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Blog Entries posted by Eyru

  1. Eyru
    I was just throwing around BZPRPG ideas when I stumbled upon what may possibly be my greatest idea yet. Which isn't hard, cause this is really only my second year.
    (side note: many people seem to think I'm an all-powerful veteran with limitless knowledge and vast experience. Seriously guys. If I were to attend Hogwarts, this would be the year my wand broke and made me start spewing slugs)
    Anyway, I'm going to start an organization dedicated to the eradication of all "impure" elements on Mata-Nui. This organization will be led by a Turaga named The Elder of Elders, and will quite possibly be a lot of fun. Twisted fun, but fun nonetheless.
    Or not.
    But I'm super excited. If enthusiasm were measured in bubbles I would be a bubble machine.
    Um, so if anyone is interested in a rather racist faction that promises to kill people, let me know. Cause I'd hate to be racist all by myself.
  2. Eyru
    Yes, upon much introspection and re-viewing of the show My Little Ponies: Friendship is Magic, I have come to the realization that I am a brony.
    I first watched the pilot episode with the intention of simply seeing what all the fuss was about. I didn't plan to particularly like it or dislike it; in fact, I was planning to write a blog post afterwards saying that "It wasn't amazing, but it wasn't terrible, so if you like it that's fine, and if you dislike it that's fine, and we should all just get along."
    However, my plans were overturned once the show was over. I opened up a new entry and prepared to type my lukewarm review of the cartoon, but I couldn't get over the oddest feeling that, well, it really wasn't that bad of a show. In fact, it was pretty good. The animation was superb, and the music was enjoyable. The characters were instantly unique and likeable, and weren't just the stereotypical girls' cartoon characters that are so often seen on television. Even after the first episode, I found myself liking these ponies. Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy and the rest should have just been some fun characters that you could watch and then forget, but instead, I found them endearing.
    It was, as I said, the oddest feeling.
    So, instead of writing the planned lukewarm review, I find myself with only one thing to say:
    I am a brony.

  3. Eyru
    With a tan and a slightly larger Spanish vocabulary. ^^
    Now to read up on my missed PMs and the BZPRPG topics, then go to bed. I've gotten about four hours of sleep in the last thirty-six.
  4. Eyru
    The downtime cut the suggestion period a wee bit short, so I'll allow another day for suggestions before we get to voting. :3
    Again, any name goes, save for one stipulation: all names must contain the name 'Eyru' in them somewhere.
    Go for it guys! We'll vote tomorrow.
  5. Eyru
    So, yeah, been majorly ill the past couple of days. Sick as... well, a dog. As I write that, I'm wondering where that expression came from. When people use the expression 'sick as a dog', it means you were extremely ill. Do dogs have a penchant for terrible sicknesses or something? No idea.
    In search for answers, I'm turning to the almighty master of information: Da Google.
    Apparently, the expression was first recorded in the early eighteenth century, in what was probably nothing more than an attempt to make sure people understood that the guy he was talking about was very sick. Interestingly enough, there are various other expressions having to do with being sick as a ___, with an animal filling in the blank, but sick as a dog is the only one that has stuck around. Sick as a cat and sick as a horse have long since passed away as popular expressions.
    A possibility I found for this is that the tendency of dogs to eat just about anything means that they will sooner or later come across things that disagree with them, and when they do, the results are usually tossed cookies.
    I have not had the pleasure of owning a dog long enough enough to see it disgorge the contents of its stomach, but apparently the results can be quite dramatic. So it makes sense that the expression sick as a dog would apply to someone who is quite ill, and quite possibly vomiting, perhaps violently (not a pleasant image, but that was me yesterday).
    So the next time someone says "Man, I was sick as a dog," you can impress them with your knowledge of English expressions. And tell them to stay out of the roadkill.
  6. Eyru
    And at last I see the light
    And it's like the fog has lifted
    And at last I see the light
    And it's like the sky is new
    And it's warm and real and bright
    And the world has somehow shifted
    All at once everything looks different
    Now that I see you
  7. Eyru
    I've plum forgotten when my Premier Membership is going to run out, so if I suddenly stop posting in my blog, now you know why.
    Of course, it could happen in a day, a month, or six months- I'm not exactly sure when I purchased it. So no need to fret, dear citizens! Just be on the ready.
    Now, I've had a good day. Who else has had a good day?
  8. Eyru
    Very hard.
    Standing outside for five minutes gets you drenched.
    Definitely an inside day.
    Tell me about your day. Was it rainy like mine?
  9. Eyru
    I took that pony personality quiz everyone's raving about (or was, at any rate), and I was a little surprised by the result. But before I share my pony personality, I decided I'd give you guys a chance to guess which pony I am most like.
    If you know me at all and can base your guess on a reasonable argument, you get cookies.
    But if you just want to guess because you've seen me around the forums and thought "omg he's totally a pinkie pie" then that's fine too.

  10. Eyru
    Here's my goodbye entry. I'm leaving for Mexico tomorrow, for two weeks. No internet access whatsoever, so that means no BZP.
    I'm not even gonna pretend to be sad. You guys are great, but I'm going on a thirty-something-hour road trip to Mexico! Woohoo!
    Anyway, some of you may recall this blog entry, in which I commented on the lack of snacks in my blog.
    So, while I'm in Mexico, feel free to help yourselves to some snacks.

    Enjoy! See y'all in two weeks!
  11. Eyru
    Bought a ukulele the other day. Took it on the ferry and had a blast (because what else is there to do on the ferry?). It's so fun because you can whip it out anywhere and start giving it.
    Stoked on life. Ukuleles are awesome.
    My chemical makeup just gained half a kilogram of music, and I already had a rather large amount there to begin with.
  12. Eyru
    ...someone addresses you and you answer only it turns out they were actually addressing someone else not you and so now you just stand there awkwardly.
    and also so i feel less awkward ._.
  13. Eyru
    Yup, the BZPRPG is rebooting soon. It's the perfect time to join! Check it out!
    Click here for a banner like the one above to help advertise the reboot!
  14. Eyru
    ...when you hear that old song they used to play?
    I think it's more than a feeling, really.
    Anyway, I started reading Paradise Lost for school today. It's pretty good.
    On an unrelated note, you give love a bad name.
    No, not you. You. Yes, you.
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