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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Nikira

  1. Nikira
    Yayyyy found a plugin that increases the time in laying down flat colors, like, soooo much.
    Of course this means new picture time.
    Pfffffff hard cell coloring + Takua = AUGH

    I'm pretty proud of the result, although the hair needs some work. :T
    Also: Why can't I color commissions this fast?

  2. Nikira
    Why is it that I can connect my laptop to the Internet in a record 12 hours, but it's going to take at least two days to do the same thing with my DS...?
    Ohhhhhhhhh college confuses me sometimes.
  3. Nikira
    Packing stuff for college...
    ...but holy jeez there's so much stuff and I don't have many containers left to put stuff in and I have way too many clothes and I really need bigger suitcases and why in the world do I have 19 freakin' books this year and why in the world do I have over 50 academic books in general and man I really need to sell books so I can buy books and my printer is still being a brat and I still need to find a job on campus and I'm nervous about forgetting something at home and I'm nervous about my classes and I'm nervous about planning out my senior project for next year and I'm really nervous about the winter musical and wait is college on Saturday and holy jeez college is on Saturday and I can't wait to see my roommate and I can't wait to see other BZPers and I really miss other BZPers and darnit I can't find Pohatu!
    This run-on sentence is brought to you by Niki's school stress and lack of motivation to finish packing.
  4. Nikira
    It feels kinda good to be able to sit at my own computer and chop away at some reports for once. XD
    It's been a really long day of driving, but I'm home, and I miss everyone horribly. There were so many people there this year - over twice as many that came last year - and man, we had so many staff and members that showed up, it was crazy. I'm sorry that I didn't get to meet people who arrived on Sunday, since I didn't arrive until after public hours were over!
    I also got lots of sets, the largest one as a gift from InnerRayg, who is incredible andand... asdfasgdasgf I still can't believe it. ;____; Thank you so much!
    But yeah, the weekend was boatloads of fun, we all had a great time and always had a place of awesome to hang out at with Smeag. I thank him bunches and bunches for his hospitality this weekend, even though so many things weren't going his way. I hope you had a good birthday!
    Also, I didn't get to meet Waffles one-on-one, but I saw him plenty of times, running around in a BZP tee. You're pretty cool, kid! :]
    Anyways, I have to go unpack and have a little bit of awesome people withdrawal. Pardon me! XD
  5. Nikira
    It's Smeag's birthday!
    And I'm at his house for his birthday!
    *party time*
    Also, Janus and Kohaku and LehvakLah just left.

  6. Nikira
    *screams and runs around*
    Also, Brickfair yay!

  7. Nikira
    I loooove the nine year spinny. It's so beautiful. <3
    If you haven't seen it, go find one of Black Six's posts, now!
    Also going to BRICKFAIR tomorrow.

  8. Nikira
    Since I'm leaving for Brickfair in like 9 days:
    If you're interested in HB Nuva bookmarks, please let me know! My printer is finally cleaned up and I'm printing sets out for some members who've already ordered them. If you're coming to Brickfair and would like one or more of the bookmarks ($5 a piece, $22 for the whole set), then let me know so I can get them ready before I leave! XD
  9. Nikira
    EDIT: Updated with Kanto/Johto Pokemon and full list of inaccessible Pokemon still needed. Updated with Pokemon available for trade.
    Fellow Pokemon Players!
    I'm working on my HeartGold PokeDex and I need some help. My list is a little short, as I'm only going to work on one or two regions at a time + Pokemon I have absolutely no access to from other games or the Global WFC. Trading would be to me and then straight back to you - I have no intention of keeping the Pokemon, I merely want to finish my PokeDex (plus, if I want it later, I can always look for one on the GTS).
    I am available for Wi-Fi from noon-1pm and anytime after 5pm, Eastern Standard Time.
    I do not EV train ATM, so stats and natures of the Pokemon do not matter to me. Again, this is only for my PokeDex!
    I NEED (in National# order - Red means that I am unable to catch one from my previous games, Blue means I need to breed or evolve currently-owned Pokemon, and Green means I have access to the Pokemon in other games, but have not caught them and/or transferred them over:
    Mew - trade planned Totodile OR either of its evolutions (Totodile is preferred) - waiting on a breeder Tyranitar Celebi - trade planned Lunatone - waiting on a breeder Latios - trade planned Sheildon OR its evolution (Sheildon is preferred) - trade planned Darkrai - trade planned Shaymin - trade planned Arceus - trade planned Pokemon I have available for trade (if you need natures or any other stats, just let me know):Aerodactyl, lvl20 Bonsly, lvl1 Butterfree, lvl15 Cleffa, lvl1 Deoxys, lvl100 (from a previous trade - has had Pokerus, Timid nature, Speed form w/433 speed stat, 243 Att, 211 Def., 241 Sp. Att., and 207 Sp. Def.) Donphan, lvl42 Dunsparce, lvl4 Elekid, lvl1 Flareon, lvl1 Furret, lvl15 Graveler, lvl17 Goldeen, lvl9 Happiny, lvl1 Honchkrow, lvl11 Horsea, lvl5 Jumpluff, lvl27 Kabuto, lvl1 Kangaskan, lvl11 Lileep, lvl20 Magby, lvl1 Mewtwo, lvl70 Mismagius, lvl19 Mudkip (5), lvl1, 1, 1, 1, 1 Noctowl, lvl17 Pidgeot, lvl36 Pikachu, lvl13 Sableye, lvl10 Sandslash, lvl15 Sentret, lvl3 Skarmory, lvl5 Smeargle, lvl17 Snorlax, lvl50 Squirtle (3), lvl1, 1, 1 Stantler, lvl15 Starly, lvl2 Sunflora, lvl6 Sudowoodo(2), lvl7, 21 Tauros, lvl13 Treeko (4), lvl1, 1, 1, 1 All 28 Unown Vaporeon, lvl16 Zapdos, lvl50 Thanks to anyone who helps out! 
  10. Nikira
    I'm manning a garage sale right now.
    If not for online radio and a funny younger sibling, I'd be chewing off my own foot in boredom.

