakthrough yet. We'll see what happens, I guess.
    Thanks to HH and Janus for those huge paragraphs of encouraging advice on my last post. You guys rock!
    There's not much else for me to write about today (it was a pretty nice, relaxing day), so I'll close it here. A reminder, though: we're coming up to 1,000 comments pretty quickly, and I do have something planned for that!
    (note that is not an invitation to spam the comments dont kill me deevee)
  10. Eyru
    I kinda like making music so I figured I'd throw some of it up on the internet. Criticism is welcome because I want to get better?
    Onarax is a pree chill guy for telling me soundcloud is allowed so thanks to him
    also my skype is eyrubieber add me
    t-t-t-that's all for now folks~
  11. Eyru
    As promised, voting on my new name starts today. The eligible names are listed below:
    Eyru the Unicorn - 1
    Nukaya is Awesome - 5
    Daiker is Awesome - 1
    Fozzie Bear/Fozzie Eyru - 1
    Choose My Name - 3
    Edgy!Eyru - 1
    Fullmetal Eyrchamist - 2
    Gabby Hayes - 1
    I'm also throwing in one of my own, just cause I can:
    Steven Magnet - 1
    The rules are thus: You get one vote. That vote may not be changed after being posted, because otherwise I'll get really confuzzled. So please don't edit your posts, or your vote will most likely be disqualified.
    Voting starts now, and ends March 5th!
  12. Eyru
    Day three has ended, and here are the names that have been eliminated:
    Dreams of Farm Animals
    Mushroom Exterminator
    Eel Your Rump Understands
    A Wonderful Pistachio
    All fantastic names, to be sure (I like A Wonderful Pistachio in particular), but none of them measured up to the following two names, the final contenders:
    Delicious Chocolate Milk - 14
    This is it, ladies and gents: the chance to make history! So go out, and make your voice heard!
  13. Eyru
    Alright ladies and gents, it's time for everyone's favourite poll!
    Differing from previous polls, in which any name could be submitted, this time there was one criterion: the names submitted must contain the name 'Eyru' in them somewhere. Ideally, the winning name will be unique, funny, and show the most creative use of the simple theme.
    Without further ado, here are the twelve entries you can vote for!
    Hey run! - 4
    Fullmetal Eyrchamist - 1
    Eyru Salad - 3
    Eyruined - 1
    Eyru - 0
    Hey Run Salad BEAM LASERS - 2
    Bleyru - 2
    Mega Eyru - 0
    Eyru, Guest - 2
    Eyru-inator-inator - 0
    kjanfijfaoisfjasfiseyruado - 7
    You may vote for one name only. Please don't do any sneaky edits or I may have to disqualify your vote. Polls close on Friday.
    With that out of the way, you may begin. And may the odds be ever in your favour!
  14. Eyru
    Welcome, one and all, to the second poll to vote for my next name! Entries have been sent in from all over the forum, and now it's up to you to choose which name will come out on top.
    Here are your choices!
    1) Farm Animals Dream of Me - 0
    2) Ke$ha - 1
    3) Josh Gates - 1
    4) Jonas Brothers - 2
    5) Rango - 0
    6) Captain Jack Sparrow - 0
    7) Michael Bublé - 6
    8) Katy Perry - 1
    9) The National - 1
    10) just eyru - 1
    11) Erin Ryder - 0
    And last, but certainly not least, comes our classic contender:
    42) Eyru - 6
    You have three days to make your voices heard! Vote for your favourite, and it just might win!
  15. Eyru
    July 13th, two days ago, marked my eight-year anniversary of joining BZP.
    It's really, really weird to look back on those eight years, because I've changed so much. For one thing, I've gone from being eleven to seventeen, which is pretty huge by itself. I remember my first short stories and how terrible they were. I remember the noobish stuff I did, like posting topics in the wrong places, spamming emoticons, and even PMing Bink asking to be a Moderator.
    I remember trying to join the BZPRPG at one point, but not understanding exactly what it was (to be fair, the person who explained it to me called it a "collaborative epic", so it might be understandable). Instead, I wrote my own epic (which actually wasn't too bad). I remember logging on to BZP every few months for over two years; not posting, but not quite able to stay away.
    I was there for Vahkipower and Kimpower. I was there for the plushies fad, the iN uR bAsE fad, the BURN STUFF fad, and the Kanoka collecting fad. I was there for most of the staff promotions that we see today. And I am still here, having seen dozens of friends leave BIONICLE and BZPower over the years.
    Again, it's a really weird feeling looking back on these last eight years. It's a little nostalgic to look back and realize just how much has changed. Day-to-day, things look pretty much the same, but eight years? Well, you might say things have changed.
    The cool thing is, I've never felt as much a part of the community as I do now. BZP has never been as much fun as it is now. Each year has been better than the one before. And I know it sounds cheesy, but I've gotta say it: the best is yet to come.
    Love ya, BZP. Here's to many more awesome years together.
  16. Eyru
    Unfortunately, with all the stress of the world ending, I had no time to think about new years' resolutions. Did anyone else, or do you just think there's no point?
    Personally, I like new years' resolutions, just because of the whole idea that people are actually trying to better themselves. Granted, the stereotype is that we fail... but it's the thought that counts, right?
    With that said, my resolution is... I dunno. Somebody give me one, or tell me what yours is so I can copy it!
  17. Eyru
    Two friends of mine are getting married today.
    Weddings are a good time. Everyone's happy and celebrating and just having a party. It's like we save up our everyday joy and then blow it all in one extravagant occasion.
    On another note, it's really weird that my friends are starting to get married. It makes me wonder if I missed a memo...

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