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Blog Entries posted by Eyru

  1. Eyru
    Yes or no?
    srsly all these games are so cheap now i think it would almost be worth it to live on a three-year lag when buying new systems and games
    imagine it
    2009: yay i got a wii!
    2012: yay metroid prime trilogy!
    2015: yay skyward sword!
    on the other hand i would probably go crazy.
  2. Eyru
    So I was out and about the other day and I just so happened to wander across a used cpoy of Okami for Wii, priced at fifteen dollars.
    I'd heard splendid things about this game, so I bought it on the spot. Then I took it home and played it (with very high expectations).
    So far, it's pretty good. It's very obviously a Japanese game, and not just because of the art style, but also because of the storytelling style, which is heavy on the exposition and a trifle long-winded. But the story itself is good enough. What's not good is the look of the game: it's better than good.
    This game is beautiful.
    The art style is a mix of what can best be described as a watercolour painting and a pop-up book. Seriously. You'd think it would be weird, and it is, but it's also gorgeous. It's like running around inside a painting, which is very fitting, considering the game's main gameplay element, which is, to put it simply, a brush.
    But not just any brush: it's a Celestial brush, and you can use said brush to draw on and affect the game's world. The brush can be used to paint things into existence, such as painting in the missing parts of a broken waterwheel; or it can be used to attack enemies, or plant trees, or bring dying flora back to life. It's very simple to use, but the applications are incredibly diverse and very rewarding.
    The gameplay itself is basically Legend of Zelda with a wolf as the protagonist (hmm, sound familiar?). The emphasis is on adventure, discovery, and solving puzzles, and there's a ton of sidequests and exploration you can do when not partaking of the main plot, which is unfortunately quite linear. There's also a lot of handholding at the beginning, and I haven't gotten far enough to know whether or not that trend continues, but it is a little irritating to play a game where you don't really need to think, just follow directions.
    That's a problem I also had with Skyward Sword, where Fi would basically solve every puzzle you were presented with before you got a chance to do it yourself, and unfortunately it seems to be a trend with a lot of games lately, presumably to make sure nobody gets frustrated. My response to that is the fact that Ocarina of Time, for example, is one of the most frustrating games I've ever played (Water Temple, anyone?), but it's also one of the best games I've ever played, and partly for that reason. There's no point to playing a game that has no challenge; half the fun is the feeling of accomplishment you get when you finally get past something that had you stumped. I can remember several Zelda bosses in particular that had me so frustrated I actually shouted for joy when I beat them.
    But I digress.
    Okami is challenging, and though there has been a lot of guidance these first several hours, the rapidly increasing difficulty in enemies has gotten me hopeful for a decently hard game. The combat itself can require strategy depending on the enemy, though the weaker foes require little save Wiimote-waggling and painting quick lines to slice at them. Thankfully, I've already run into some more challenging foes that required me to dodge and fight carefully lest I die in seconds.
    If you haven't bought this game already, then I highly recommend it. I realize I'm a few years behind the curve playing this game, and everyone's probably already heard about how great it is, but it's good enough that I needed to make a post about it.
    tl;dr I bought Okami for $15. It's been really good so far.
  3. Eyru
    Because I posted two identical entries yesterday.
    I am sorry. These... com-pyoo-turrs... are difficult to use. I am not used to managing this... in-turr-net. You are all so tech-savvy, and I'm stuck in the 90's.
    In other news woohoo going to the mainland tomorrow.
    (the mainland is exciting because there's civilization there)
    (it's also exciting because Vancouver is there, and it's my favouritest city in the world)
    (although if I go elsewhere and find a city I like better I will let you know)
    (what is your favourite city by the way and is it better than Vancouver in your opinion)
    I just realized that my disjointed thoughts may be due to the numberless cups of espresso I've consumed in the past two hours. I was training with Tim, this barista who really knows his stuff, and we made/drank a lot of coffee.
    So yeah I guess that's why I feel weird and it's difficult to keep a steady train of thou- oh look a squirrel!
    Nah I'm just kidding no squirrels here. At least, not inside, where I can see them. They could be outside in the darkness
    ...I'll just end this entry now. Bai.
  4. Eyru
    Here is a blog entry to discuss food.
    It is necessary.
    Today I barbecued a hamburger and garnished it with mushrooms and lettuce. I ate it and it was very enjoyable.
  5. Eyru
    ya so i have never ever ever owned my own computer before
    and i bought a laptop yesterday :3
    i got it on sale for $500 with tax, and it comes with a 2-year warranty and everything
    i am so excited to be connected to you all 24/7
  6. Eyru
    Unfortunately, with all the stress of the world ending, I had no time to think about new years' resolutions. Did anyone else, or do you just think there's no point?
    Personally, I like new years' resolutions, just because of the whole idea that people are actually trying to better themselves. Granted, the stereotype is that we fail... but it's the thought that counts, right?
    With that said, my resolution is... I dunno. Somebody give me one, or tell me what yours is so I can copy it!
  7. Eyru
    So yeah.
    PM me a number.
    I'll tell you something about yourself.
    ⑨ - You are a stylish person, and you need to have more confidence in your MOCing abilities because they rock.
    22 - You're a great writer and quite mature. I've always thought you were cool.
    23 - I've seen you around occasionally, and you generally seem thoughtful and creative. I like your graphics, BTW.
    57 - You're a great writer, and a good roleplayer. Can't wait to interact with you again. You owe me.
    67 - You're super-fantastic. 'Nuff said.
    333 - I've seen you around a lot. You're entertaining and pretty darn cool.
    361 - You're an amazing roleplayer, and an excellent writer.
    815 - You're a really cool guy and a great writer. Seriously.
    1025 - You are a great RPer and also pretty fantastic. You usually have intelligent things to say, which is nice.
    42324 - You're fun to roleplay with, and also pretty creative.
  8. Eyru
    the smell of freshly cut grass and smoke

    the weight on my chest that's finally

    flying away

    the taste of the sunrise and the wind in the morning

    and the sound of the stars singing to the moon

    welcome home

  9. Eyru
    Again, I'm trying to find a project I can throw myself into. Should I...
    Write an epic (on what?)
    Co-write an epic (with whom?)
    Write a series of short stories (on what?)
    Write a comedy (why?)
    Write a blog serial (what is this i don't even)
    Start drawing again (holy bieber seriously?)
    Any suggestions/questions/comments/snide remarks?
  10. Eyru
    The obsession is reawakening....
    One day Eyru woke up on an island with a mountain There was an egg on the mountain. Eyru prompty died of happiness, and the game over screen was beautiful too.
    One day Eyru woke up in the middle of the night. Eyru had just had a dream about a beautiful girl, which usually would seem weird, but his uncle said was a natural part of growing up. So Eyru turned over and went back to sleep, and Ganon ruled the world.
    One day, Eyru went looking for a friend. An imp wearing an odd mask turned Eyru into a little plant animal thing. Eyru spent the next three days spinning in circles, then an angry rock hit the earth .
    One day, the great Deku Tree wanted to see Eyru. He sent a fairy to give the great news. Eyru was so happy upon receiving a fairy and a summons, and promptly died of happiness, and the game over screen was beautiful too.
  11. Eyru
    I'm lost for words when confronted with the tragedy that occurred in Connecticut this morning. My thoughts and prayers go out to the grieving families and friends of the dead; may they be given peace that passes understanding.
  12. Eyru
    Man there were a lot of hipsters on the mainland
    Good times were had by all
    A moment of silence for Aurax
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