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About Cytua

  • Birthday 01/02/1994

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    Somewhere witty.
  • Interests
    Bionicle. <br />I've always liked the story, excluding the horrible times of 2004 to 2005, and it's gotten better every year.<br /><br />Artemis Fowl, which deserves to be considered more than a kid's book. Artemis is intensely real, and Eoin Colfer actually managed to pull the "boy genius" thing off without making a lame story. The man brought Fairies and Bodyguards and Lazer guns together. And made it NOT suck. Genius.<br /><br />Star Wars is cool too. If anyone hasn't seen the Force Unleashed game, and they're a fan, go buy it. The game is fun for a time, but the story and amazing graphics make it like watching a movie.<br /><br />Eragon (Sorry, the Inheritance Cycle) is a book series I'm interested in right now. I like how the Magic isn't unlimited. Eragon is my favorite character because he is very realistic in that he dosn't always make the right choices and he can be beaten. Brisingr was awesome.<br /><br />I also like Movies, MMORPG's, shooters that don't have insane amounts of gore, and thinking in random patterns. (As in, I talk to myself in my head, and debate aobut whatever pops into my mind.)

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  1. I like badminton too!

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