  11. Nikira
    Ok, so I like having long fingernails (4mm/almost a half a centimeter long, wooo new record - yes, they're natural) as much as the next girl, but...
    My fingers can't feel the keys as I type.
    It's like wearing prosthetic fingers or something. o___<
    But they're so pretty~
    Smeag says they are like lady-claws. I think he is just scared of my built-in weapons of awesomeness.
  12. Nikira
    So I saw Hero Factory sets at my TRU today.
    I didn't get one cause I am out of money cause I get sick too much and medicine is expensive.
    Knowing my TRU (I worked there, so I've seen this happen!), those sets were put up by a new employee and will be back in storage by the end of this week.
    Niki is sad.
  13. Nikira
    Saw the dentist this morning.
    Apparently, my concern about my jaw pain and shifting bite were not all that paranoid after all.
    I'm seeing an oral surgeon in about a month (July the 12th).
    Jaw rearrangement is imminent. :\
    In the meantime, I'm getting these wicked painkillers that are supposed to help but might make me feel like I'm floating from time to time. Whee~
  14. Nikira
    You diss my Smeagol, you get yo legs ripped off. >:[
    Seriously guys, what is up with all the BBCC hate? It's just a contest, there will be others - if you're not liking the theme, then wait for another contest (you'll have another one, what, at the end of the summer or something?).
    If you don't want to wait for another contest, then do a teeny bit of research and build something, for gosh sake. Artists have gotta do it for art contests when the theme isn't in our range of inspiration, so why can't MoCers do the same thing and take a little more effort into their building process?
  15. Nikira
    So, Niki really needed to re-publish this, more for herself that anything else.
    Living life and doing stuff at school is harder this year, for multiple reasons. It took me a while to remember that the hectic pace of life won't stop just because inconvenient or seemingly unfair things happen to me or to people I know. It's difficult, and sometimes it's hard to realize that all I can do is keep trekking and aim for the main promises I gave to myself and to other people. I have no reason to mope about it - in fact, that often just makes it worse. I have people I know who love me, so even if I feel alone, I can't use the excuse of being alone.
    I may not be able to do things I used to for whatever reason, but I can still encourage, train, chide, listen, understand, and love. I can still be me, even when it feels like life is trying to turn me into someone else.
    That's really, really hard to do some days, but it's always true.
    The current me wants to be kind, compassionate, honest, understanding of other people and putting them before myself. I'll take that any day over being negative, self-centered, snappy, rude, and deceitful, simply because life is taking a turn I am scared about or that I do not want.
    I'd rather be a person other people enjoy, and more importantly I'd like to be someone I can enjoy looking back at in the mirror every day. Wouldn't you agree?
  16. Nikira
    Some of you may remember this entry from like, four years ago.
    For those that don't care to read it: I was supposed to have reconstructive jaw surgery back in 2004 to fix a Class 3 malocclusion (underbite) and teeth that are curving inwards towards the inside of my mouth (which is my mouth compensating for a bad bite). This would involve having all my wisdom teeth removed, as well as braces, and then surgery to cut both my jaws and realign them.
    Fun, I know.
    It's 2010, and I still haven't had said surgery because of insurance problems. A new development has come up in the last couple weeks, however.
    Since about 2007, I've had a popping noise right under my right ear. It almost sounds like bubble wrap. This popping noise comes from my jaw joint. It hurts only occasionally and comes and goes, particularly when I eat meats or chewy things like gum.
    Nowadays, this noise happens every day, almost. The last time I went to the dentist, he expressed concern at this fact, but didn't say much else. We also discovered that my bite is slowly moving farther to the side, putting more pressure on my jaw joints.
    A couple weeks ago, my other jaw joint started popping as well. This one is always accompanied by pain and muscle weakness, though. It's not very fun. :|
    So I go in on Monday for X-Rays to see what my jaw's up to now.
    If it results in surgery, I have to drop out of school for a least a semester, if not longer.
    Merp. :[
  17. Nikira
    Today is the 3rd day in a row where it's rained and thundered and lightning-ed, all day long.
    I thought it was summer. What happened to the sun? :[
    shush lightninged is SO a word
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