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Blog Entries posted by Eyru

  1. Eyru
    I'm moving away to attend university this fall.
    It's a weird feeling to look around and realize that the life I'm living right now will disappear at a certain point in time. Three weeks from now, to be exact. I've always known I'd leave home eventually, but putting a specific date to that concept is definitely a little spooky.
    I've already found a place just a few minutes off campus, and I'll start packing this week. It's neat.
    So to all of you who have already gone through the process of moving into your own place: what advice do you have? What do you recommend bringing along? What did you not realize you needed until two weeks after you moved in?
  2. Eyru
    So, I just noticed that my blog is quickly (or not-so-quickly) approaching both 200 entries and 1,000 comments. I was thinking it might be nice to celebrate one of these occasions with something special.
    I was contemplating holding a contest or something in my blog, with the winner receiving a Real Prize. Or maybe holding a draw for an Authentic BIONICLE Piece. You know, something special and fun.
    Give me your feedback and/or ideas? I want to make it special, and I want it to be fun, just because I'm excited that my blog has made it this far.

    (also go away bfa no one wants to hear about your 1400 entries or 15,000 comments)
  3. Eyru
    So, yeah, been majorly ill the past couple of days. Sick as... well, a dog. As I write that, I'm wondering where that expression came from. When people use the expression 'sick as a dog', it means you were extremely ill. Do dogs have a penchant for terrible sicknesses or something? No idea.
    In search for answers, I'm turning to the almighty master of information: Da Google.
    Apparently, the expression was first recorded in the early eighteenth century, in what was probably nothing more than an attempt to make sure people understood that the guy he was talking about was very sick. Interestingly enough, there are various other expressions having to do with being sick as a ___, with an animal filling in the blank, but sick as a dog is the only one that has stuck around. Sick as a cat and sick as a horse have long since passed away as popular expressions.
    A possibility I found for this is that the tendency of dogs to eat just about anything means that they will sooner or later come across things that disagree with them, and when they do, the results are usually tossed cookies.
    I have not had the pleasure of owning a dog long enough enough to see it disgorge the contents of its stomach, but apparently the results can be quite dramatic. So it makes sense that the expression sick as a dog would apply to someone who is quite ill, and quite possibly vomiting, perhaps violently (not a pleasant image, but that was me yesterday).
    So the next time someone says "Man, I was sick as a dog," you can impress them with your knowledge of English expressions. And tell them to stay out of the roadkill.
  4. Eyru
    sunday night: pulled an all-nighter to finish my fiction/non-fiction portfolio. 30 pages total of various fiction and non-fiction pieces.
    monday night: started work on my biology poster, but went to bed at an acceptable time because i knew that...
    tuesday night: pulled another all-nighter to finish my biology poster and also write my philosphy term paper.
    wednesday night: stayed up till 3AM on my final biology lab report.
    thursday night: went to bed at an acceptable time. slept 12 hours.
    final casualty count: approx 24 hours of sleep lost. whew.
    it's been a good semester hup hup
    tune in next week for the legend of the exams
  5. Eyru
    Yes, I have returned. Let the celebrations commence!
    So, I'm back from Mexico, and though I had a brilliant time, it feels great to be back home. Spring break is almost over, and I have a feeling I'm going to spend these last few days catching up on life, both online and off.
    At the head of the line is SS#9: my story Redemption won third place! If that's not a good enough reason to go check it out, I don't know what is, so go read it!
    But seriously, it's a huge honour to have won, especially when I was competing with so many talented writers. I think I was the wild card in this contest, seeing as most of my activity in the Library took place a rather long time ago, so my finishing third may have come as a bit of a surprise to some, including myself.
    (and yes, that LoTR quote in the title was placed there for this reason)
    On to another note, I haven't yet dared to dive into the fathoms of the BZPRPG and peruse the countless pages I'm sure I've missed. As always, drop me a PM if you're waiting on interaction with my characters, or if you want to interact. I'm always approachable (except when I'm hungry)!
    Finally, it's nice to just sit back and relax after two weeks of hard work. Yes, work. That was how I spent my spring break. Tell me how you spent yours!
  6. Eyru
    1. is it a philosophy test?
    y ---> write "does this question even exist" for every answer
    n ---> draw pictures
    2. ???
    3. profit
    an excerpt from "eyru's guide to college" coming this spring to a bookstore near you.
  7. Eyru
    And at last I see the light
    And it's like the fog has lifted
    And at last I see the light
    And it's like the sky is new
    And it's warm and real and bright
    And the world has somehow shifted
    All at once everything looks different
    Now that I see you
  8. Eyru
    These things are so addictive. Soft and tasty and delicious and mmm... I feel like I could eat a hundred without breaking a sweat.
    What's your favourite snack? Do you also like biscuits, or do you prefer cookies? Or maybe a nice candy bar?
  9. Eyru
    Just a quick note to say that I finally beat FTL. I've put so much time into this game that it truly feels like a milestone in my life. I will now go on to more productive things.
    (protip: cloaking is OP. took me long enough to figure it out)
  10. Eyru
    July 13th, two days ago, marked my eight-year anniversary of joining BZP.
    It's really, really weird to look back on those eight years, because I've changed so much. For one thing, I've gone from being eleven to seventeen, which is pretty huge by itself. I remember my first short stories and how terrible they were. I remember the noobish stuff I did, like posting topics in the wrong places, spamming emoticons, and even PMing Bink asking to be a Moderator.
    I remember trying to join the BZPRPG at one point, but not understanding exactly what it was (to be fair, the person who explained it to me called it a "collaborative epic", so it might be understandable). Instead, I wrote my own epic (which actually wasn't too bad). I remember logging on to BZP every few months for over two years; not posting, but not quite able to stay away.
    I was there for Vahkipower and Kimpower. I was there for the plushies fad, the iN uR bAsE fad, the BURN STUFF fad, and the Kanoka collecting fad. I was there for most of the staff promotions that we see today. And I am still here, having seen dozens of friends leave BIONICLE and BZPower over the years.
    Again, it's a really weird feeling looking back on these last eight years. It's a little nostalgic to look back and realize just how much has changed. Day-to-day, things look pretty much the same, but eight years? Well, you might say things have changed.
    The cool thing is, I've never felt as much a part of the community as I do now. BZP has never been as much fun as it is now. Each year has been better than the one before. And I know it sounds cheesy, but I've gotta say it: the best is yet to come.
    Love ya, BZP. Here's to many more awesome years together.
  11. Eyru
    There's nothing like reading old RPG posts to activate it.



    it's a weird feeling like what emoticon do i use halp
  12. Eyru
    birthday was two days ago
    i'm nineteen now yay
    spent it counselling at a kids' camp and got thrown in the lake.
    pretty good birthday i'd say.
  13. Eyru
    We played a fantastic game, but Schneider had to wreck it by pretending he wasn't goalie. Seriously dude - it's your job to stay in the net, so do it!
    Samuelsson - if you've got a four-on-two breakaway and both defencemen are in your way - pass. Don't shoot.
    You'd think it would be obvious, but apparently not.

  14. Eyru
    last night was the first snowfall of 2013
    also the first snowfall of 2014
    we are efficient up here: we just do all our snowing at one time and get it over with
    true story.
    also how about them olympics eh? #gocanada
  15. Eyru
    How was everyone's Christmas?
    Mine was pretty fun. I got to spend the day with my family, eating turkey, playing some Rock Band. Good times.
    I tried to go shopping yesterday, but the stores were all crazy. So I chilled with the guys and watched some hockey. Best sport on earth, by the way.
    Feels weird how Christmas has already come and gone though. 2010 went by like a rocket.
  16. Eyru
    I now have some extra buttons above my blog. One allows me to change themes. Unfortunately, there are no other themes to choose from.
    Grad countdown: 8 days.
  17. Eyru
    The time has come to put on a suit, walk across a stage, and give a speech. I'm graduating from high school today, and it's both awesome and surreal. I'm rather nervous for the speech part (I'm one of the two valedictorians), but I know it's going to rock!
    Anyway, wish me luck, and maybe I'll get around to posting some snazzy pics of me in the next few days!
    Oh, and look, I found an emoticon appropriate to my emotions:

    I'll be a graduate the next time we chat! Later gators!
  18. Eyru
    After finally getting a manga into my hands, I've started realizing how different my Greed is from FMA's.
    Don't get me wrong, the last thing I want to do is copy the manga. I love how I've built my own characters from my own vision, and I've tried not to base them off of other characters that I've read about.
    Except Greed.
    I'll openly admit that I originally based my Greed off of the Greed in FMA. I love the manga (never seen the anime :/) and Greed has always been one of my favourite characters. Thus, when I was accepted to play as Greed for the Toa Daedra, I immediately re-read FMA to get a handle on how I wanted to play Greed.
    But after a few months of play, my Greed has radically shifted from the homunculus he was originally based off of.
    The Greed in FMA is easygoing (at least the first one is), kinda friendly, and you get the feeling that, despite his sin, he's a nice guy. He doesn't lie. His greed translates into loyalty for his men, which is a suprisingly positive characteristic for someone based off of a sin.
    My Greed appears nice enough, but that's just a front he puts on to get his way. He lies, cheats, and steals, and will only protect someone if they're useful to him. Otherwise, he just doesn't care.
    Obviously, these two characters are quite different. The interesting thing is that they were orgiinally the same character. I drew quite heavily on FMA's Greed to write up Greed's profile and determine his playing style, but over time he has shifted to become his own unique character. It almost feels like Greed is writing himself, now, and despite my meddling's he's revealed his true character.
    And you know what?
    He's evil.
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